@aisamanra tweet archive

It's not like I tweet much these days anyway, but for those leaving Twitter—which I hope some day we all do—I'm on Cohost as aysamanra and on Mastodon as aysamanra@sometimes.when.computer.
Because it involves repeatedly stabbing an object many thousands of times, cross-stitch is arguably the most Klingon craft. (The text is a Klingon phrase meaning, "It is a good day to die.")
You can think of Matzo as something like Tracery (tracery.io) but with more of a "programming language" structure. Here is one example that contrasts a Tracery program with the equivalent Matzo program: github.com/aisamanra/matz…
My plan is to reimplement all three more cleanly and maintainably. So far, I've only reimplemented Matzo, but you can find it here: github.com/aisamanra/matzo
Over the last decade, I've made three major attempts to write programming languages for producing random text. Here's the first: Matzo, a simple dynamically typed language for random strings.
@aaronmblevin I haven't used it as much as I should, but I love that there are efforts like search.marginalia.nu out there to try to address this problem.
@thingskatedid @snep__ebooks @Argorak Oh, I should finish the drawing code and properly release this tool! After this tweet, I went back and did some reimplementation, so I've got a WIP Rust version of the DSL for these now: github.com/aisamanra/apic…
None of the things described here are "new", just old ideas put together in a particular way. Still: I generally feel like no existing language has "solved" error-handling: they've just found rough local maxima. This is trying to push the design space a bit.
New quick blog post! This one is about an approach to error-handling I want to experiment with in a future hypothetical programming language: journal.infinitenegativeutility.com/structurally-t…
@shelfuu no-one can be truly pissed off in the presence of Elan Sleazebaggano
I also did some experimental non-square "cross-stitch-ish" substrates, which I generated via Ruby code. This was my first attempt at a "tri-stitch" design.
For example, here's a custom earring tree I made for my partner @rhiannonstone, inspired by several others that weren't quite what she wanted. (Stained birch plywood—neither she nor I like the look of untreated laser-cut wood; I think it looks tacky.)
One thing I did in 2021 was finally buy myself a home laser-cutter. I've definitely gotten more jaded about tech over time, but it's pretty magical to be able to start with a drawing or a snippet of code and quickly turn it into a physical object.
@d_christiansen lipu ni li seme?
@josecalderon …believe me, I know. Here's me starting down the pipeline back in 2015: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
@josecalderon Be careful! It turns out of you keep following the pipeline you go past "Haskeller that hates breaking changes" and get to "ex-Haskeller."
I was thinking of this today because of this talk where my cartoonist avatar makes a guest appearance, but I've been told by several people they've used the cartoon in their own talks: christine.website/talks/nixos-pa…
(Because to be clear, in addition to being a Stan Kelly pastiche, the little dude in my Nix cartoon was also supposed to be, well, me.)
I'm pleased that my little Nix cartoon from last year has gotten popular, but it's still a little surreal to go to a stranger's web site and see my poorly-drawn cartoonist avatar looking back at me.
@ntcomplete It's like open source, but without the annoying part where people open semi-related issues or low-quality pull requests against the stuff you built.
@ntcomplete The shared infrastructure thing was great. I built a pretty expansive zipline network over near Mountain Knot City, and it was weirdly satisfying whenever I got a notification about other people using those ziplines.
@ntcomplete It was my first exposure to a Kojima game: pop culture osmosis told me it would have tons of cutscenes, but I had no idea how solid and effective all the actual mechanics would be. Planning and executing deliveries was just so engaging and interesting all the way through for me.
@Ptival I've only lightly skimmed Seven Sketches in Compositionality—I should definitely go back and actually read it. That said, I do think that what I'm doing here is probably more of an aesthetic effort than actually, like, trying to do much analysis or anything of the graphs.
@rngcntr I'm going to be rewriting it entirely—it's currently Haskell, which is a language that bit-rots pretty aggressively, and I want to rewrite it in something that's less of a moving target—but my unfinished prototype of the input language is on Github: github.com/aisamanra/apic…
@TechLloyd Not quite yet—those were done by hand—but that's what I plan to implement! I've got a textual format I can parse already; I just need to finish the drawing code.
The post about Apicius in particular is here, and it includes a little bit of detail about the textual language I was working on from which to generate these: journal.librarianofalexandria.com/backburner-mon…
A good consequence of this was making me realize which projects I'm most excited to return to. I think top of the list is Apicius, my sadly-neglected recipe graph effort, so I've already started dusting off its code.
Well, I finished my little September effort: 25 blog posts, posted daily, each about a project I've neglected but not given up on. Here's the final list, grouped by category:
@cmarshl It's also nice 'cause it's helping me remember which ones I'm more excited about returning to. I've already written some of these posts and thought, "Wait, why haven't I been working on this lately, this rules."
These posts are just short overviews of things I've started and want to finish some day. Most—about ⅔ of the planned list—are software, but some are tabletop games or video games I'd like to write, as well.
What with [gestures at the state of the world] I've had a hard time focusing on projects lately. So instead, every day this month I'm writing about a different unfinished project I'd like to return to some day: journal.librarianofalexandria.com/backburner-mon…
@aaronmblevin So, y'know, object-of-death-rumor solidarity here.
@aaronmblevin I switched schools when I was 7. I made that choice mid-summer, so it wasn't announced at my old school or anything. Years later, I started at a middle school with a lot of classmates from that old school, and one of them walked up to me and shouted, "Getty! I thought you died!"
…also yes, because of the realities of copyright law, I could not set this video to the ideal music, but you can still chant 'koyaanisqatsi' aloud as you watch it for the best experience.
It's honestly not the best video—the first part is marred by an unfortunate windshield bug, and the timing of the trip means you can't even see Portland at the end because it's too dark—but it was still fun to put together.
I recently made a San Francisco→Portland drive where, on a whim, I mounted a camera on my dash. Here's that 9½ hour/635 mile drive compressed into 9 minutes: youtube.com/watch?v=jb61wE…
Also, I should include this in the post itself: all the relevant source code is online, including source that isn't directly included in the post! I've collected it in this repo here: github.com/aisamanra/post…
After this, I plan to write a few more technical posts focusing on generating vector images, and then write at least one more post about abstract strategies and approaches I've used to make generative artwork.
✏️The first post in a new series: "In Praise of Netpbm", where I demonstrate how to create procedural pixel art with no library support in basically any programming language: journal.infinitenegativeutility.com/how-i-do-gener…
@n1nj4 I am absolutely speaking from experience when I say: the bottle is not a metaphor and it has certainly been used.
@betalister @acfoltzer
@acfoltzer Two fun facts:
1. the first version of this I made had Gendo's human eyes still visible, an image which will now haunt my dreams
2. this image's filename is `gato-ikari.jpg`
@BowToChris There's a fun blog post about the ligature features in fonts which uses them to create a novelty font, and it describes a different way of achieving the same effect which could in theory be more programmatic, as well: pixelambacht.nl/2015/sans-bull…
@BowToChris Because there were a lot of diacritic forms, I actually used a little Python script to create the first version of them (by modifying the XML structure of the SVG files) and then adjusted the size and position manually for each one.
@BowToChris I'd be happy to write up something more thorough if you want the full steps, but the short form is 1. draw glyphs in Inkscape 2. import into FontForge and adjust sizing 3. use FontForge's GSUB interface (usually for font-specific ligatures) to replace glyphs with joined versions.
I made this fantasy font as a design element for another project, but seeing the ligatures and diacritics appear as I type is just so satisfying.
(In the past I'd have turned it into a Twitter bot, but Twitter bots are such a hassle. I'll probably make this one Fediverse-only instead.)
Experimenting with a generator for random poetic forms. My goal is a system that can (at least in theory) generate the sonnet, the villanelle, and the triolet.
…yes, I know, this tweet is not a groan-worthy programming joke like 90% of my other recent tweets, but I'm sure I'll be back with more terrible posts soon.
Here's a quick roundup of creative projects I barely got done last year and the personal creative work I plan to get to this year: journal.librarianofalexandria.com/progress-repor…
@alexbiehl_ @kowainik I think that's a good idea. I've added a redirect note to the README and archived the repository. If you've got other places I should redirect to and/or other notes I should include, I'd be happy to do so: just let me know!
@acfoltzer I in turn can't think about Dunk without thinking about this specific image twitter.com/3liza/status/6…
@theg5prank It's only a slight exaggeration to say that realizing I could include a tiny cartoonist avatar being snide is the reason I actually drew this.
@pushcx Should be fixed now. Thanks for pointing that out!
…I was gonna also add a crying angel labeled "The Unix Way" but if I actually worked on this cartoon any more the irony exposure would have become lethal.
I've decided the next big thing will be Boomer-style political cartoons but about programming, so I'm gonna get in on the ground floor of this terrible trend.
@josecalderon Don't feel left out! Haskell will have its own opportunity to be gutted whenever the all the crуptоcurrеncу pyramid schemes finally collapse.
(…I made this joke in a Slack I'm in and the response there was, "Why are you like this?" I figured that meant it was awful enough to unleash on The Public, as well.)
My new plan is to release a toy that will teach children the joy of using strings to represent code. Your child will love Tcl Me Elmo!
@ntcomplete I do flip through a physical printout of the rules, so there's a non-zero amount of paper-crinkling in the video. That's an ASMR thing too, right?
On a very different note, I recently recorded an actual play session of Ex Novo, a solo city-building tabletop game, if "watch someone roll dice to invent a city for an hour" happens to be your jam: youtube.com/watch?v=6t_sl3…
This post is inspired by William Cook's "On Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited", a useful definitional reference. I figure I cite it regularly enough that I might as well have a convenient post I can point at!
✏️ A blog post about how "objects" can exist even in a language like Haskell, and reasons you might or might not want to use them: journal.infinitenegativeutility.com/objects-in-fun…
@overfull_hitbox @ckolderup
(…specifically, aysámanra means 'one who dreams', and úždanra means 'one who has spoken'. When I said 'corny', I absolutely meant it.)
(You might notice that both these account names end in -anra, and that's because they're both agentive nouns in an old conlang I created, because I am still, at heart, a corny nerd.)
I recently decided I wanted to publicly share more rough, unfinished art, so rather than inundate this account with it, I ended up making an alt: @uzhdanra
@mjsottile I used it on a Python project recently and it was mostly pretty nice. My one piece of advice is to use `check-untyped-defs`: without that option, MyPy won't type-check the bodies of functions that don't themselves have declared argument types, which is… surprising.
@mjsottile Have you tried an external type-checker like MyPy? It of course won't address performance, but it might help with the correctness parts. At the very least, it does give you a proper type-checked optional type.
I never skimp on the INET when I open a socket. Just cram as much INET in there as possible. My sockets are INET AF.
@josecalderon @johnregehr The most popular Haskell JSON library is named after Jason's father Aeson, who depending on the source either was killed and subsequently resurrected by his daughter-in-law (Ovid's Metamorphoses) or died from drinking bull's blood (the Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus).
@josecalderon Coming soon: the Tantalus theorem prover, which should start yielding fruitful results any day now. It can be installed with an associated build tool, Sisyphus, on a rolling release schedule.
@microliza You know how everyone cares deeply about Rust error-handling because it's a shallow but important interface they have to deal with all day, so they write their own error-handling crate which is 90% bikeshedding and 10% making slightly different tradeoffs than the others?

@josecalderon People are working on various other ActivityPub-compatible tools, as well, and I think the conjunction of those can win people over in a way that Mastodon by itself won't. I love Mastodon, but to many people it's just "like Twitter but with fewer people and less discoverability."
@josecalderon One thing that I've considered is that more people might move to Mastodon as more and more interesting things become available via ActivityPub. For example: what about a paper-discussion blog (sort of like LtU) but with commenting done entirely via your ActivityPub account?
I've realized that the phrasing here makes it sound like this is a solo project, which isn't true! Parts of this were also written by @moltarx, whom I have somehow tricked into writing Python for this. (Typed Python, but still.)
My own self-hosted instance is here, loaded with my Pinboard bookmarks, if you want to see it running: remember.when.computer/u/gdritter
N.b. that I'm not much of a web programmer, and LC is not a terribly serious project! I'm building it for me, maybe some friends. I'd be happy if other people end up using it, but to borrow Robin Sloan's metaphor, LC is a home-cooked meal: robinsloan.com/notes/home-coo…
I've been working on a self-hosted bookmarking service, which I'm calling Lament Configuration. It's still immature, but today it hit my threshold for "minimum basic features": git.infinitenegativeutility.com/getty/lament-c…
This is also the first post I've written with my newly-migrated blog—I've switched from a homebrew blog to WriteFreely, which means you can also follow and interact with it via Mastodon or other ActivityPub-enabled systems.
✏️ A blog post about the Pony programming language, error-handling, and thinking with objects: journal.infinitenegativeutility.com/pony-errors-an…
@SlackHQ Is there any way to switch back to the old UI? I've got half a decade's worth of muscle memory that's useless with the new one (since e.g. you moved the @ button) and the new UI has lots of useless clutter which takes up valuable screen space on my smaller laptop screen.
@thingskatedid @sw17ch If you go from C to NewSqueak (the Rob Pike one—"A language for communicating with mice"—not the SmallTalk one) to Limbo to Go you can see a clear gradual syntactic evolution, which is fun.
Common Lisp
Rare Lisp
Epic Lisp
Legendary Lisp
@thejonanshow I live in Portland and work on the @sorbet_ruby project—if you're interested in a talk on that topic (whether at the next event, or to keep in your pocket for another event) I'd be happy to give one!
@thumphriees …ah, yes, my family motto: PONO CUM RIGORE ET NUNQUAM EXIBO. "I Post With Rigor And I Will Never Log Off".
I haven't said this on Twitter yet and I should: I'm going to be in Paris next week to give a talk about @sorbet_ruby for @parisrb!
…why would you call your library for turning pictures into terminal-based ascii art "aalib" when you could call it "ncursed images"?
@thumphriees …I guess I don't need the blog post 'cause I already made this summary of it.
@thumphriees I keep thinking about writing my "I-used-to-write-Haskell-now-I'm-employed-writing-C++-and-Ruby" post, and haven't more out of laziness than out of smoke-aversion. I mean, I survived both "GEB is overrated" and "QuickCheck uses typeclasses badly"; I think I can survive this one.
@mycoliza @iximeow @mgattozzi @sgrif @ManishEarth @yaahc_ @ayourtch @bitshiftmask @endsofthreads @tomaka17 @rust_analyzer (…I keep thinking about writing up a blog post that details the horror story of the codebase that this came from. That is to say, the "job queue implemented in Bash and Scala using Jira as front-end" story.)
@jckarter @munificentbob @jseakle Oh, you're absolutely right! Well, there we go: 4.1.2 in the C89 standard and 7.1.3 in the C99 standard both dictate that naming functions `toilet` is undefined behavior.
@jckarter @munificentbob @jseakle I haven't dug deeper than just a quick perusal, but it looks like in C89 reserved identifiers were reserved regardless of includes, but in C99 they're usually reserved "…in the same name space if any of its associated headers is included."
@overfull_hitbox @johnregehr It's sort of like that proverb about 'for want of a nail' except it turns out that all the events of Twin Peaks were just for want of a light.
@ntcomplete @laura_hudson @Polygon I saw this this morning and one of the first things I thought was, "Oh, I need to make sure Nick has seen this."
@josecalderon I had temporarily forgotten that Goya was a food brand and assumed that your local supermarket must have a whole section of Francisco Goya prints.
@SlackHQ Is there an option to turn off the new WYSIWYG editor? It takes up more screen space, is clunkier and more awkward to use for editing, and is in general a significant step back in usability from the previous system.
@ChadScherrer In this case, the specific pidgin being used is West African Pidgin English, a language spoken by some 75 million people: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Afri…
@ChadScherrer 'Pidgin' is absolutely not a term for informal communication: a pidgin is specifically a language that results from contact between speakers of two or more languages that combines grammar and vocabulary from those languages into a simplified language for common communication.
@thumphriees One of my blogs I've already moved to writefreely, which is written in Go using a fork of blackfriday but by default doesn't turn on footnotes. I think the underlying library does, though; I might enable it in my build and see how it works out.
@thumphriees I've found Markdown implementations that feature footnotes in both Rust and Go, and I've considered rewriting my blog to one of those. Even a modicum more stability than I get from GHC/Haskell packages would be a weight off my mind.
@thumphriees Are you like me in that you're tied to Pandoc for the footnotes?
Oh, yes, happy #BiVisibiltyDay from your local bisexual programming-language-grouser, depicted here with roughly median surreptitiousness.
I don't know if the Jython community is currently in the market for a new logo, but I have a suggestion.
@johnregehr @johnwvilk @overfull_hitbox @dril The Fifth Element was heavily inspired by the style of French scifi comics in general and The Incal in particular (to the degree that the publishers tried to sue Lec Besson.) So if you've seen that, you definitely know the French Scifi Comics Look.
@johnregehr @johnwvilk @overfull_hitbox @dril The first one—The Incal—was inspired by the pre-work Jodo and Moebius did for Dune, so big parts of it are Dune With The Serial Numbers Filed Off. I like them, but they're not to everyone's taste. Quintessential 80's-Heavy-Metal-magazine comics, with all that that implies.
@johnregehr @overfull_hitbox @dril Bill told me that he'd finally watched the Jodorowsky's Dune documentary, so I showed up at Galois a few weeks ago and with basically no explanation handed him a stack of Jodorowsky comics. (I don't know what I could have explained. "Hey, you're gonna have a weird time"?)
@johnregehr @overfull_hitbox @dril He's bizarre. (He did a Kickstarter a few years back for his movie Poesía Sin Fin, and one backer reward was "poetic money": bills he made that feature his own face and some of his poetry. I really should remember where I put mine so I can frame and display them.)
@overfull_hitbox @dril I love the corny ridiculous choice to make everyone refer to contemporary things as "paleo-whatever" so that everyone swears by "Paleo-Christ." I forget whether it's in Metabarons or The Incal that there's an offhand comment about "…the economic theories of Paleo-Marx."
@overfull_hitbox @dril
(It's a rough homemade reproduction of Funranium Labs' Black Blood of the Earth, but made via repeated coffee infusions instead of via cold distillation. Back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest they have comparable caffeine strengths, a level scientists call "hooboy".)
This week's project: thrice-brewed cold brew. It's cold brew, filtered by Büchner funnel and used as substrate for more cold brew, and then once more. It's tasty and very, very strong.
This is my cynical money-making idea for every tech company that tries to unilaterally foist redesigns on users: pay to avoid the redesigns. $1/mo to avoid the algorithmic timeline, $2/mo to get square avatars and stars back.
If Slack wanted to make a huge pile of cash, they could offer a "Slack Classic" plan where you pay money to opt out of all the ways they've made Slack worse since like 2016.
@SlackHQ In general, I find many recent Slack changes (such as this intrusive message, or the way channels with unsent messages are reordered) make the experience of using Slack significantly worse, and I don't see why these can't be easily and trivially disabled via configuration.
@SlackHQ I understand displaying the local time/notification status for DMs is useful in some contexts, but I'd really like the ability to turn this off. Can you please offer this as a configuration option?
Many classic D&D spells are named after the wizards who invented them, like Tenser's Floating Disk, Mordekainen's Faithful Hound, and Mіke's Hаrd Lemonade.
@markwvh It's super cool! I haven't looked at the code in depth, but I poked at it a bit. (Also coincidentally, the author is also a coworker of mine at the new job, albeit on a different team than mine, which is funny.)
@GentlyPress I'm not terribly far into it, but at least what I've watched so far of Craig of the Creek is cute and fun (and made by Steven Universe alums!) I don't know where it streams, though.
@microliza @aaronmblevin They both are—darcs is the original one, and pijul builds on a category-theoretic refomulation of the theory of patches, but having fixed the fact that darcs sometimes had exponential merges in the worst cases.
@SlackHQ As of recently, Slack will move channels to a "Drafts" section when they contain typed-but-unsent messages. I find this VERY frustrating: I'd prefer channels stay in a single fixed place in the sidebar. Is there any chance we can get an option to disable it?
@aaronmblevin Those ancient French sure had a lot of gaul.
@morabbin All these changes—and more I haven't entirely described—can in aggregate produce accents, which over time can become different dialects, and over a larger time-scale even result in different languages!
@morabbin But again, because these changes can act in contradictory ways (adding sounds or removing them, changing them in one direction or another) they can naturally result in two communities producing different or even opposite changes.
@morabbin (It also could get reinforced negatively: if you really hate the people who say "jus'", you might deliberately pronounce it clearly to distinguish yourself from them. Think of explicitly-cultivated posh accents here!)
@morabbin This gets reinforced by social processes: if you spend time around the people who say "jus'", then you might adopt that pronunciation. If you were born in that community, you might learn the language with those pronunciations!
@morabbin But changes like those can add up over time, and then be reinforced socially: if several people in the same speaker community produce the same sound changes, then it becomes a social norm in that group that "just" is always said as "jus'".
@morabbin I phrased those changes as pursuing goals ('make it easier to say') but these usually happen without us thinking about them. If I'm talking quickly to a friend, in doing so I might unconsciously drop a few sounds from the words I'm saying.
@morabbin On the other hand, you might also streamline the pronunciation of a word by dropping sounds and making words shorter, like pronouncing "just" as "jus'" or "going to" as "gonna". So: some changes can lengthen words, other can shorten them!
@morabbin Sometimes, we add sounds to a word to make it easier or clearer to pronounce: e.g. some dialects pronounce "athlete" or "film" with extra vowels, because consonant clusters like "thl" and "lm" are tricky to both say and hear!
@morabbin That's a pretty big question, but to handwave a lot: lots of abstract forces act on how we pronounce words, sometimes acting in contradictory ways or producing different results, and those forces applied en masse can result in accents.
"So that's how tracking a DNS query works, you dig?"
@acfoltzer @josecalderon here's some advice you might need now
@overfull_hitbox @johnregehr (Incidentally, I'd definitely avoid the BBC adaptation of The City & The City. I felt like it pretty heavily missed the point of the book, and the graphic design—where it tried to make text look 'foreign' by sprinkling random diacritics throughout English text—was infuriating.)
@johnregehr @overfull_hitbox OTOH, I can also see arguments for The City & The City (which is really approachable: basically just crime fiction in a slightly odd setting) and Embassytown (which is my hands-down favorite Miéville, and is a scifi book with a lot of interesting—if farfetched—language stuff.)
@johnregehr @overfull_hitbox My first was The Scar, 'cause I didn't realize there was an ordering to those books (to whatever degree it matters) and it was good first Miéville, I think. That whole series is corny and overstuffed in a way that (at least mostly) works.
@thumphriees No, but I've considered writing a terminal-based equivalent.
@thumphriees I feel like I've seen others, but this is one I know of for runit: github.com/akzhan/runit-m…
@mycoliza yeah, calloc is that bald kid from canadian tv, right?
@shelfuu I know about Chеgg, but only because the phrase "Bibmе a Chеgg" has become irreversibly etched into my brain. twitter.com/levarburzum/st…
@rhiannonstone @thumphriees Will Prufrock let you in if you're not wearing white flannel trousers?
@markwvh I'm glad you enjoyed it! I wrote it in part because I wanted to understand it more clearly myself, and writing an explanation is a great way of clarifying your own thinking, so I'm happy it's comprehensible to others, too!
@josecalderon @overfull_hitbox It doesn't matter how lazy it is, because all of my punchlines are forced.
@overfull_hitbox My whole deal on the internet is that I take existing jokes and make them worse by making them about Haskell. This is also my whole deal off the internet, too.
I haven't mentioned here, and I should: I'm joining @stripe to work on this exciting project! twitter.com/darkdimius/sta…
@thepelicanpoems @TheZoneCast That's awesome! I'm glad it went well. If you do end up playing again, I'm always open to feedback or tweaks, but the fact that it's fun is I think the most important thing!
@autoorator Somewhere in the middle of Nevada—I think about an hour west of Winnemucca, give or take some?
@johnregehr I think I woke up shortly before we passed through Green River! I was disappointed that the timing wasn't right to get good views of western Utah. There were still some beautiful views from the train, but it was too dark to see anything from Elko NV through to Helper UT.
I'm between jobs right now, so I had time to take a 30-hour train ride from Sacramento to Denver. Here are some scattered views from that ride.
@thepelicanpoems @TheZoneCast Awesome! Let me know how it goes! I haven't done any playtesting at all yet, so I'd be interested to know what works and what doesn't, or whether there were any adjustments needed to make it flow or unclear spots in the rules.
(Rejected alternate titles include 'Levenshtein's Destructive Resonance' and 'Spelling Certain Doom'.)
I had an idea this morning for a one-page game inspired by @TheZoneCast's Ring of the Grammarian magic item, so I wrote a quick first draft:
To weigh in on @josecalderon's thread about Galois internships: I worked there for six (very enjoyable!) years, during which I wrote Haskell, C, C++, Python, Scala, OCaml, Rust, and assembly. Galois is definitely not just Haskell! twitter.com/josecalderon/s…
They call it C++ instead of ++C because it adds to C but gives you back all the same problems you had before.
@acfoltzer what's up everybody, i think—
I have decided, however, that all my future blog posts will use Argument By Alliteration. "You think you've solved this problem, but you've just moved from Function Fracas into Object Oblivion."
I'm not saying it's wrong: there's a valuable argument to be made along these lines! But this post doesn't make it. It just has some alliteration and a snide Perlis quote as a lazy mic drop.
This post is being shared approvingly by people I like and respect. I must be missing something, because all I see here is a premise without rationale or evidence: trevorjim.com/the-monadic-mo…
What is a `man`? A miserable little pile of `troff`.
@ntcomplete You say that, but Madame Lopez did in fact roll her R's when she trying to teach us French, so you're not too far-off.
@ntcomplete My real-life high school French class actually had more teacher turnover than Defense Against the Dark Arts. I took three years and had six teachers, IIRC.
@aaronmblevin it would probably be dangerous to rely too heavily on such a system. bad idea to have too much of a stake in a Vampire Machine
@aaronmblevin if you wrote a vm that lacked reflection, you could call it

@josecalderon @ChariseeChiw A few years ago, there was a weekend where they had to do weekend power maintenance at the Commonwealth Building, which meant we had a semi-mandatory Galois ice cream party in order to eat all the Klondike bars so they wouldn't melt over the weekend. It was a good party.
@theg5prank the new trendy thing among silicon valley designers is "microdosing notifications", where you make notifications that so subtle they unobtrusively enter your unconscious mind instead of derailing your train of thought by notifying you
These screenshots should clarify what I mean: the new notification icons are muddy and hard to see. It's impossible to understate what a step backwards this is in clarity and usability.
It's a long shot, but please let me know if anyone makes a browser extension or whatnot to change @SlackHQ's favicons back to the old style. The new activity notifications are annoyingly subtle and difficult to see.
Github now allows you to set your status, and luckily, this status consists of arbitrary text and whatever emoji you want.
even the Haskell base libraries are getting in on roasting my tweets
[cw: alcohol] (When I use Cointreau instead of Cherry Heering, I also swap the amaro for Hiver Amer—an amazing cinnamon-and-bitter-orange amaro—which is strong enough that I reduce its proportion and balance it with demerera syrup. I call this one a "Nakatomi Christmas".)
[cw: alcohol] The actual cocktail which inspired the Hans Gruber uses Amaro Albano, but I usually use Amaro Lucano (along with High West Double Rye and Oban for the whiskeys.)twitter.com/silentbicycle/…IesYDYi0
…posting in Old English is also known as "being þorny on main"
…idea: an opera about early 2000's internet culture. you could include some really striking l33tmotifs
@paul_pearce @xexd …I don't know why it's coming up more now, but it's definitely one of those subjects that people—especially Haskell programmers—don't totally understand but nonetheless like to propose as a universal solution to every problem. (See also: category theory.)
@paul_pearce @xexd Sequent calculus (as well as proof theory in general) shows up prominently in branches of programming language theory, in part because sequent calculus is a useful formalism for describing type systems. (It showed up a lot for me during grad school.)
@mycoliza @sw17ch this is redundant
If you're interested in creating custom playbooks, you should also be able to easily modify those documents: they're still a tiny bit finicky, but they are mostly written in terms of high-level macros suitable to any DW playbook.
I'm doing some Dungeon World hacking, so I now have (syntax-highlighted!) LaTeX versions of all the core playbooks. I put them up here, in case anyone would find that useful: github.com/aisamanra/dw-p…
It's #BiVisibilityDay, that one special day each year that bisexuals like me are unable to resist making comments about how we reflect light.
I've been generating these images with a tiny Rust library I've written. Since it's a library intended to support plotting, I naturally named it gunpowder_treason.
I've been doing some more AxiDraw plotting with metallic gel pen on black paper. I really love how these are turning out.
@overfull_hitbox @ckolderup This is pretty spectacular. (And maybe more than you know—I don't even think I've talked to you about my love of rhyme and metrical schemes and poetic forms in general.)
…after getting it yesterday, I mostly test-plotted whatever SVG files I had on hand in my images folder, including my awful Shrek emoji.
I got an AxiDraw yesterday. Right now I'm just futzing with simple geometric designs, but it's really satisfying to see my quick little programs being drawn onto a page.
@joranwei @shelfuu I do all of my meat parsing with meat-binary instead of meat-cereal.
Sadly, I'm not gonna be attending RustConf this year. (I'll still be in town for it, but that's because I, uh, live here.)
@blingdomepiece It didn't give me that option today—or if it did, I couldn't find it after a minute of poking around—so I figured I might as well get rid of them once and for all. (Or, at least, until Twitter changes their CSS again.)
Alternate plan: let Twitter become unusable, allowing "in case you missed this" and "your friend liked" and "promoted tweet" to grow until it engulfs any reason for you to be here, then join Mastodon.
I opened up Web Twitter and roughly a third of my timeline was other people's favs. I've now updated my custom CSS to fix this. Here it is, in case you, too, want to make Twitter vaguely more usable.
I should mention (on account of general renewed Mastodon interest) that I'm also there as keweddji@mastodon.social where I toot more informally but still sporadically.
@silentbicycle @josecalderon I've used Linux consistently for the past decade and haven't had videoconferencing problems since 2011 or so, at least if I was willing to use Chrome for it. (For a while, Hangouts didn't support Firefox, and its current FF support is still a bit buggier.)
…if you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, you should absolutely read Borges' essay about it alamut.com/subj/artiface/… and at least flip through a few pages of Wilkins' book describing it archive.org/details/AnEssa…
Proposal: encode John Wilkins' Real Character in Unicode, and treat ZWJ-joined sequences of these code points as having emoji presentation. Now we can have emoji for any concept that Wilkins could express.
I should write a Unix utility that runs in the background and plays Neil Cicierega music. I would of course call it lemond.
I'm not gonna tweet too much No Man's Sky stuff, but I am gonna show off the map I've been making to keep track of which systems I've visited in which order.
This is the best procedurally-generated name I've come across so far.
@cmrdpm I hope that helps! Like I said, I'll double-check some of the translations, but that should be at least in the neighborhood of correct.
@cmrdpm So in sum, we have: caper [nom] ingeniator [nom] firmitatis [gen] situs [gen] in regno [abl] animalium [gen plural] est.
@cmrdpm And prepositions often change their meaning based on the case of the noun that follows them, so the preposition 'in' when used with a noun in the ablative form means "in, at, among": the ablative form of 'regnum' is 'regno'.
@cmrdpm The unmarked subject form is the 'nominative', and it's used as both subject and object of the verb esse 'to be' (sort of like the English "It is I!") So 'caper' and 'ingeniator' are both nominative nouns.
@cmrdpm Most of the forms above are the 'genitive', which is like a possessive. So 'regnum' means 'kingdom', but 'regni' means 'of [the] kingdom'; 'firmitas' means 'reliability', but 'firmitatis' means 'of reliability'. (There's no 'the' in Latin, so it's just inferred from context.)
@cmrdpm Latin has a system called "noun case" where the way the way that nouns work grammatically is encoded in the ending of the noun. English does this for pronouns ('he' versus 'him' versus 'his') but Latin does this for every noun, in several predictable ways.
@cmrdpm There's a neuter ending in Latin which is often -um, so I wondered if there was precedent for using 'caprum' as a gender-neutral variant, but I haven't found an example yet, and 'caprum' is also an accusative variant of the masculine form 'caper', so I should keep looking.
@cmrdpm I should double-check when I'm home with my books, though, just to see! There might be better translations of some of the words that have a more accurate, general sense that I'm also not thinking of now.
@cmrdpm So I might rephrase it as 'caper ingeniator firmitatis in regno animalium est', which is more like, "The goat is the SRE among the animal kingdom", and that's a fair bit less ambiguous.
@cmrdpm My first pass would be 'caper ingeniator firmitatis situs regni animalium est' but I'm not a huge fan of this because of its branching ambiguity: "engineer of the reliability of the site of the kingdom of the animals" could mean a lot of ambiguous things!
@cmrdpm The animal kingdom is 'regnum animalium' (kingdom of the animals), and goat is either 'caper' or 'capra', which differ by gender, so I'm going to do the shitty classical thing and default to male for this translation.
@cmrdpm It's worth noting, however, that 'ingeniator' has a somewhat more restrictive meaning than the more generic 'engineer': it's more of an architect. There's not a great general translation: alternatives might be 'architectus' and 'machinator'.
@cmrdpm So, my instinct is that SRE would be 'ingeniator firmitatis situs', although I should note that 'ingeniator' is, IIRC, a Medieval Latin word and doesn't show up in classical sources. This is something like 'engineer of the durability/reliability of the site'.
@cmrdpm I know (or at least think I remember, as it's been a while) a moderate amount of Latin and would be happy to help out! Did you have a specific thing you wanted translated?
Thus young Getty learned an important lesson: don't pursue aesthetics and novelty at the cost of clarity. He promptly forgot that lesson and got really into constructed languages and functional programming.
My On-Brand Childhood Story is probably that I taught myself cursive in 1st grade and then tried to use it exclusively, and my teacher then patiently explained that it didn't matter how pretty my cursive was, none of my classmates could read cursive yet.
@mrdleet Oof, that's an embarassing typo. Fixed. Thank you!
@overfull_hitbox (I'm also unsure about "shit", but I know that an earlier draft of Quenya—when it was still "Qenya"—used the word 'muk' for 'feces', so that's a starting point from which I could do some semi-motivated etymological handwaving.)
@overfull_hitbox This one's gonna take a lot of work; I'm just trying to figure out the right Sindarin word for 'gender', and I haven't even gotten started on 'smacks' yet.
@sclv @acfoltzer But that's my point: it's not that trying to draw these connections together is a bad idea, or that he was wrong for trying. It's admirable and inspiring that he tried, but I still think it's important to point out where it didn't succeed, and how it could still be done better!
@sclv @acfoltzer …where Hofstadter starts to talk about whether an alien would appreciate the music of Bach or Cage more. If he had stopped and listened to what Cage was trying to say, I think he would have come to a different conclusion about the subjectivity of aesthetics and culture.
@sclv @acfoltzer But I think the places where it falls down are illustrative, because of the way that they weaken the whole book around them. I didn't get into it in the post, but his misunderstanding of John Cage, in my mind, completely undermines part of the following section…
@sclv @acfoltzer Part of the reason I wanted to be critical here is because I admire what it's trying to do, which is why I wish it landed more often. I think there's an intellectual and emotional core to the book that's both ambitious and worthwhile.
@chrisamaphone And there's absolutely a place in the world for the kind of book that you can age or mature out of, because those books are often about introducing things that get people inspired, and the greatest thing about GEB is just how inspiring it is and has been to people.
@chrisamaphone I hope I didn't come across as too negative about the book overall, because there is still a lot to like in and about it! I think had I read it about a year before it would have hit me much more positively, because it does cover a lot of topics I love.
But I also rarely see criticism of it, and so I wanted to lay out fairly and cogently the problems I think the book has. I hope I didn't come across too harsh: I tried to emphasize that the book has strengths as well as weaknesses.
As with many of my posts, this is a personal opinion, and one that I don't necessarily expect others to share! I understand the book is widely loved, and I don't want to imply that people are "wrong" for liking it.
✏️ Some of the problems I have with the book Gödel, Escher, Bach: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2018/7/why-i-d…
@jong Super Haskell Universe
Super Haskell Universe 2
Super Haskell Odyssey
Haskell Tennis Aces
(As a general rule, I apologize for all my tweets, because they are universally awful, but this one is especially bad because it reminds people about Other M.)
Haskell 1.0
Haskell 98
Haskell 2010
Haskell Prime
Haskell Prime 2: Echoes
Haskell Prime 3: Corruption
Haskell: Missing H
I've pitched my new idea for a Python-inspired GHC extension to several people at this point, and some of them appeared to be only moderately disgusted with me.
@aaronmblevin @NaleagDeco I've fallen out of being an active contributor (as I switched jobs and therefore don't use Matterhorn at work any longer) but I'm still pretty familiar with most of the codebase and would be happy to help out with whatever you're looking at!
Did some quick four-color pixel practice last night. I like how these turned out.
I still endorse the overall thrust of the post, but when read in light of current conversations, I think it reads too much like a lamentation. I still love the Rust language and community, and the proposals under discussion—even as I dislike them—don't "ruin" Rust.
I don't know that I'm going to edit the post, but after thinking about this all day I think I hit the wrong tone. I had an earlier draft that tried to be even-handed that I felt was lackluster, but I think I went too far in the other direction. twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
@tsion And that's one reason why I wanted to draw a line specifically at `try fn`, because I think there is precedent and momentum for making changes in that direction.
@tsion All of these are absolutely motivated changes, and I think I'd have advocated for them in the language team's position! They also all complicate reasoning in the large in order to make it faster to program in the small.
@tsion (That latter example actually came up at my last job when I was teaching someone Rust: lifetime elision let them write some simple pieces of code they wanted, but then confused them when they had to internalize both lifetimes and what Rust was doing when it let you omit them.)
@tsion Or even making lifetime elision smarter and smarter: again, a change that's motivated and does make programming in Rust easier, but also a change that complicates the overall mental model that's required of Rust's semantics.
@tsion Which is to say, you can have two identical binding sites in two functions that bind variables with different types and may or may not move the name, because you need to have a larger contextual view of the match in question to know whether it's using auto-`ref` or not.
@tsion Another thing I removed was the recent changes to `match` semantics to automatically include `ref` and deref. I think this is overall a good change, but I admit I was conflicted about it for very similar reasons: it requires more contextual knowledge from a programmer.
@tsion And so I tried to be a bit forceful in how I stated things, because I was afraid that walking back the point too much would result in the wrong takeaway, but I do agree that there's some not-useful doomsday-saying and I definitely drifted that way in my rhetoric here.
@tsion A lot of the early feedback I got was that it felt too scattered and didn't end up addressing either point I was trying to make in a really robust way, so I removed it and rephrased things in a clearer but less nuanced way.
@tsion I actually had an earlier version of this draft where I had several paragraphs at the end pointing to the recent "Listening and Trust" post and talking about how this is a difference of priorities, and not a lack of faith in the core team or the language in general.
@jleedev Thanks for pointing this out! I'll push a fix as soon as I can!
✏️ a blog post about Rust, special cases in language design, and why I don't like the `try fn` proposals: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2018/6/the-rus…
(…hilariously, the reason my phone cannot reliably open most URLs is not because it lacks a browser—it's a dumbphone from 2013, after all!—but because of expired SSL certs.)
…I know this is My Own Fault for being an Insufferable Stodgy Luddite, but it's still annoying to learn I can't use my insurance's roadside assistance because they text you a URL and my dumbphone cannot open URLs.
I've written far too many posts in the past where I would accidentally introduce errors into code snippets as I tried to rename variables or refactor pieces for readability. This tool makes it easier to find those problems!
My newest post was written with an as-yet unreleased program I'm working on: a simple tool to stitch text and source code snippets into documents as well as build and test the source code used.
✏️ a quick blog post explaining what structural type systems are, and how you can use them to achieve an effect similar to duck typing in dynamic languages: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2018/5/structu…
I have an account on the Rust Internals list, which means I get a neat weekly summary email of all the ways people want to make error-handling in Rust worse.
@sclv ...is this too obvious
Someone has helpfully responded to this tweet to let me know that symbolic computation didn't originate with Haskell. It's pretty great when people correct things I didn't actually say.
@importantshock It's a sort of a trick, and not necessarily a deep or complicated one, but it can be really useful for certain kinds of debugging: hackage.haskell.org/package/number…
Today I got to introduce coworkers to the Data.Number.Symbolic module from the `numbers` package, and it's a pretty cool package, so, uh, y'all should also be familiar with it:
@GentlyPress (It treats happiness and sadness as opposites, but treats anger as being the opposite of patience, and pleasure as the opposite of "complaint".)
@GentlyPress (This tangentially reminds me of the Lojban language, an invented "logical" language based on predicate calculus, which has a hilariously fiddly system for representing emotions using 39 root emotions modified by 8 optional levels of acuity and 6 optional domains.)
@GentlyPress (It seems especially weird because that game is heavily concerned with the notion of "opposite" emotions in a kind of boiled-down simplified way, so e.g. Sad and Powerful are treated as opposites: the more Sad you are, the less Powerful you are, and vice versa.)
@GentlyPress There's a tabletop game that I know of that uses an emotion wheel (namely, The Veil, the cyberpunk PbtA game) and it has six points which go Mad-Peaceful-Sad-Joyful-Scared-Powerful. Its wheel doesn't seem right to me, but it's interesting as a point of comparison.
...this might be the most awkward Wikipedia illustration I've ever seen, and that's really saying something.
@cattheory It turns out that @d_christiansen remembered my joke when he was starting his postdoc and asked me if he could use it, so the fact that the prover is named Pudding is in fact directly because of that tweet!
Some Sunday afternoon yak-shaving: a quick-and-dirty `dmenu` application launcher using XDG Desktop Entries instead of using stuff from $PATH: github.com/aisamanra/dmes… (written hastily, largely untested, requires Python 3.6 or later)
OH: "Creating a new font in the course of completing a (non-typographic) project is called 'Knuthing it'."
Here's my go at an #artvsartist: I'm Getty, and when I'm not making bad jokes about Haskell and Rust, I bounce between ink, paint, pixels, vectors, and block-printing.
@hikikomorphism (And the former notion is a lot more interesting to me as a concept to explore than the latter, although I guess maybe it would have been harder to emphasize on TV and would have had fewer opportunities for angsty voiceovers.)
@hikikomorphism (Maybe I'm misremembering, but I felt like the book painted the city split as a culturally ingrained consensus that the citizens only faintly thought about, and this adaptation plays it as a sinister draconian split with scary posters everywhere warning about "Bréach".)
@hikikomorphism I love the book, but this adaptation makes a bunch of changes that feel weird and unnecessary to me while not really capturing much of what I liked about the book. I've only seen the first episode and I'm gonna keep watching out of curiosity, but I'm not a fan so far.
…the "next time" segment at the end of the episode raised the stakes: it depicted the word 'now' written as "ИÖW". I do not know which graphic designer was responsible, but they Must Be Stopped.
@morabbin I had a similar problem a decade and a half ago, when I kept seeing ads for a movie that my brain read as "My Big Fat Grssk Wedding".
@plaidfinch …luckily, I can apparently use automated translation to convert this inscrutable tweet to English from the original Catalan
I have many complaints so far about the TV adaptation of The City & The City, but I absolutely cannot stand how they use random accents to make English text look 'foreign'. One poster in the background says, I quote, "Áre wé mén ör lémönšž?"
@itblumenfeld …I didn't realize until I presented mine at Galois that I actually failed to put a mistake in one of the equations. It turns out, it's actually very hard to force yourself to put mistakes into stuff you know very well, much less egregious mistakes!
…it strikes me that the only reason I've drawn commutative diagrams for the past three years or so was to make incorrect parodies of them. I can't recall now the last time I've drawn a category-theoretic diagram that properly commuted.
(Dr. Launchbury has of course seen this painting—he claimed to be flattered, but he was amused the most by the cyclical commutative diagram that shows up in one corner.)
I had hoped to surreptitiously replace Einstein at night without telling people, but I procrastinated, and only just brought it in last week as a parting gift. Anyway—that's the story of my mediocre, ridiculous parody painting.
I wanted to lampoon this painting, so I did what any reasonable person would do: I painted my own snarky parody of it, complete with incorrect equations, but instead of depicting Einstein, it depicted Galois co-founder and Haskell Committee member John Launchbury.
It also was covered in equations—because science means equations, right?—many of which were of dubious relevance to Einstein, incorrect, or both. For a while, my coworkers had post-it notes with corrections all over the print.
Silly story: a few years back, we at Galois got some new wall art, including a print of a painting of Einstein. I wasn't a huge fan of this painting! It was corny and kitschy, and I dislike that reductive "Einstein = generic smart guy" symbolism in general.
Earlier today I was saying something The Little Prince, and a coworker had misheard and thought I was talking about The Prince, and was consequently very, very confused.
Due to a lunchtime bookstore trip, my collection of Esperanto translations of English literature now includes a copy of 'Winnie-La-Pu' in addition to 'Alicio en Mirlando' and 'La Hobito'.
@mycoliza i like the implication that your current account isn't already a container to store your Shitposts in
my plan is to photoshop a scooby-doo screencap so that someone pulls the mask off of a commutative diagram and underneath it's UML, and then haskell programmers will begin throwing medium-to-large-sized pebbles at me in public
@itblumenfeld @n1nj4 When I do it, they call it "admitting".
(To be fair, if you think `charter` is bad and unnecessary, you should see the other thing I just put on Github: a program that adds `new-` to certain arguments and then execs into `cabal`, because I am a lazy, lazy human being.)
Many caveats: it has some weird personal assumptions, is written in a not-super-robust way, is missing several useful features, and is basically a less-flexible `hi`. I'm happy to expand on it if people'd find it useful, though!
This is a Hacky Personal Tool that I mostly created for my own use, but in case others are interested, I've put `charter`, my home-grown command-line `cabal init` replacement, on Github: github.com/aisamanra/char…
I can't believe that there are no Monster Factory jokes at all among the 24 Google hits for the phrase, "…just like Barthes."
@sw17ch here is some exclusive footage of me composing this tweet
@sw17ch 🎵 So it's finally here, evaluating for you 🎵 If you know the terms, you can compute it too 🎵 Calculate some outputs if you want to clap 🎵 As we take you through this dee-kay rap!
In Haskell, the `$` operator is often used to apply an expression to a following do-notation block. Using `$ do` in your code is sometimes referred to as "paying your do's."
my four-year-old son Grungpbo wouldn't switch to Haskell because he wanted to keep programming in Scheme and when I bribed him with type safety he said "Would you rather have type safety or be happy" and turned back to his editor
@pike7464 @galois …this reminds me that I never actually merged my ridiculous heavy-metal-style-font logo for Salty into master; it's still stuck on the ltl_patterns branch: github.com/GaloisInc/salt…
@sclv …I like that we both independently decided to use the "maybe/safely" rhyme youtube.com/watch?v=v6KoVn…
once again, my good and worthwhile ideas are treated with derision and scorn by the good folk Online
@d6 Oh, definitely! I'm putting together some playtest materials for a rough first go, but I'll definitely post some links once I'm confident I've smoothed out a few design issues.
Delve is a more granular, tactics-focused hack of Hero Kids, a classic-D&D-style RPG designed for a very young target audience which consequently has some robust, elegant, lightweight rules for that sort of game: herokidsrpg.blogspot.com
I haven't been posting much about my personal non-technical stuff lately, but right now I'm hacking together a lightweight grid-maps-and-dice-rolling tabletop game I'm calling Delve, and I'm pretty happy with how the materials look so far.
Yesterday I tried using psutils to put together a booklet, and found that the version of psnup that ships with most distros has had a blatant argument-handling logic bug that looks like it's been there since 1995.
@shelfuu @rhiannonstone If it had flour, then it's more of a mornay than an alfredo. Although luckily, a traditional alfredo is probably even easier than something mornay-adjacent: forbiddenriceblog.com/2017/02/25/cla…
@shelfuu (I don't remember if you had my Jalapeño Cream Sauce while you were in PDX, but it's a sauce I make that's a variation on a cheddar-and-jack Mornay, using cream and sour cream instead of just milk for richness and flavor, and adding diced jalapeños and other spices for a kick.)
@shelfuu (If you add the cheese while the sauce is on the burner, the cheese tends to turn stringier. This also applies when making a Mornay sauce—that is, a Béchamel with cheese—which would be a workable Alfredo substitute, but still taste and feel qualitatively different.)
@shelfuu "Fettuccine all'Alfredo" was originally just pasta tossed with parmesan and melted butter, but lots of places started adding cream to make it richer: a modern preparation can be made by melting butter, adding cream, stirring, then removing from heat & adding grated parmesan.
@shelfuu Tedious pedant here! The phrase "white sauce" usually refers to a béchamel sauce, which is milk thickened with roux, whereas "Alfredo sauce" (as it's understood in most commercial contexts) is usually cream thickened with butter and parmesan.
"Ah!" said the doctor. "I know just the thing to cheer you up. Go into town tonight and see Death, Destroyer of Worlds, come here for the destruction of these men."
"But Doctor," protested Oppenheimer,
@thumphriees I do self-hosting + LetsEncrypt, which works really well for my use-case.
ICYMI: I set up a bot to generate new patterns, trends, and methodologies of programming twitter.com/hacker_trends/…
@mycoliza in the sigur rós fandom we pronounce it "svigaplatan"
@n1nj4 @ffee_machine Docs is good at the collaborative editing part, but it's merely alright at the brainstorming part. Wave would let you start basically with a chat conversation and seamlessly switch to document editing, whereas "chatting" in a Google Doc is… awkward.
Tonight's project was to try to create random sky images in the style of Steven Universe's backgrounds. I'm still fiddling and want to introduce more striking colors, but I'm already happy with the direction. (Rust+Cairo.)
@mkawia @RustDevLuke @Dropbox I can't speak to Dropbox Paper, which I haven't used, but w/r/t Google Docs, it can do this but doesn't encourage the same smooth workflow. It's great for the collaborative editing part, but it doesn't have the same affordances to make the brainstorming part smooth.
For your Twitter pleasure: a new Twitter bot that can keep you up-to-date on all the newest trends in programming twitter.com/hacker_trends/…
…but as far as I can tell, all of the developers positioned it as "Email But Better!", which it wasn't, and that (coupled with, y'know, Google) meant that it could never grow into the useful and worthwhile tool it could have been.
It was one of the best systems I've used to do collaborative, media-rich brainstorming, and to then gradually turn that unstructured brainstorming into a shared, cohesive document.
Apropos of nothing: Google's Wave was a genuinely good tool whose developers had zero idea what that tool was actually good for.
@joeranweiler I used to play bass for Primal Dadness.
@theg5prank I also got several people to unfollow me, although I have no idea if it was because of this tweet or because I made fun of cryptocurrencies earlier. Odds are 50/50.
@theg5prank This got an early, semi-nonsensical quote-tweet from some kind of accelerationist cosplay account, which I assume was what led them all here. I've been giving Twitter's block feature a pretty good workout today.
@vrika I looked on their issue tracker, and someone had brought this up last year. The devs did some complaining about how "people are too sensitive" and how "slavery is over, get over it", and pretty quickly closed the issue. I'm not sure it'd be worth trying to reopen it.
I really thought Godot looked interesting, but the fact that a decision like this didn't get shut down right away speaks so ill of their developer community that now I don't want to have anything to do with it.
I can't believe that in 2018 people think it's acceptable to create systems that not only use "master"/"slave" terminology, but literally use them as keywords: docs.godotengine.org/en/3.0/tutoria…
@paul_pearce I also responded too quickly to see your second tweet. …asynchrony is hard.
@paul_pearce He was at University of Oregon, not at Berkeley, so I'm pretty sure no.
Coincidentally, Lambο Mοοn is my favorite Star Wars character.
A person I TA'ed for in grad school (and whom I haven't talked to since) just sent me an email about some kind of ІCO he's involved with, and the whole thing just reads like cryptο bro Lorem Ipsum.
@Blaisorblade There's a bit more detail here, down under the "inheritances" section, and it also describes the third way to use them, where you combine functions that might fail in order to get a definition-by-cases-ish syntax: brej.org/blog/?p=238
@Blaisorblade Almost like a union, except changes to the original unions will also reflect in the "inheritances" created with that union. In that sense, it works sort of like inheritance of fields in OO languages, but exposed as an operator instead of a feature on class definitions.
@Blaisorblade I only posted one-third of the possible uses for "inheritances", and one of the others makes more sense with the name: if you use the `|` operator on hash maps, you get a hash-map-like object that inherits its keys and values from the constituent hash maps.
@raudelmil I mean, to be totally fair to the language, it's not intended for structured programs that are bigger than one file of a hundred or so lines at most, so including a feature that's useful in small limited circumstances might not be inherently a bad idea?
@tsion people would definitely love to have this sort of thing in the Rust standard library probably gist.github.com/aisamanra/6157…
@tsion When I started reading your tweet, I had immediately started thinking of docs.perl6.org/type/Junction, which are yet another way of combining several dynamic values into a single value. Apparently Perl 6 likes those a lot.
@psygnisfive Apparently when you do it with hash maps, it's literally a union; when you do it with functions, it will call the first one, and if it fails, call the second, &c, for a sort of dynamic definition-by-cases mechanism.
I learned today that 1. Plymouth—the software for showing graphical loading animations while a Linux system boots—has its own custom scripting language, and 2. that scripting language has some ideas that are… uh, well…
@joeranweiler Ah, Arzona, the place that humans built.
w/r/t my recent comments about wanting the proposed throw/catch for Rust to be macros: @withoutboats pointed out to me that `catch` wouldn't work as a macro because it needs to work on the AST after all other macros have expanded twitter.com/withoutboats/s…
@withoutboats To a first approximation, I'd argue that pervasive features should be syntax, and convenient-but-not-as-widespread features should be macros if possible. A major factor in my opinion here is that I'm not yet sold that throw/catch sugar would be as pervasive as if/else or even ?.
@withoutboats I don't think macros are inherently better, either: there are trade-offs between the two. Rather, I think a feature like this should be, if possible, at least prototyped as a macro or compiler plugin, even if it doesn't live as one forever.
@withoutboats I don't disagree, but I also think the reason that ? was so well-received was BECAUSE it was a macro first. With try!, people could discover in practice 1. why the operation was useful and 2. why it was too heavyweight as a macro and needed a better syntax.
anyway, here's an inspirational quote for your cubicle
I said this in tweet form last week, but I tried to expand out my thoughts about why I'd be more comfortable with the Rust try/catch pre-RFC if it were macro-like instead of using new syntax: internals.rust-lang.org/t/pre-rfc-catc…
Well, even though I gave up while drawing this comic, I still feel like I learned something from it. It's not a complete loss.
yes very good twitter.com/grammarian_rin…
@silentbicycle @skelly No, YOU are owned. Read this academic text:
@ijks_w (The macro/plugin approach also has the advantage that non-rustc tooling around Rust—like, say, syntax highlighters—wouldn't need to change in order to support these new features.)
@ijks_w …and I think I'd be more comfortable if those were included to look at their practical use, and if they turn out to still have major ergonomic issues, to scrap them in favor of syntax, instead of going straight for new built-in syntax.
@ijks_w I think `?` was definitely a step up, but it also made me happy that it was only created after the problems with `try!` became apparent. I'm less convinced that e.g. `throw!` or `#[catch]` would have the same problems…
The fact that try/catch don't introduce "magic", but rather just desugar to plain Rust, is exactly why I think they shouldn't be new language features. Unlike many languages, Rust has a good macro system. I wish they'd use it for this.
It might be my Scheme background speaking, but proposals like this one for new built-in syntax that could easily just be macros make me very disappointed: internals.rust-lang.org/t/pre-rfc-catc…
@thumphriees "This Whole Thing Emacs Of Gender," i holler........
Recently, Jira updated their UI to include a lot of opaque icons. Luckily, this icon had not one but two pieces of tooltip text to explain what it means.
(…of course, the other thing about Splatoon is that it really makes me want to eat some barbecue squid. Is that wrong? That might be wrong.)
"hey, getty, how're you liking that new video game?" glad you shoudl ask! well, for one, it has GREAT fictional squid typography…
It's a fun game in lots of ways, but my absolute favorite thing about Splatoon 2 is the excellent graphic design work they do with nonsense writing that nonetheless looks totally believable.
OCaml's syntax (like all syntaxes) has some corners I don't really care for; Reason cleans those up and introduces some of its own. I think it might be an improvement overall, but I don't feel strongly about it.
Today I wrote a small OCaml program and then ported it to Reason. (I have OCaml experience, none with Reason.) My overall verdict is that they're both good and I have no strong preference between them.
@sclv *java adds lamndas*
haha wowe limke hamskell !
*adds optionm type*
jus lieke heskel !!!
*terible performamce problems*
@ijks_w This is true, but at the same time, there's an enviable kind of skill in creating logos as clunky and awkward and ill-considered as GNU project logos.
LRT: I'm in no way good at logo design, but I've tossed together some simple logos for various projects—both mine and others—and I like to think I'm reasonably not terrible at it.
@mrkgrnao @plt_dril (On a related note, if you haven't seen it, you should know about @maxkreminski's work-in-progress game where you are dril and you make posts: twitter.com/maxkreminski/s… )
@mrkgrnao @plt_dril (Oh, no defense needed! I know exactly what you mean—I've done it a few times myself! e.g. this one twitter.com/aisamanra/stat… There's both fun and art in figuring out how to repurpose the phrasing and context while keeping it recognizably "a dril tweet".)
@sclv …the worst thing is that my brain has been turned to mush by obscure twitter for so long that, err, well twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
@mrkgrnao (I think I might have phrased the text of the tweet in a snarkier way than I intended; I should be clear that I also love the dril accounts, and @plt_dril is wonderful.)
Why is it that novelty topic-specific twitter accounts are always dril parodies? There are plenty of jokes out there from non-dril twitter users that you can borrow the format of.
On a somewhat related tangent: my favorite chengyu, or Chinese four-character idiom, is 畫蛇添足 (huà shé tiān zú), which means "draw a snake and add legs," and refers to ruining something by adding too much to it.
@trannosaurusma Be my guest! (…I'm nervous about telling my mother that people are borrowing her interpretation, though. It might encourage her to get deeper into literary interpretation.)
(This came up because she didn't cook any of the dishes at dinner, and then claimed that her lack of contribution was the best part of the dinner and therefore "…just like the Emperor's new clothes", and offered the previous explanation when we asked what she meant.)
My family story from this holiday season is that my mother believes the moral of 'The Emperor's New Clothes' is that "…the best clothes are the ones that don't exist."
@Jyrinx Or sometimes even more benefit: I didn't go into it, but the briefly-mentioned Hedgehog gives you test-case shrinking "for free" in part by not trying to have a one-size-fits-all generator for a type, but rather relying on extra data passed into generation functions.
@Jyrinx This makes sense, but even then, sometimes I prefer using explicit functions or dictionaries. I could write a generator for a new data structure with `Arbitrary a => Gen (Foo a)`, but I could just as easily use `Gen a -> Gen (Foo a)` and get similar benefit.
I emphasize in the post, but I should emphasize here: this is meant to be descriptive and not prescriptive. I want to explain my thinking and principles, but I also don't for a moment think mine is the One True Style.
New blog post: a few words about the personal style and general principles I try to adhere to when writing Haskell: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2017/12/some-n…
At some point, I created a branch in this repo named 🙈. I have no memory of having done so, but it's to be fair a pretty accurate branch name.
…I should be fair: I am making fun of this because it's stunningly Rube-Goldberg-ey, but I am also using it even as I write this tweet.
tiny brain: cross-compilers
galaxy brain: using a custom kernel to automatically execute ARM binaries using QEMU in Docker containers
universe brain: tricking Docker build with an sh shim to execute ARM binaries using QEMU in Docker containers
This is a fun blog post in part because you can mentally pair each section, in sequence, with a corresponding expanding brain picture: resin.io/blog/building-…
@thumphriees Please let me know if you find or create this, because I would absolutely use it. (…relatedly, I should start using a 'typeclass-free' Github badge on all my repos.)
@shelfuu @acfoltzer (I should cook a wider variety of things on a regular basis, because as it stands about 98% of the tomato paste I buy ends up as a vodka cream sauce constituent.)
@acfoltzer @shelfuu I've got cans of tomato paste from two brands in my cupboard right now, and it doesn't look like either has added sugar, but OTOH, they both have the word "organic" on the label, so probably a notch above Hunts.
@sw17ch Back during high school I used to play bass for Hot Dog Homestead.
(I know I'm a grouch and the world has Moved On From This, but I will never stop resenting error messages that say "Oh snap!")
(In theory, light-hearted software is great, but in practice, that light-heartedness is either put there by marketing departments, or by programmers—two of the groups I trust least to be entertaining.)
The bad Firefox advertizing thing brings up my two biggest software pet peeves: I never want software to do something without my explicit intention, and I never want my tools to entertain me or otherwise introduce unnecessary levity.
@ndm_haskell @Blaisorblade @jtdaugherty Which is why the question on my mind wasn't, "Can we make HLint hints more universal?"—which is a very good goal!—but rather, "Can we somehow prevent this unnecessary maintenance work by somehow emphasizing that not everyone is going to appreciate the same hints?"
@ndm_haskell @Blaisorblade @jtdaugherty FWIW, this entire thread started because another library maintainer I know was complaining about having to close "drive-by PRs" where people would blindly apply HLint suggestions and try to contribute them back.
A google search led me to this sage advice from a commenter on newsy combinator. "Technically undefined."
@jtdaugherty @Blaisorblade @ndm_haskell That is: all hints should be opt-in by default, and the tool can (upon first use) explicitly ask the user about whether they want all hints on, even contentious ones, or some subset thereof.
@jtdaugherty @Blaisorblade @ndm_haskell I think there's a reasonable assumption when coming to a linter-like tool that the defaults are going to reflect some standard consensus. If that's not the case, then maybe hlint should fail without an explicit configuration step.
@dackerman @mrkgrnao I don't know what "devil's steelvocate" is supposed to mean here, but I don't agree that it's "simpler" for values of "simple" that I care about, regardless of how familiar arrows are.
@pasiphae_goals Oh, that's good to know! (I briefly tried using HLint years ago, and nnever adopted it as a habit, so this was a second newer exploration.)
@mrkgrnao This is true, and also I'm being a little bit snarky by tying my two comments above together—my real problem with Arrow-the-typeclass is that it's too big and tries to abstract too many things, and not that any one operation it exposes is necessarily bad.
(Of course, I'm still not convinced that the Arrow typeclass is the right tool for just about any situation, so that's probably biasing me, too.)
I know that tastes differ and all, but I feel like hlint's suggestion here—importing a new module for a more opaque higher-order typeclass method—is significantly worse than just using a lambda.
@d_christiansen (Estas lerte, ke Unicode reprezentas flagemoĝiojn kun sekvoj de alfabetaj signoj konforme laŭ regionaj normoj kiel ISO-3166—ekzemple, la signo 🇺🇸 estas 🇺+🇸—sed tiu ĉi elekto estas problema por flagoj kiel la Esperanto-flago, kio ne estas flago de lando!)
@d_christiansen Mi ankaǔ lastatempe trovis, ke Unicode ne havas verdan stelon, sed ĝi havas verdan koron! Mi pensas, ke 💚 estas nuntempe la plej konvena esperantemoĝio.
…it's what I do.
…and here I was thinking nobody sold t-shirts for my demographic twitter.com/tshirtsbot/sta…
I made a mediocre joke and I thought my coworker was mashing the keyboard to express frustration at the joke, but it turned out she had just accidentally tapped her Yubikey.
@joeranweiler Are the pages still good? You can always rebind it and/or get it rebound, if you want to keep it in some usable form.
"The committee, formed at the '87 FPCA conference, was tasked with creating an open standard for a non-strict, purely functional language. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
@thumphriees how does it feel over there with the thermidoreans
@iximeow At one point, I considered naming a twitter client after the one featured in this game mockup, but that seemed perhaps a tiny bit tacky. (…also, I never actually wrote the Twitter client so it was a moot point anyway.) twitter.com/bonerman_inc/s…
Ah, yes, yesterday we released a new version of the chat client that I work on: twitter.com/matterhorn_cha…
I'm going to be honest here: I will never be able to read the word 'WASM' in anything but a Wario or Waluigi voice.
@d_christiansen Estas multe interesa por mi! Ĉu vi havas rekomendojn por rimedojn aŭ librojn, kun kio mi nun povas komenci studi?
@FireyFly It's a grid of random glyphs generated from the same program I'm showing off here: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
@d_christiansen Mi ne nun lernas malnovnordlandan, sed mi volas fari ĝin. Mi legis iomete malnovnordlandan gramatikon kaj estas tradukinta malgrandajn tekstojn—kiel mi estis faranta, kiam mi trovis 'fámennr'—sed mi ne akiris la konvenajn librojn aŭ rimedojn por ĝin lerni.
@d_christiansen Estas stulta ŝercaĵo: mi trovis la vorton 'fámennr' en vortaro kun la angla traduko 'having few followers', kaj mi estis iomete amuzata, ke la angla traduko povas havi du sencojn je tvitera kunteksto. (Mi pensas, ke nek senco estas komplete vera por mi.)
I haven't done these for a while, so here's a diagram for a tasty cocktail that @rhiannonstone and I tried making this week: cocktail.graphics/cocktail/la-si…
@mcclure111 From quick experiments, it looks like Ruby treats it not as whitespace but as an identifier character. GHC does treat it as whitespace, and it looks especially great given that Haskell is indentation-sensitive:
blessed image
(in "not knowing what left adjoint in the category hask means" voice) looks like i'ts left adjoint in the category hask,
Oedipus then approached the Sphinx, who posed her infamous riddle: "What is that which walks on one leg in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, two legs in the evening, and one vertical and one horizontal leg at night?"
ICYMI: I made a #TheZoneCast-inspired Twitter bot that creates new D&D spells by replacing one letter in the names of existing spells: twitter.com/grammarian_rin…
@Blaisorblade @trannosaurusma @pigworker For what it's worth, as I am the author of the post in question: I am pretty sure I deeply agree with Conor on these topics, and only really disagree on how to talk about said topics. I'd definitely never want to throw out Curry-Howard!
@DanielRecker @tsion @TheZoneCast I've seen people use @TheZoneCast's items in their own campaign before, but I don't know if they had official stance on that. My guess is that, as long as it's your own campaign and not, like, an adventure you're selling, you're probably fine?
@jtdaugherty I think my favorite that I've seen so far is Phantasmal Farce.
(It'll tweet four times a day right now—there isn't a giant space of possibilities, and I don't want to exhaust them all too quickly!)
Their example was casting the spell Cause Fear as Cause Bear. Anyway, I was shocked there wasn't a Twitter bot for these, so I made one: twitter.com/grammarian_rin…
In @TheZoneCast's D&D game, they had a magic item called the Ring of the Grammarian. It allowed you to modify by one letter the name of a spell you were casting, with a corresponding change in effect.
@thumphriees This isn't what you want, but it's a project I started and desperately need to get back to: github.com/aisamanra/apic…
@joshbohde As a Lúcio main, I sometimes struggle with the striated nature of many of the walls, but that does not mean that a smooth space would suffice to save me.
Tonight someone added me as a friend in Overwatch because I made a joke about how Genji is the most Deleuzean hero. (Genji is, after all, the hero who has a body without organs.)
@sclv what do my sense of humor and jpeg encoding have in common? they're both............

@sclv …I am somewhere between pleased and horrified that this is the kind of thing that needs to be brought to my attention specifically.
There are definitely tradeoffs to this new API, but it's nice to update configuration from within an application without clobbering careful comments and config formatting choices.
I've pushed a new version of my INI-parsing library with a new bidirectional API. With this API, you can parse a file to a value, modify the value, then reserialize to INI retaining existing comments/whitespace/structure/&c for minimal diffs: hackage.haskell.org/package/config…
I'm using the tweet I criticized here as a jumping-off point, but I want to be clear that what I take issue with is the broader rhetorical tendency, not just a few specific tweets: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
Here's a quick opinion-heavy post about my problems with certain rhetorical tendencies in functional programming circles: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2017/11/proofs…
My brother tried to text me about the 'Coriolis effect' but his phone corrected it to 'Coriolanus effect'.
@thumphriees sounds like your mistake is leaving yourself room. your tweets cant get worse if they're already as bad as humanly possible. man_tapping_head.jpg
@BenjaminSelfrid I could always go over to Mastodon, where I post semi-regularly and where I've never even gotten close to the 500-character toot limit.
…I mean—in all honesty, I've never wanted to tweet 280 characters, but there have been a lot of situations in which I wished I could tweet about 160 characters.
@d_christiansen @JonSterling It's wonderfully smoky. …I've heard stories of people smelling large pots of lapsang souchong and mistaking it for the smell of actual fire.
I identify strongly with Rust's #[no_std] mode, as I too have an eh personality.
I told a coworker I wanted some books on resist dyeing—batik, shibori, &c—but he heard it as 'resist dying' and thought I meant D&D manuals.
Here's my advice on software engineering:
…for this Halloween, I dressed up as one of my original role models: twitter.com/rhiannonstone/…
OH: "Is there a shitty_category_theory subreddit?" "You mean r/haskell?"
…I'm clearly rereading @eevee's wonderful post 'Dark corners of Unicode' which you should really read if you haven't eev.ee/blog/2015/09/1…
U+2800 is valid in Haskell source code, but it treats it as an operator symbol, so it looks like I'm somehow overloading whitespace here:
U+2800 BRAILLE PATTERN BLANK is a character that renders as a space, but is not actually whitespace. Ruby will allow it in identifiers:
@DanielleSucher (…isn't orcish tea just bone broth?)
@freebroccolo @JonSterling I've got an account I rarely post on and only follow a few people, but I do check it daily and definitely enjoy it a lot more than Twitter.
@iximeow (There's basically a 0% chance that Java would have done this even if it were proposed, but I hope some future language designer builds it.)
@iximeow (I wanted a language with inferred checked exceptions, so I can benefit from them without having to tediously list them for every function.)
@donsbot (…maybe I should have kept it Applicative-only and then maybe I could have used it bidirectionally? I guess I should experiment with that.)
@donsbot That example doesn't need Monad, but the language is monadic. (That was just an example I happened to have conveniently on-hand.)
Anyway, today I read an RFC ( tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7763 ) that described Markdown as being an "internet meme", so, uh, that's… a thing…
It's a small, inconsequential thing, but I pushed a simple monadic helper DSL for XML parsing to Hackage today: hackage.haskell.org/package/xleb
@Friends_Table For #inktober days 7–10: the rest of the Overwatch characters I play regularly. (Also a stark illustration of how bad I am at drawing lips.)
@plaidfinch (The color space transformations were something like L*a*b* → CIE 1931 color space → sRGB → RGB, which… oof.)
@plaidfinch I don't recall whether there was an easier answer than that, which I think is why I at the time gave up and used off-the-shelf colors.
@plaidfinch I looked into doing this once, and IIRC the answer was to do so in the Lab color space, then go through a series of conversions to get RGB.
@Friends_Table #inktober day six is some mushrooms and a bun, for a change.
@jong (I can't recall the last time I actually touched an OS X machine, so I assume I'm probably safe there. …still, what a fun bug-feature!)
The escape sequences are a bit hairy—and only work right now in gnome-terminal and iTerm2—but you can easily use them in your own scripts:
Some terminal emulators now support hyperlink annotations via escape sequences. I'm currently adding vty/brick support for this feature.
@Friends_Table #inktober day five is a throwback to old conlanging and world-building efforts.
@Friends_Table #inktober day four: back to the Overwatch characters with a quick sketch of Mei.
#inktober day three is Lem King the archivist from @Friends_Table. (I almost never use markers. I should practice with them more.)
Here are two bad Silmarillion puns that I hope I never illustrate:
· Yavanna White
· Tickle-Me-Ulmo
…actually, here's a question: I want to keep posting my #inktober drawings with minimal annoyance. Would it be it better to:
#inktober day two: Ulmo, Lord of Waters, one of the Valar.
@glaebhoerl @thumphriees …with lens in an identifier-specific way, but it's definitely more focused on making it a nicer and more approachable library.
@glaebhoerl @thumphriees I think that microlens is more about dependency-management, and lens-family-core is closer to what you're describing. It's still compatible…
@glaebhoerl @thumphriees (I would probably say 4% yes, that other 1% no, but that's more kneejerk than informed.)
I've still been playing Overwatch, which is probably gonna be a recurring source of #inktober subjects this year. (I play a lot of Lúcio.)
@thumphriees (This is the secret of lens: less than 5% of the library gets you 95% of the way there. The rest is just garnish.)
Honestly, the most charitable way to interpret this comment is as pointing out the dire limitations of thinking in terms of Curry-Howard.
"If you ignore the many practical factors I've chosen to ignore, then this broad, facile, largely unhelpful equivalence I've drawn is true!"
This is my least favorite kind of programming rhetoric that comes from people I in general basically agree with.
@jong …I wake up in the middle of the night, panicked, thinking, "…oh my god I'm could be doing so much more to piss people off with my code."
…I assume this place has a step-by-step program that can help you defeat your addiction to over-engineered project management platforms.
@thumphriees don't ack me
I forgot that we're right in the middle of the sansculottides right now. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sansculot… Happy fête de l'opinion, everyone!
@silentbicycle …I also forgot that my car's bluetooth system, for whatever reason, thinks that said voice clip is a 50 Cent song.
The fact that @tedwheeler is claiming this center brings "quality jobs and benefits" is misinformed at best, vile and underhanded at worst.
Amazon fulfillment centers exploit underpaid workers for back-breaking labor. I'm angry my city is hosting this. twitter.com/tedwheeler/sta…
@AdamBatesOrg @ntcomplete And after that they skipped 9–63, but retroactively.
@aaronmblevin …this is my coin, and the proof-of-work is shitposts, but, like, chained together in a block
I mean, look in this example: the same glyph repeated is getting glossed as both (d) and (oz) in the first word. Why? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
…also, the one going around isn't particularly convincing: its actual "decipherment" is scant, and is mostly non-rigorous pareidolia.
I know people are excited, but a good default position on Voynich "decipherments" published by non-academic sources is extreme skepticism.
@cmrx64 It's not the most user-friendly thing, but I use extensions that let you inject custom CSS to sites, which lets you hide promoted tweets.
The way I play Lúcio is I mildly frustrate the enemy team by doing this as often as I can, and then we lose 'cause I wasn't healing my team.
@ffee_machine Wau, I haven't thought about digamma in forever.
…do y'wanna see variables from alphabets that are actually obscure and/or dead? 'Cause I got you covered: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
Yeah, I get the joke, but y'all know the Greek alphabet is not dead, right? 12 million living people speak Greek. twitter.com/DanTwoHundred/…
I am very bad at animation, so I spent part of my Labor Day working on a self-portrait walk cycle.
"getty i know you know how to use the shift key" yeah but lower-case letters and bad grammar are how i indicate casual speech. deal with it.
"but that game came out like a yr ago" …yeah but up until i replaced it in june my gaming pc only had a 32 bit cpu & couldnt play that game.
"getty you haven't posted a lot about your personal projects lately" i know but like im pretty good at both lucio & roadhog in quickplay now
In my fanfic, I like to pair a message with a string of random bits the same length as the message itself. This is my OTP.
actual photo of me reading your tweets:
Good morning, internet! I found this picture of a Sardinian statue head on Wikipedia last night and it's amazing. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giants_of…
@tsion …is this not true?
(My philosophy lately has been, "If I have to explain something to someone else in chat, I probably should write it as a blog post, too.")
✏️ Blog post: my own stab at explaining Rust modules, with both general principles and concrete examples: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2017/8/the-bas…
@EmpressCortana the resemblance.......... is uncany..............
@intlfish So I take related modules and give them a shared, shortened module alias. Only for groups that don't conflict and are conceptually related.
@intlfish I like it because otherwise it's easy to have a proliferation of new namespaces. It's easy especially in Haskell to import a LOT of modules.
…so, if it a tweet works as both an explicit and an implicit call-out, is it a switchtweet?
@sw17ch twitter.com/eedrk/status/5…
@joeranweiler …I'm not sure I understand the objection. The only objectionable thing I do is wordplay, and even then, the jury is still out probably.
@joeranweiler …this isn't a pun?
@ChadScherrer twitter.com/shutupmikeginn…
You can get a similar effect in Rust by combining a local `mod` and `pub use`, and I also do this increasingly in the Rust that I write.
Haskell's modules have a LOT of problems, but one thing I love is this ability to expose multiple namespaces under a single qualified name.
@mycoliza 🤘🤘🤘
I didn't know about shadow bands until today, when I observed them first-hand and then had to google for the name: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_ba…
(…if you see a beardy flannel-ey dude at RustConf opening up GIMP in between talks to make awful posts, that's me and I'm so very sorry.)
trying to buy eclipse glasses in portland:
Some people claim that secret Lisp compilers are being illegally distributed on the dark net, but I think this is just a cons-piracy theory.
@bcjbcjbcj @steveklabnik This offer sadly only lasts for the duration of the words in the tweet, but that'll be fixed when we get non-lexical ass kicking lifetimes.
come to the borrow checker in the next fifteen minutes if u want an ass kicking
@joeranweiler @sw17ch same
(CAmkES is kind of a complicated mess—and you can use Robigalia to sidestep CAmkES entirely—but I didn't have the luxury of doing so here.)
A thing I've been working on: SeL4 (running in QEMU) where the CAmkES components are written in Rust using Robigalia's SeL4 bindings.
…well, I finally tried setting up the Twitter app on my phone, so now I can tweet like it's 2007.
Keep an eye out for my next project: a data interchange format inspired by JSON and COBOL, which I call COBOL OBJECT NOTATION, or CON
Eventually someone will have attempted to create a JSON-inspired "object notation" for every programming language that exists.
(…also, RustConf is being held two blocks from my work in the city where I live, so it would be very silly of me not to go. Still!)
I don't think I've said so on Twitter yet, but I am in fact going to be at RustConf this year, which I'm very excited for.
@joeranweiler Have you read any Ted Chiang? His short stories are amazing science fiction. (The recent film Arrival was based on one of them.)
@shelfuu @acfoltzer It is absolutely a thing worth trying, because I know plenty of people who swear by it, but it might not be the end of your search.
@shelfuu @acfoltzer FWIW: I tried melatonin and it was sometimes helpful, usually neutral, sometimes Bad. This isn't a common reaction, but it's not unheard of.
@acfoltzer @shelfuu or you can just chug a nyquil literally every night till you sleep. nothin wrong with NYQUIL FOREVER CHUG A LUG
I hate when childrens' shows use bad grammar on purpose to try to be cute. The correct conjugation is
yo gabbo gabbo
tú gabbas gabbas
él gab
(This is on my mind cause I got followed by some kind of Pepe-using far-right type. I am not here for that shit. I blocked 'em immediately.)
But, like, let's be clear: I am still an Unrepentant Social Justice Warrior who is fighting for Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism.
I don't talk about politics/current events on Twitter much, not because it's not important, but because it can be stressful and difficult.
going t o start saying, "Sandwich" whenever i see an y kind of food. e.g... "thats Sandiwch" or "that blini is Sandwich to me"
weakly considering making a twitter bot to automatically broaden the definition of "sandwich" by asserting that random things are sandwiches
…sometimes, you look at a substructural logic and you just think, "That is a fine logic."
@thumphriees @Apple (…'thunderstorm' and 'large', respectively. …although it's been so long since I practiced my hanzi I can't actually read most of the rest.)
@thumphriees @Apple For what it's worth, it looks like the 雷雨 that's headed your way is gonna be pretty 大.
By the end, I had precompiled images + packages for Void Linux (my distro of choice) that ran on our fake extended x86. It was a lot of fun!
We wanted to test proposed anti-ROP hw instructions, so we implemented them on top of x86_64 in QEMU and added compiler+OS support for them.
Here's some reports about a cool project I worked on where we ran Linux on a fake processor architecture we invented twitter.com/acwpdx/status/…
@JaLibertad @mattoflambda I'll bet it could get pared down even more if GHC would add newtype families in addition to type and data families.
He also said he'd love to meet an actor on the show and tell them how much he loves GoT: "I mean, I've never seen it, but I do work retail."
I asked someone why it was so empty. He said the biggest lulls—bigger than during sports or the election—are always during new GoT episodes.
I was bracing for a busy grocery run today, only to find that the store was well-staffed but otherwise oddly empty for a Sunday evening.
The Matterhorn chat client we've been working on now has its own Twitter account for updates and information: twitter.com/matterhorn_cha…
Right now I just want people to see this frankly amazing diagram I found somewhere deep in the Blender manual pages last night:
@tsion @deech @donsbot But I think the goal is good—and indeed, I used it last week because I wanted to accessibly format Rust code I was putting into a blog post.
@tsion @deech @donsbot I think (with one exception last week) I last used rustfmt when it was much less mature, and ran into a pathological case pretty quickly.
@deech @donsbot But I haven't tried scalafmt, and I also haven't tried rustfmt or hindent in years, so maybe my opinion is just out of date at this point?
@deech @donsbot I would never balk at a project that mandated autoformatting code, but my personal issue is I've never found one that produced code I loved.
@donsbot That does make sense—that's a scale I've never worked at, and I have difficulty even imagining the concerns of working at that scale.
(I still wish Löve had an authoring tool like Flash's, which is an easy-to-pick-up combined vector art program and programming environment.)
I understand completely why the Player is being phased out, but at the same time, I can't help but feel some nostalgia for what Flash was.
I did a lot of Flash+ActionScript in high school. It's how I first did artistic and creative programming. I have a real soft spot for Flash.
…this is snarkier than I actually feel about it, but it does accurately capture that I have no real personal interest in auto-formatters.
"Those who would give up essential Readability to purchase a little Stylistic Consistency deserve neither."
—Ben Franklin on autoformatters
@theg5prank This is true and several of my coworkers do so. Fucked up but true. (I think the *** ligature, where the center * is raised, is the worst.)
(yes the post-its on the wall are there to help me figure out puzzles in the witness and also yes i know that game is like 1½ years old now)
I'm not usually one to talk a lot about new purchases, but I have wanted one of these drawing tablets for ~15yrs so I am really excited now.
The shorter explanation is just "Existential Lifetimes", which ironically was also the name of my failed Camus-inspired cable TV project.
This is just a tidied explanation I gave a friend over the weekend. Let me know if it's unclear, or typo-ridden or, y'know, just plain bad.
A quick explanatory blog post: using the `for` syntax to quantify over lifetimes in Rust types blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2017/7/lifetim…
@shelfuu @psygnisfive
@shelfuu @psygnisfive This sounds like an incredibly dangerous and painful thing to do, and I am glad you survived.
…been a while since my ebooks bot dropped a real good opinion: twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
One thing about our present that I haven't gotten used to yet is mini marts selling USB cables at checkout, right by the cigarette lighters.
@itblumenfeld @aaronmblevin …well, also I had a hell of a time getting people willing to sit down and learn the rules, much less play with me. So there's that, too.
@itblumenfeld @aaronmblevin Yeah; it ended up being still vaguely interesting to play in 3–4 dimensions, but for 5+ even a small "board" had too many axes of freedom.
@aaronmblevin (…during undergrad, I wrote up some rules for and a Python implementation of n-dimensional chess variants. They honestly weren't that fun.)
PROGRAMMING TIP: be sure to give your git branches informative and memorable names!
@ckunzelman This is a thing in bird-watching, too en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jizz_(bir…
@sclv It is well-known in Haskell folklore that "Hask"—while often treated as a category—is not a true category. Similarly, Haskell "jokes" are of
@sclv howdy. im the sherriff of taking already bad topical jokes and making them worse by making them about haskell. im gonna take your already ba
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀  🤠
 (.>) (*~) (+=)
👇 (#=)(^~) 👇
  (^?) (?~)
   👢  👢
howdy. im the sherif of updating lenses. im gonna update your le
@theg5prank Part of me still believes that a good git wrapper script must be possible. …despite a complete and total lack of evidence for this belief.
Ah, yes, this is an intuitive and completely non-insufferable naming choice.
This sentiment is brought to you today by Google's inscrutably awful 'repo' tool.
Well, it turns out there's something worse than git submodules, and it's: literally everything out there that tries to replace submodules.
So today I connected it to my car for the first time, and was treated to @griffinmcelroy's looping voice saying, "I think dogs should vote!"
When my phone connects to Bluetooth, it starts playing a loop of every MP3 it has. Mine has just one MP3 on it, one I use as a text alert.
@shelfuu @sw17ch …this tweet has been a topical joke about the almost-8-yr-old comatogenic hit track 'fireflies' by owl city, thank you for your attention
@shelfuu @sw17ch "you would not believe your eyes / if two dogs laid down lengthwise / licked on the grass as i made a tweet"
Okay, sure, I guess I can get in on #DescribeYourCreativeProcessWithAGif
(…if this tweet renders weird for you, it's because I was taking necessary precautions to avoid getting followed by crypt໐currency bots.)
If you need a name for your bl໐ckchain-like distributed cryptographⅰc ledger st𝖺rtup, I have a suggestion: Ledgerdemain
@dysinger I have not used it myself, but @jtdaugherty has written the dbmigrations package for this task: hackage.haskell.org/package/dbmigr…
@rektide It is—perhaps boringly—just the Wikipedia page's character section: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Faeri…
The character names in Edmund Spenser's 'The Faerie Queene' all sound like the output of a mediocre neural network trained on English names.
@sigfig …as soon as I said that, I realized my last system update also updated fontconfig, so I'm gonna assume the answer is in there somewhere.
@sigfig That's what I assume, but I don't know what happens in otherwise routine system updates that makes font fallback suddenly change.
(Previously, on Bizarre Linux Font Rendering: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat… )
…some day I will figure out which part of my super-hipster Linux setup is responsible for occasionally making various letters extra-tiny.
@1HaskellADay @atticusbones Not yet; I'm still mostly just experimenting, but once I've nailed down a few of the details I'm unsure about, I'll put it on Github!
@atticusbones There's also a built-in operation for "mirroring" a block of code, so this is the same code with numbers changed and a call to `horizontal`.
Today's afternoon project: a simple Haskell library for algorithmic pixel art, which I tested by making some @atticusbones-style glyphs.
This phrase popped into my head and I am frankly shocked that some dad-like person hasn't already used this name for their prog-rock blog:
I know some people like this style, but my brain sees it and assumes the last ⅓ of the glyph was meant as an exercise for the reader.
…has anyone forked Fira Mono but given it a proper at-sign? I want to do this myself, but maybe someone else already has and I can be lazy.
The state of the internet in 2017 is a mixed bag, but on the bright side, at least we don't make those "demotivator-style" images any more.
Neural networks are all about pareidolia: remember how we used them to imagine dogs into photos? Of course they'd see meaning in this noise!
…for my own part, I think this is a radically unsurprising result, and am disappointed that it was so breathlessly repeated and shared.
Remember that headline about bots "developing their own language"? This is what that language looks like (via languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=33355 )
Twitter feature suggestion: the ability to mute multiple accounts based on a regex, so I can mass mute WeRate.*
@acfoltzer …how do you make someone else's tweet your pinned tweet
This is the most hipster way possible of defining linked lists, which is why this kind of type declaration is called a "fixie".
@ReinH @d_christiansen I went ahead and put the Markdown equivalent of the body here; plain text would be easy, too: github.com/aisamanra/hadd…
If you're like me, you regularly forget Haddock markup syntax, so I made a quick-reference sheet to help with that: github.com/aisamanra/hadd…
(..........it's a videodromedary)
@vrika My brother once told me he'd consider using Siri if its voice were Werner Herzog's. I think I might if I could use a Sindarin-language one.
Free SIGBOVIK paper idea: an introduction to symbolically executing bodily motions, a.k.a. the theory of Uninterpretive Dance.
Why would I want to ever want to speak aloud to my desktop computer in any capacity at all? I got nothin' to say to it.
I built a new computer for playing video games, which means Windows, which means hours of trying to turn off all the crap that come with it.
I would straight-up pay extra money for a barebones version of Windows that didn't have stuff like Cortana and an Xbox app bundled with it.
A coworker today hurt himself energetically playing a VR game. Another coworker warned him: "If you die in real life, you die in the game."
@SommerPascal And also the GHC extension that allows for extended automated deriving of typeclasses for certain data types: downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/7.2.1/doc…
@SommerPascal It is a silly, lazy, very bad pun about the concept of a dérive as described by the Letterist collective in the 50's en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9ri…
Sadly, I can't think of a good setup for this Letterist Haskell joke, so I'll just post the punchline instead: GeneralizedNewtypeDériving
The effect in-game is pretty subtle right now—and needs some color calibration—but in general I like it.
Current status: drawing pixel art normal maps by hand.
@dylanmc Yup! And for now I'm doing manual map design using Tiled, which is a very nice piece of software: mapeditor.org
@ntcomplete more like Love Actually Is Not Depicted In This Blandly Heteronormative Movie That Regularly Glorifies Creepy Male Behaviour, amirite?
Doing some game dev work this weekend. I'm not in love with this perfunctory pixel art style, but at least it's pretty easy for prototyping.
Q: What is a flex-itarian's favorite food?
A: A bison burger.
Here is a classical illustration of a Roman augur, reading the future by tracking their engagement stats.
History fact: the Romans used to perform divination by making several tweets, then observing which tweets were granted virality by the gods.
And here is the project itself: Matterhorn, a terminal-based client for the open-source Slack-alike Mattermost: github.com/matterhorn-cha…
This is a little retrospective on a medium-sized Haskell project I have been helping work on for the past year: twitter.com/galois/status/…
Saw a blog post going around about some kind of "ELF Hello World", but I don't know why you need a whole blog post to write 'Alasse, Ambar'.
…my favorite way to write code is to identify a common need, and then ignore that need entirely and write whatever stupid thing I feel like.
@bradlarsen Me, too! I would say that there are some tasks for which I genuinely think Python is a good tool, as well.
@vrika I feel about coconut and coconut flavor like I do about meat and vegan meat-alikes—I like them, but for their own merits, not as subsitutes.
Ah, and speaking of things which I like but which make other programmers I know disgusted and horrified, I found this in the fridge at work:
Also fun: telling coworkers about how I'm using `eval` (which Lua calls `loadstring`) and watching their horrified and disgusted reactions.
I talk a lot about Haskell on here, but recently I've been doing some Lua+Löve programming and I have been enjoying it a lot.
@schrepfler @rightfold They're all valid ways of writing Haskell type signatures, although only the first two are particularly reasonable choices.
@tightlycoupled It is indeed.
@shelfuu (Aside: in jr high I had a class called "home tech" where we were taught how to "bake" "doughnuts" by topping crescent roll dough w/ sugar.)
@shelfuu The crescent rolls I've had are croissant-shaped, but drop the characteristic flakiness of croissants in favor of a soft roll-like texture.
@shelfuu I have never considered that what we call 'crescent rolls' were supposed to be croissants. I believed them to be entirely different things.
My mental image of a smart city is the same as a normal city except there are more ads and all of the ads are "Brought to you by AdWords™".
I have no idea how 'smart cities' are supposed to improve cities. In particular, I have no conception of what they'd look like in practice.
@swizzard Nope! In fact, if I define something as `Eq a => Show a =>` and then ask ghci for its type, it gives me `(Eq a, Show a)` in response.
You can also permute them, but you need RankNTypes even if the resulting type isn't actually higher-ranked (as is the case here.)
Well, here's today's example of Haskell Syntax I Didn't Know About Despite Having Used Haskell For A Decade.
Brecht's Water Yam was a collection of 'event-scores': basic directions for simple (usually abstract) performances en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_Yam…
There are a lot of good event-scores in Water Yam, but this one is very good because it's just George Brecht telling you to Log Off
@fugueish It looked like something else because apparently GIMP ignores Pango's error reporting, forges ahead with bad data, and then segfaults.
@fugueish It looks like a 1: after poking at it more, what's happening is really Unix permission problems where Pango can't read the font file.
I'm running GIMP under Valgrind 'cause apparently the font I want to use crashes the Pango text rendering library. Computers are bad, y'all.
@joeranweiler "It still doesn't work, but at least I won't expect it to work either."
…I kind of love this 'cause it means I can declare silly types like `x CHARMANDER, y POINTY` and still get out TEXT and INTEGER affinities.
@MatttLloyd It stays an INT. In general, if I query `SELECT col FROM table`, there's no guarantee that I'll get out a homogeneous sequence.
Columns DO have type 'affinities', so values of the declared type are stored more efficiently. Affinities are chosen by… substring matching.
A fun thing about SQLite is that it's dynamically typed—a column can store values of any type regardless of the declared type of the column.
@whitequark I took that screenshot in surf, which I knew wasn't great at rendering, but I had never bothered to compare just how bad. …it's pretty bad.
This MUST exist already, but still: I really want to make a tabletop RPG about street racing where your two stats are "fast" and "furious".
…it turns out that you can just make whatever Github badges you want.
@DanielleSucher I was trying to figure out if this meant there exists a movie version of Pierre Menard, which sounds difficult to do but also maybe amazing?
@dysinger @JMerritt (And I do the same thing for my own custom emacs modes, running a personal *elpa mirror.)
@dysinger @JMerritt I think people should use cabal's remote-repo more (and I do at home, in fact, to keep a repo of my own in-progress packages.)
@dysinger @JMerritt I should be clear that I'm 100% for decentralization! I'm concerned about the "let's stop pulling from Hackage entirely" kind of approach.
I commit many, many crimes against code, but today I wrote a Python script to generate Haskell type declarations from Go type declarations.
@JMerritt @dysinger I think I'd feel differently if this weren't being proposed as a breaking change: like, it'd be easiest to just… stick with the status quo.
@JMerritt @dysinger This is true, but it's a pretty massive duplication of work and makes authorship fuzzy. I don't see how it's a desirable situation at all.
@JMerritt @dysinger Because that'd create a community fracture in a way that could be avoided. (That didn't work well for the D language, for example!)
@mattoflambda @mxavier @taylorfausak (c.f. lots of hard-coded strings like github.com/fpco/stackage-… )
@mattoflambda @mxavier @taylorfausak Oh wow, I had no idea this was open-sourced at all. It clearly wasn't written for non-FPCo people to run, but I suppose that could be fixed.
@mxavier @taylorfausak But I think that's a good idea in general, and I will talk around with coworkers and other Haskellers about that prospect.
@mxavier @taylorfausak So it would feel weird to me to talk to them saying, "Hey, I don't use thing thing, but I want to have a say in what you're doing with it."
@mxavier @taylorfausak I personally haven't—mostly 'cause I use neither Stack nor Stackage, and am mostly concerned that they don't break my side of the ecosystem.
@mxavier @taylorfausak I see that as fundamentally different from a single for-profit entity having a similar level of control over a package ecosystem.
@mxavier @taylorfausak There's not a formal process, but you or I could express interest and become a trustee. It's not just a single group with a single goal.
@mxavier @taylorfausak Hackage trustees are already volunteers, though, from a wide variety of organizations. (e.g. one of my coworkers is one in his free time.)
@mxavier @taylorfausak If they're public, I've never seen them. I mean, I've seen approximations of the process, but I've never seen the actual tools.
@vincenthz @taylorfausak Yes: in fact, this is exactly the problem I have with FPCo bing in direct control of vast swaths of the Haskell ecosystem.
@mxavier @taylorfausak Stackage-the-piece-of-software is, but that's not why people use Stackage—it's the curated version sets, and how are those 'forkable'?
@taylorfausak And that when people pushed back against that, they went out of their way to slime Haskell volunteers as "evil": web.archive.org/web/2016083011…
@taylorfausak My impression was that the changes they wanted to make were, to put it bluntly, bad: e.g. directing people to use stack AND ONLY stack.
@taylorfausak I know that the package server software is open, sure, but that doesn't seem to be a key piece if I wanted to "fork Stackage".
@taylorfausak I don't see Stackage as being particularly novel outside of the package-set curation, and my impression was that that process was closed.
@taylorfausak So in short, the Hackage model is more open, and also WT has historically been a community player in a way that I don't trust FPCo to be.
@taylorfausak Then there's comments like the one that inspired this thread, where someone at FPCo casually suggests making a divisive ecosystem change.
@taylorfausak ("Haskell-lang" was started after a Haskell Committee decision didn't align with their goals—so they just forked the community instead!)
@taylorfausak Also, things like the "haskell-lang" effort makes me skeptical of FPCo's ability to make concessions to community goals at odds with theirs.
@taylorfausak The way I see it: Hackage is a public, open source project maintained by WT; Stackage is a closed project that FPCo has direct control over.
@thumphriees I tried using git-annex back in… 2014 or so? and didn't do so only because none of my servers had enough RAM to actually compile it.
@dysinger @a_cowley (Stackage at least used to be a viable remote-repo, but I don't know if it does any more—it certainly doesn't advertise it, if so.)
@dysinger @a_cowley Cabal has had the ability to do this since at least 2013 github.com/haskell/cabal/…
@a_cowley @dysinger …especially given that so much of the discussion about Stack[age] has been consciously moved outside of previous community discussions fora.
@a_cowley @dysinger And I'm not sure of the right recourse for me as a Haskell-but-not-Stack user to communicate this. (…I mean, aside from tweeting about it.)
@a_cowley @dysinger But with a decision like the one floated above, that would stop being true: the Haskell ecosystem would be split between Stack/non-Stack.
@a_cowley @dysinger For my own part, I'm not a Stack/Stackage user, and right now, that's not a problem: Stack-users and non-Stack-users can still coexist fine!
@a_cowley @dysinger I'm not totally sure. I don't think they've been awful about it, but then discussions like the one that prompted this thread give me pause.
@creichert07 Indeed! But accepting funding/donations from a company is different from being entirely built and managed by a commercial entity.
@dysinger I'm not saying that Hackage is perfect, or that managing shared resources as a community isn't without its problems!
@dysinger OTOH, Hackage is run by a team of community volunteers funded by donations, rather than by a single entity that can do whatever they want.
@dysinger Considering also the 'haskell-lang' site fork, this makes me feel FPCo is aggressively trying to center the ecosystem around themselves.
@dysinger And the choice being discussed here could mean that some Haskell libraries would ONLY be available through Stack/Stackage, not Hackage!
@dysinger But Stackage is fundamentally the product of a single company and decisions about it rest ultimately in FPCo's hands—not in the community's.
@WarrenIsDead I vaguely recalled reading a Gamasutra column non-ironically proposing a Dogme 95 For Games. …it's, uh, a bit dated. gamasutra.com/view/feature/1…
"Hey, just gauging interest: would you want to bifurcate the Haskell ecosystem in an effort to dispense with community-run infrastructure?"
Like, why the hell is this even an option? The fact that this is even being considered should be super worrying to Haskell users.
"If You Give A Mouse A Cookie", except instead it's about ceding control of your language's package infrastructure to a private company.
It's bad to reinvent the wheel, yes, but in this case the wheels are also attached to other whole cars with their own reinvented wheels, so…
This feels disappointing, 'cause it's very much busy-work, but OTOH that library is huge and has caused countless build failures for me.
I have been spending a pretty significant amount of my Haskell-programming time lately trying to avoid depending on one particular library.
@joeranweiler I suspect that there are fewer of these than you might hope, largely because the GNU assembly syntax has no merits relative to anything. 🎤⬇️
@acfoltzer (I misread this as "Bezos" and was trying to figure out if you were making some kind of confusingly oblique amazon-related joke.)
Today I saw a BLM sign that was flipped over and had SALE written on the back, which is actually a pretty good metaphor for neoliberalism.
@jong @vrika …the word 'like' is underlined, but somehow, the word 'zookerer' is not?
(I am not the originator of this joke. The real creators did not want to be credited for it, and I neither blame them nor experience shame.)
All our conference rooms at work are named after mathematicians, and also I am, maturity-wise, about, like, twelve.
[i grab a mic at haskell symposium]
they call it -XMagicHash… cause u gotta be high to use it!!!
[i am chased & subdued by the ensuing mob]
@kmett @plaidfinch I don't think that's an unreasonable thing to do! Just that it's a hurdle that's got to be done to implement an extension like this.
@kmett @plaidfinch Oh, totally! But IIRC, I had to do a lot of taking functions like this github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/m… and splitting them into Pat and Exp versions.
@plaidfinch @kmett And this extension means adding fields/functionality to record-field-as-expression that has no sensible analogue in record-field-as-pattern.
@plaidfinch @kmett IIRC there ware some difficult corner cases to it, on account of GHC reusing the `HsRecFields` type for both expressions and patterns.
…every time I write records containing functions, I recall that I never did get around to proposing this extension: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
…I also only just realized yesterday that data families permit GADT syntax, so I guess this has been a Week Of Haskell Learnings.
…I've been writing Haskell for almost a decade, and I only realized on the bus this morning that I could use an operator as a record field.
@path1ckey (…also I had to first drive home to delete it, 'cause that's what happens when you still party like it's 1997.)
@PLT_cheater …it turns out that Twitter still posts tweets if you text them, even if it's on accident. Whoops.
@path1ckey …did you know that I still have Twitter set up to send and receive texts to me? …'cause guess what: I sure as fuck didn't.
…now that I know the correct pronunciation of Stephen Kleene's name, maybe I can finally get rid of the awful mental image I've had of him.
…turns out, even Kleene's own pronuciation is arguably not correct. That's the lesson, I think: we're all wrong, when you get down to it.
I turned to Wikipedia in order to end an argument about whether 'Kleene' was pronounced /ˈkliːniː/ or /ˈkliːn/, and, well…
@jong Hence the classic Jean-Luc Picard quote, "I'll know [a violation of the Prime Directive] when I see it."
…looks to me like it's the product of several smaller Directives, which would technically make it a Composite Directive.
"Getty, don't you know that there's more to humor than just using antonyms in" let me stop you right there. thats a lot of crap
Programming books I have wanted to write:
· Fake World Haskell
· The Art of the 'Pataobject Protocol
· Code Incomplete
@joeranweiler Coincidentally, Grindy Hellscape is the name of my favorite post-metal band, 70's art-house movie, and off-brand Tony Hawk knockoff game.
@benzrf …this is a very good point. It probably should also have produced a proof (of work) term of some kind.
Confused by Haskell's ($) operator and its ilk? Here's a handy guide to the various function application operators in Haskell!
@ntcomplete I think the short story is "tweets but they can be longer and decentralized", which is, y'know, a pretty good (or at least non-bad) idea?
@TheWack0lian Oh, not technical problems: I meant something more like, "I don't know what to post about," and not, "I don't know how to post on it."
(I really want something like Mastodon to succeed—but there's a chicken-and-egg problem where I have no idea how to use Mastodon right now.)
There seems to be Another Round of Talk about Mastodon, so I should probably link to my as-yet-unused account there mastodon.social/@keweddji
@sw17ch I think I've read that some web designers try to make worse pages on purpose for some clients, to make them seem less glitzy & professional.
@jong Lego is a wonderful idea, but OTOH, I don't have the same quasi-fetishistic relationship with Lego that I do with paper and ink.
(…I've always wanted to run a tabletop game whose locations and maps were constructed like this, to be folded up or down as needed.)
Lately I've been thinking about okoshi-ezu, which are old foldable paper architectural plans for tea-houses: ursusbooks.com/pages/books/15…
@jong @rhiannonstone Yeah, everything I learned about management comes from Firefly and House of Cards.
My company—Hold & Call Field—uses VOIP solutions to allow you to feel disdain for even distant people. That is, we build tele-phony systems.
@thumphriees alternate proposal: replace the backwards `($)` operator, `(&)`, with a `(¢)` operator for conceptual symmetry
@strangebirds @shusta Since Twilight Princess, they've switched to a variety of English ciphers instead—no idea why: omniglot.com/conscripts/hyl…
@strangebirds @shusta Older Zelda games (e.g. Ocarina) featured writing systems that were ciphers of Japanese Kana: omniglot.com/conscripts/hyl…
(Several of the glyphs are used for two sounds: F and R, G and D, E and W, and O and Z each are written with only one glyph.)
Here is a hastily-drawn guide to Breath of the Wild's Hylian alphabet. (I haven't encountered an X or J in any texts yet.)
(I was wondering whether I had mis-deciphered the alphabet when I found this sign in Rito Village, but no, this one's just misspelled.)
One thing I love in video games is sitting down and figuring out the alphabetic ciphers used. This one was admittedly a pretty basic one.
@thedagit @dylanmc This led me to play with that field a bit, and… I am very confused.
@Blaisorblade @jamey_sharp The mockup is purposefully more verbose than it should be, but I do in general like halfway-to-Haskell languages.
Game idea—a Truck Simulator but on an alien world, so you pilot strange vehicles through incomprehensible cities to mysterious destinations.
@jamey_sharp @itblumenfeld I have always dreamed of resolving the Haskell/Pascal duality by creating Paskell, a beautiful synthesis of both.
@dylanmc @itblumenfeld Honestly, induction ranges are kind of tedious. Always having to cook your base case before cooking anything bigger.
My coworker objected to this tweet because 'unsatisfied' and 'unsatisfiable' are different. …I work with some nerds. twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
"Even the SMT solver can't figure this out," Tom said, unsatisfied.
"Self-reference is fine as long as it happens underneath a codatatype constructor," Tom said guardedly.
"I'm not very rigorous when it comes to the proofs I write in Coq," Tom admitted.
@joeranweiler …this is related to a larger book and document cataloguing project I've had banging around in my head for a few years now.
@joeranweiler …this reminds me that I've been wanting to buy a thermal receipt-type printer on eBay and get some thermal label paper.
One of my pet peeves is experts in STEM who don't understand why (or even that) other fields of study exist. It's myopic and depressing.
They applied cryptanalysis techniques, thinking this would help. After years of effort, they failed to decipher even a single character.
Cryptographer William F. Friedman—who broke the PURPLE cipher during WW2—and his wife once worked on deciphering the Mayan writing system.
This is a preposterous sentiment for a lot of reasons, but it's even wrong in the face of historical evidence. twitter.com/neiltyson/stat…
@steveklabnik @bcjbcjbcj It's because Windows: in Unix shells, Ctrl-D sends an EOF char, but in cmd.exe, it sends (IIRC) a '\x04' char.
…found a notebook in my coat pocket which contained brainstorming for a Linux-based Microsoft Bob clone. Past Getty had some real bad ideas.
@basmatiheather @rhiannonstone @jong Oh Dr. Snap!
@sigfig There's this obviousness to a bunch of the recipes that's sort of charming to me now.
@sigfig I also like the naming convention that keeps showing up that's just "[booze] cocktail", like "Whiskey Cocktail", "Gin Cocktail", &c.
This cocktail is just milk and bourbon, and is accompanied by a story about getting some "country buyer" drunk by putting booze in his milk.
There's that cliché where 19th century books have ridiculous florid names and subtitles and The Bar-Tender's Guide does not disappoint here:
This one is from the section on "Temperance Drinks", and has a spectacularly 19th-century-style name for a pretty boringly obvious drink.
This one is just two kinds of beer poured together. ("Arf and Arf" is supposed to sound like an English person saying "Half and Half.")
Last night I was reading The Bar-Tender's Guide by Jerry Thomas, published in 1862. I like the simple but slightly confusing cocktails best.
My mother was trying to text me about the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, but she called it the 'Simon Wharter Effect'.
To answer the question 'Did I do that?', keep your logs in a tree that stores hashes in all non-leaf nodes: that is to say, a Murkel tree.
Haskell programmer poll: have you used the TransformListComp GHC extension in practice? (i.e. not just in experimenting w/ the extension.)
@dylanmc @itblumenfeld I'm not taking issue with anyone's personal tastes, just with exaggerated public hatred of programming technologies.
@dylanmc @itblumenfeld I don't blame anyone for disliking Lua, but there are very good practical reasons why other people might like it.
@itblumenfeld @dylanmc Mostly for very practical reasons: the simplicity and embeddability of the Lua implementation is an amazing thing.
@itblumenfeld @dylanmc I think that's incredibly unfair—Lua is a language that has a lot going for it and which I have great affection for.
@itblumenfeld @dylanmc You could always do something like this! msm.runhello.com/p/1003
@trannyfits A friend remarked that he reads the hourglass as 'the concept of time' and liked the idea that the smartphone had replaced time.
Now you can relive it forever, with my newest bot: @ten_short_years
Remember this tweet I was making fun of the other day? twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
@CopperheadOS @itblumenfeld True—I guess I should have said "…can be better advice". (…it's hard to make hedged statements in tweet length.)
@CopperheadOS @itblumenfeld "Use old well-tested systems and techniques" is good advice—I just wish they actually said that instead of this.
@CopperheadOS @itblumenfeld And to be fair to the text it seems to be using "low-level" to just mean "old". It calls out COBOL specifically.
I was talking with friends about bitters earlier so I also took a photo of the current state of my bitters collection—62 bottles at present!
@itblumenfeld "Calm Technology", from O'Reilly. When it's sticking to design-related topics, it's quite good! It's just… this bit… oof.
The reason that suriving systems in COBOL are good has more to do with the fact that they've survived than the fact that they are in COBOL.
This definitely enters the running as quite possibly the Objectively Wost Software Engineering Advice.
@aaronmblevin "In less than 10 years, the 👉🏽 replaced:

@aaronmblevin …oh, man, this is not QUITE worth the effort it would take to make a bot that just chooses random emoji for a tweet like that.
In one of his talks, @warrenellis used the phrase "silo of futurism", which is a good way of describing this kind of technophilic myopia.
@thedagit …turns out, there's no paramecium emoji, otherwise I would have started with a row of single-celled organisms.
@thedagit In less than 1000000 years, the 🤷️ replaced

…how can you straight-facedly claim smartphones have "replaced" keys (rather than "can maybe be used as keys") and still be taken seriously?
ah yes now that we have Smartphone nobody uses Television Paperclip Megaphone or Key any more. they have been Replaced
One of my favorite out-of-context Lovecraft phrases is definitely, "…that nighted, penguin-fringed abyss…"
I've also experimented with pixel art versions—I don't like them as much in practice but they make me want to make a bartending-themed game.
@onoforpono I'm planning on putting them all on Github under a Creative Comons license, so they'll at least be usable as Slack-type emoji!
And here's a new recipe graph I just did today: the applejack-based Jack Rose cocktail cocktail.graphics/cocktail/the-j…
@hikikomorphism I could do that myself, but I'm figuring out if it'd be better to use a print-on-demand place like Redbubble instead.
@hikikomorphism I've found some reasonably priced printers, but I'm less sure about how to sell and distribute them. Partly out of laziness…
I'm looking into the best way to make+sell small card-sized prints of these, too, for people (like me!) who like printed paper objects.
It's still a work in progress, but I've tossed together a site at cocktail.graphics for my cocktail recipe diagrams.
@WhiteMageBecky …and see if they have any information or feedback!
@WhiteMageBecky …university people are super nice and helpful. I also know some people in those departments, and I can happily ask around…
@WhiteMageBecky I'm honestly not sure; I'm not super familiar with either OSU or the way those programs operate. Usually, though…
@MCantor forget objects and closures, what poor men need are unions
…not gonna lie: I'm a little bit disappointed this naming convention for polyhedra didn't really take off.
@pepper_chico @ffee_machine Oh, no, that's real! That part is unmodified from GCC's actual documentation: gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc…
@pepper_chico @ffee_machine …this is me editing the texinfo for GCC by hand, sadly.
The word 'kin' has two big advantages:
· paper titles that are Hamlet-related puns
· paper titles that are otherkin-related puns
Whenever we need yet another word for groupings in PL theory—like 'type', 'kind', 'category', 'sort', &c—I propose we use the word 'kin'.
@jamey_sharp c.f. github.com/rust-lang/rfcs…
@jamey_sharp IIRC the motivation for `if let` and `while let` specifically cited Swift's (more limited) implementations of those features.
…is this CLOS?
(I've only done a handful of these, but I really should put together a web site just for them, with browing and searching and so forth.)
I haven't done any of these in a while, so here's a visual recipe for the Trinidad Sour, an unusual but delicious cocktail.
@joeranweiler sounds like someone's just jealous that they've never had a Bungle In The Jungle
@morabbin IIRC it was like this
@morabbin Spelling: it was the Sindarin word 'angwedh', but written in a Quenya mode and without a vowel carrier for the initial tehtar.
Had a dream where someone had some elvish written on their hand and I was correcting it. …I'm apparently insufferable even in my own dreams.
@shelfuu It's not real security, of course, but it makes it vaguely harder to Google past traces of me on the internet.
@shelfuu It's definitely some Security By Obscurity, but this is one reason I try to change up my username across services.
@shelfuu holding your present self hostage with the inane and terrible ramblings of your past self
@shelfuu sounds like a backwards business model—you should have to pay them to destroy evidence of your past indiscreet slack messages
@d_christiansen Simpla ekspertsistemo povus determini almenaŭ, ke texto kun Ĝ aŭ Ĉ ne estas litova aŭ ĉeĥa, simple kaŭze de ortografio!)
@d_christiansen (La fakto, kio min konfuzas, estas, ke la literoj Ĝ, Ĉ, k.t.p., ne estas uzata je aliaj eŭroplingvoj, sole je esperanto.
@d_christiansen Ne sole poŝtelefonoj—ĉiuj komputeroj! Ekzemple—Tvitero pensas, ke niaj tvitoj estas je litova, ĉeĥa, kaj estona, respektive.
@d_christiansen "ĝi ofertas" estas evidente frazo, kion vi ofte volus uzi per sin, sen objekto, en tekstmesaĝoj.
@jong To be fair, every subtyping system is different. Some systems only have bounded sub-typing rules.
In subtyping systems:
⊤ represents the top type, such that ∀τ. τ <: ⊤.
⊥ is the bottom type, so ∀τ. ⊥ <: τ.
All other types are switches.
@thumphriees It can attest that it works with my RSS reader!
@shelfuu @ffee_machine @sw17ch You could change it just a tiny bit and use the pixel version I did of the same image …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/132220701…
I was trying to generate some Haskell code last night and ended up finding a typo ("maximun") in a presumably-little-seen GHC error message.
@MCantor (c.f. web.archive.org/web/2013122819… ) I think my own relationship to note-taking is very similar.
@MCantor …box of notes was his "co-collaborator" on his papers, because of how important it was for developing new ideas.
@MCantor The media theorist Niklas Luhmann used to keep all his notes in a "slip-box" (German Zettelkasten), and he would assert that the…
@MCantor For me, it's as much for organization as for creativity: having external written/typed notes is good for colliding ideas together.
@MCantor …these are a little less than half of just the on-paper notes for a novel I had been working on—so I absolutely sympathize.
@joeranweiler (And how that same author later blocked me on Twitter after namesearching and finding my non-Elvish-related criticism of him?)
@joeranweiler …have I told the story about the most shameful email I've ever sent, in which I corrected a webcomic author's use of Tengwar?
"Experts devised symbolic warnings to deter future visitors to dangerous places, conveying the message: 'This is not a place of honor.'"
Look, if you haven't subjected it to conspiracy experiments, then it's not a conspiracy theory, it's just a conspiracy hypothesis.
Today's great ebooks phrase was "metafont proof refinement logic" twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
…has someone written a proof assistant in the style of Microsoft Bob, where a little cartoon character helps you discharge obligations?
Yesterday, my ebooks bot mentioned "microsoft bob harper", and I'm still amused by this phrase. twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
@XtinaSchelin So consequently: "Linear B Logic". (…it's, uh, not a very deep joke.)
@XtinaSchelin …for variables, the variables are written in an ancient writing system (used to write Mycenean Greek) called 'Linear B'.
@XtinaSchelin Sure! Those formulae are rules describing a system of logic called 'linear logic', but instead of using the Latin alphabet…
Given that the word 'hobbit' comes from O.E. holbytla 'hole dweller', the first sentence of The Hobbit has a small measure of redundancy.
@Blaisorblade (…I forget exactly what I was doing now, but there were a lot of continuations. That was the important thing.)
@Blaisorblade I think I've never actually used Tengwar—but I used to do Latin for variables, Greek for types, Hebrew for continuation types.
@itblumenfeld @donsbot @sclv Of course!
…this made me realize that I missed a wonderful opportunity for a truly terrible pun—so here's Linear B Logic. @donsbot @sclv
@Jyrinx This is in a typed language! …well, except the API change was in a REST API, which is basically an untyped intermediate language.
@ntcomplete (The server would blindly write the "successful" response to the socket, check the error, then write the "error" response, too.)
@ntcomplete This one was coupled with a fun bug where the server would accidentally send us two JSON blobs appended together on errors.
…you ever have one of those days when a program breaks 'cause of an undocumented API change and it takes hours to hunt down the change?
Upside of being a huge dork is that you never run out of variable names. …you do run out of people willing to put up with your shit, though.
(That is to say, I'm proud of the students there—I'm not happy with the Berkeley administration for making student action necessary.)
I'm pretty proud of my alma mater today.
@MCantor Are you sure? It's thepowerofand.slack.com and there's already a gentle_coda user, it looks like.
@MCantor (Also, if you have deeper questions about any of these topics, you can always log in to Misty's Slack and bug me w/ questions!)
@MCantor (I started writing tweets, and kept having trouble describing it in <140 chars, so I just copied it to Inkscape and made an image.)
@MCantor Yeah, just very quickly.
@MCantor Also, tell me how comprehensible this is: it's kind of hard to talk about grammars in tweets, even with images!
@MCantor (The historical go-to compilers book is the Dragon Book, but it's a bit outdated. Might still be worth a peruse?)
@MCantor I'm less sure on general compilers—for functional langs, SPJ's 'The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages' is great.
@MCantor …includes a graph of chapter topics so you can find out what chapters are & aren't necessary for whatever topic you're looking up.)
@MCantor For PL design, I think the textbook Types And Programming Languages is a genuinely good and approachable read. (I love how it…
I ran it overnight on a different training set. There were… problems. (Weirdly, the sequence 'eee' never once appears in the training set.)
I want to switch my ebooks bot to use deep learning, but so far I've just managed to generate a Cloud-Atlas-post-apocalypse-talk generator.
@ntcomplete buddy, if i wanted to read the exploits of a weird evil clown guy, i would reread my own livejournal
Especially: Prophet, Mirror, Casanova, The Wicked + The Divine, Bitch Planet, Injection, Pretty Deadly, Monstress…
I don't talk about comics a lot on here, but this Humble Bundle has first volumes of lot of my current favorites: humblebundle.com/books/image-co…
(the blog post isn't a goblin. this isn't part of goblin week. i am sorry for ruining goblin week by blogging about haskell during it.)
The difference is pretty obvious in retrospect, but I've known many top-notch Haskell programmers who haven't known the difference off-hand.
I wrote a quick piece about the difference between `T a a` and `a ~ b => T a b` in Haskell instance declarations: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2017/1/haskell…
@shelfuu I am surprised that there aren't more horror movies set near my hometown. …maybe just knowing that Fresno exists is scary enough.
@shelfuu It is apparently on YouTube! youtube.com/watch?v=eDSLCZ…
@deech @shelfuu
@shelfuu …it's not really that funny even in context, but it's stuck there forever, taking up valuable brain space that I can never free up.
@shelfuu …now every time I see his name my brain flashes back to the bots mimicking his voice: 'My name is Donald Pleasance and I am funky!'
@shelfuu As a youth one of my favorite MST3K episodes was PUMAMAN, an Italian superhero film starring Donald Pleasance as the villain, so…
@dylanmc Not that he's not a dangerous person, but I should point out that that is a parody account. (He's Sean Spicer, not Sean Splicer.)
@acfoltzer Goat Mom and Goblin Dad
#goblinweek day four: an older, wiser, pixel-y-er goblin. (Incidentally, @aseprite is an excellent piece of software.)
#goblinweek day 3: watercolors. (So far, every one of these goblins was created while listening to @Friends_Table, which is spectacular.)
For day two of #goblinweek, I made a @hchomgoblin-style linocut goblin: …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/156273714…
I should mention that I'm observing #goblinweek by creating a goblin in a different medium daily. Yesterday was ink: …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/156237880…
(Probably Not The Time for this—I know—when the world has more important struggles that need your attention, but I needed some distraction.)
Pt. 1 (about Pythagorean tuning and equal temperament) was from way back in October, and can be found here: what.happens.when.computer/2016-10-18/pyt…
I've finished pt. 2 of my blog posts about music theory, this time about meantone temperaments & microtonal tunings: what.happens.when.computer/2017-01-21/mea…
@thumphriees Recently I did a google search for a topic and my own blog came up, and the idea that other people had read it was terrifying.
@acfoltzer every breath i take is a cause to point to the self-deprecation jar
@acfoltzer I think I might be basically suggesting "vaporwave but non-ironic and also more insufferable"
Like steampunk, but instead of making everyday objects into brass-covered Victorian pastiche you make them look like beige 90's electronics.
@maxkreminski …analogy in it being an analogy to abstract, near-nonsensical phenomena. Like a "Luigi Serafini's Poignant Guide to Haskell".
@maxkreminski I've always kind of wanted to write a riff on Real World Haskell and call it Fake World Haskell, and I like the idea of every…
…this is a joke, but I only made the joke because that analogy makes real sense in my awful, terrible brain.
I should write a post where I explain Uniform Function Call Syntax by analogy to Basque's antipassive voice, for minimum possible clarity.
On a hopefully-less-terrible art note, I'm also learning how to use Blender's digital sculpting tools, which are a lot of fun.
@MCantor That is absolutely what it is. I saw the glasses for $1 in a checkout line and immediately knew what I had to do with them.
Related: here's what happened the last time I thought, "Oh, I should make a new ridiculous novelty profile picture": twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
I tried to replicate the WikiHow art style for a self-portrait. I have shamed my ancestors beyond comprehension with this vile endeavour.
Terrible bot idea: a bot that tweets all the images from @cursedimages except with the caption "THIS IS WHY TRUMP WON"
buddy if you're gonna ban my threads about how many romantic partners i have as "off-topic" then why is your forum even called "polycount"??
I don't think I lived up to my New Year's resolution last year, but I'm hoping to do a lot better this year.
@MCantor Just this past year Metafilter revived their Gopher server, so you can browse Metafilter in beautiful text: metatalk.metafilter.com/24019/Direct-y…
(Fun fact: we have so few examples of Tolkien's Dwarvish that his entire Khuzdul corpus could fit in a single tweet.)
Over the weekend, I also made a Cirth pixel font to accompany the Tengwar pixel font I created before. This is Balin's epitaph in Moria.
This isn't related; I'm just linking to this for no reason: wondermark.com/829/
lerp, v.t. to produce the straight line joining two points. (From the Old English lēarpan "to interpolate linearly".)
@PLT_cheater @thumphriees I've never used weechat—I went straight from irssi to glirc—so I can't really say, sadly.
@thumphriees I've been using glirc+znc for a while, and I like it a lot. (…it helps that I can get glirc help by shouting over my shoulder.)
@deech As far as I can remember, there's nothing right now to enable that. Do you have a bigger example of the kind of behaviour you want?
@deech Parts of it are still a WIP, but it's uploaded on Hackage and usable right now. I'd be happy to get feedback if you end up using it!
…tonight a stranger claimed that he mistook me for Guillermo del Toro, and I'm still not sure of the correct way to feel about this event.
"Alexia! Set a timer! …oh, I mean—Alexa! Set a timer!" I am just really entertained by banal failure modes that come with new technologies.
My parents got a voice-gadget-thingy for their kitchen. Sometimes my dad has to retry a command a few times, because he says the wrong name.
What have I been working on over the weekend? …oh, y'know. Just regular, normal stuff.
@benzrf …maybe I should combine this with my old xmonad config, which I ditched because I didn't love the font: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
(What's written here is the Sindarin text from the doors of Moria: the second line is the one that means, "Speak, friend, and enter.")
It only really works if you're using the mode of Beleriand where vowels are separate letters—vowel points in a pixel font would be trickier.
I took a bit of time last night and experimented with minimal pixel fonts for Tengwar. I'm not totally pleased with this, but it's close.
@BenjaminSelfrid kanye-water-bottle-02.png is an image I once used for a presentation about the Rust programming language.
…a routine software update in the last day has for some reason made all of the lower-case k's in my terminal super tiny. Oh, Linux.
Open Source Video Game Art is already a particular kind of bad, but just wait till you see Open Source Minecraft Clone Art.
The default Minecraft font makes circumflexes look like inverted breves, and I care about this because I am an insufferable human being.
I love conlangs as a weird kind of art on their own, but using them in fiction is really difficult, as it's really easy to overuse them.
Just… read the Wikipedia article on code-switching before trying to awkwardly shoehorn your 3rd-rate fantasy conlang into dialogue. Please.
Dragons will perfectly alternate English/Draconic every sentence: "Hello. Sho kel. How are you. Kavakh na. I am fine." Who talks like this?
Last night—5 years late, I know—I finally played through the main quest of Skyrim, so now I have Complaints about the way they use conlangs.
(This is from the cartoon Котенок по имени Гав, "A Kitten Named Woof", made by Soyuzmultfilm in the early 80's.)
This is exactly how intuitionistic logic works.
@ffee_machine It's already all online, and we're proud of it so far, but it's also definitely still alpha-quality: github.com/matterhorn-cha…
@ffee_machine I am proud to say that I introduced cowsay support around lunch and 3 hours later we've already overused the hell out of it.
@vrika Auto-cowsay is useful! …well, sometimes. It's already gotten a bit overused since I introduced it, but I'm happy I implemented it.
@ffee_machine (Galois started using an open-source Slack clone w/ no good command-line client, so me + @thedagit + @jtdaugherty wrote one.)
@ffee_machine …it was originally for use in Galois, so… kinda? I overstated for comic effect, but we are building it for Galwegians to use.
Ah, yes, always a good day to add useful, well-considered, much-needed features to the chat client we created for professional use.
@evanburchard Oh, yes, that I did.
@evanburchard This is the original 36.media.tumblr.com/aab18ad9291be0… and here's an (unvetted?) KnowYourMeme article about it knowyourmeme.com/memes/layers-o…
@evanburchard Oh, no, it's an existing comic that's gone around the internet a few times. In its original form, it was about "irony levels".
Anyway, special thanks to @path1ckey for suggesting that tiny but vital detail of my ridiculous shitpost.
So far the only person to try to correct my (deliberately) incorrect commutative digram has been someone with "troll" in their bio. …ironic.
The Greek work σιτόκουρος (sitókouros) refers to a wastrel who does nothing but eat bread. In related news, I've found a new display name.
@_k_w_f_ …I considered it, but honestly, I only made this screenshot because I was just slightly too lazy to make the video for real.
@moltarx @path1ckey @shelfuu I've been sleeping on the floor since I moved. I plan on building a bed, but I am also very, very lazy.
@rhiannonstone @Katecom (It's still delicious khachapuri! But it's definitely more upscale restaurant and less casual awesome food cart.)
@rhiannonstone @Katecom Unfortunately, the Georgian food truck is closed. AFAIK, Kachka is the only place in Portland to get khachapuri now.
@bobpoekert @maxkreminski …the D process to mix with B, and how much to mix with C. I expect that'll be expressed as metadata on the arrow.
@bobpoekert @maxkreminski I was planning on having forking paths require an extra annotation, because you need to know how much result from…
@bobpoekert @maxkreminski The DSL can express forking paths, but I don't currently process it right, basically out of laziness.
@maxkreminski @bobpoekert (Also because it's good motivation for drawing new tiny pictures of bottles and cocktail ingredients.)
@maxkreminski @bobpoekert I should admit that those cocktail recipes are hand-drawn as a way of exploring what my DSL will eventually create
"The Hypothetically Burning Bridges Except No Bridges Were Ever Actually Built Proposal"
Has anyone talked about removing arr from the Arrow typeclass? (It's technically not a breaking change because nobody actually uses Arrows.)
current status (taken from buttercupfestival.com/2-127.htm )
Yesterday I made this joke. Today I accidentally broke a server with an ill-considered package update. So, uh. Yeah. twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
@Jyrinx …it doesn't, but I wasn't sure how to make it appropriately lossy and also type-check.
@sw17ch …not exactly. It's a long story—but luckily that story does show up in the programming slack, if you want to read it in full.
OH: loss.hs
they call me 'systemd' because i'm very large and contentious, make deeply questionable choices, and regularly break Linux systems
@acwpdx I like how the first thing you decide to quilt is a TIS-100 unit.
…wait… those symbols on the cover of the book… i think i have uncover the conspiracy............................
mi hodiaŭ ĉe la librejo aĉetis tiun grandan bildvortaron (visual encyclopedia), kio estas tute en esperanto
For tonight's Thanksgiving dinner, we're eating a classic American meal just like the ones the early American settlers in the northeast ate.
Today's reading: �������� ��� �� (with ������� ��� and ���������)
@Blaisorblade I think that's for libraries, though; I have no idea why anyone would name a data type 'Clown'. That's just terrible.
@Blaisorblade I don't think it's a joke, just not a dry descriptive name. I think the same logic applies for jokey library names, though.
@Blaisorblade (e.g. Haskell's 'HTTP' for plain HTTP bindings, but 'wreq' for an opinionated not-just-bindings library for HTTP requests.)
@Blaisorblade Silly names are less likely to conflict or be confused with others, and they can imply that a lib is somehow unusual/distinct.
@Blaisorblade I think there's a place for silly (or just unusual) names sometimes—but only in specific circumstances and only within reason.
…I have already gotten complaints that this package does not have a pun name. I firmly believe that boring code should have a boring name.
Super boring announcement: if you need a quick and easy way to work with INI files in Haskell, I got you covered. hackage.haskell.org/package/config…
I just really love the phrase "the post-tofu era"
The quote I've been trying to keep in mind lately is Gilles Deleuze: "There's no need to fear or hope, but only to look for new weapons."
That's not to say I'm trying to ignore what's happening—I'm trying to stay informed and angry while staying healthy and without losing hope.
I've been quiet lately 'cause I'm tempering my anxiety over the world's slide into authoritarianism by reading more books and less internet.
…mildly disappointed that patafilter.com isn't being used for some kind of proto-dada link aggregator/web community
If you REALLY want to know what I think, you can reconstruct my views on the election from the fact that I unironically retweet Marxbot.
I made this promise back in February, and I am happy to say that I kept the shit out of it: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
I am regularly surprised by just how good a shitposter my ebooks bot can be: twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
@ntcomplete Y'know, how all of them are Krieger-themed parodies of various Rush album covers.
@ntcomplete I am like 98% sure you know what Rush is, 'cause I remember explaining to you and Adam the running joke with Krieger's vans.
(People do sometimes ask—Getty is my real given name. My parents named me after Geddy Lee from Rush, but deliberately changed the spelling.)
Sometimes I feel like image captions are mocking me personally. "Yeah, that's right, GETTY."
…maybe sometimes the world really is as sweet as potatoes and molasses.
News and Events have been making me anxious lately, but tonight I made farfalle w/ chanterelles & chardonnay-cream sauce, so that was good.
@gepr I haven't found anything that doesn't support it yet, but I am sure it'll arise in the most frustrating situation possible.
(This statement was of course inspired by the answers to my previous question about $EDITOR behavior.)
OH: "okay, so we are all in agreement that while that is not the world we want to live in, it definitely is the world we live in"
@johnregehr Related question: is there something like the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, but for the worst academic paper abstract?
@theg5prank This has been working for me for years, but I never thought about it in depth until I had to implement $EDITOR support myself.
@joeatwork That's been my $EDITOR for years, and I haven't come across any problems, but it's possible I'm relying on something nonstandard.
Lazyweb: specifying an $EDITOR that includes flags works like `emacs -nw` works as far as I can tell, but is that a behaviour I can rely on?
@WarrenIsDead happy camping
♫ the build has broken ♫ like the first git push ♫
♫ travis has emailed ♫ all badges red ♫
Today: a from-scratch explanation of Markov chains, and some basic attempts at visualization of Markov chain output: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2016/10/markov…
I have wanted to make a Deleuzean cocktail for ages—the Rye-zome—but I would never believe that a smooth taste would suffice to save us.
Be warned—my ebooks bot is trained on my tweets, so the 'originals' from which subphrases are drawn are always gonna be a bunch of bad posts
I keep being curious, so I modified my ebooks bot so it records/displays the provenance of each choice of phrase: guwan.gdritter.com
I would write poetry more if I could consistently come up with phrases like "a brightly-colored can of possible".
Working on some changes to my Markov bot & testing it by running it over my short stories. I'm angry at how great some of these phrases are.
Think about that in the future: your code's docs are probably being put to shame by a script that displays cartoon ponies in a terminal.
There's a My Little Pony-themed reimpl. of cowsay. It has an 82-page manual, which means it's probably got better docs than your software.
My best typo today: const unsighned char*
@MCantor …he's the QueryCondescender
I'm always surprised at Esperanto in the wild. There's also a journal of fashion studies with an Esperanto name: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestoj
There's a Guitar Hero-style piano music notation from the 30's whose name is just Esperanto for 'keyboard writing': en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klavarskr…
Pretty soon, I'm gonna follow this up with an exploration of microtonal scales, non-Western scales, and other approaches to tuning.
@n1nj4 There is, after all, a pretty good exchange rate between self-deprecating stories and internet points.
ICYMI, last week I wrote about Pythagorean tuning, equal temperament, and why we have twelve tones per octave: what.happens.when.computer/2016-10-18/pyt…
I once considered writing a modern, car-focused retelling of the story of Jason and the Argonauts. My planned title was: 'Greece Lightning'.
@acfoltzer @sw17ch looks more like a typed table to me
@PLT_cheater I'm making an oblique (and bad) joke about substituting words in the Das Racist song 'Combination P*zza H*t and T*co B*ll'.
(I tried to use a combining diaresis with the asterisk but 'H*̈*gen-D*sz' looks terrible, at least on my computer.)
…I'm censoring br*nd-names so they don't @ me on twitter, because we live in a world that is a bad parody of a cyberpunk.
This airport has a Combination P*zza-H*t and H**gen-D*sz, which is not a combination I has seen before. Luckily, it doesn't break scansion.
@AndreasFrom None yet, which is… mildly surprising, really.
I accidentally DM'ed someone their own tweet when trying to share it with someone else, because apparently I have no idea how to computer.
The whole thing is well-stated, but the last paragraph sums it up really well. (From foldingcookie.tumblr.com/post/130301178… ) @thumphriees
@thumphriees I quoted something to this effect in Slack the other day, quoting from this random tumblr post: foldingcookie.tumblr.com/post/130301178…
This is still a good idea: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
(That article is about the album Beauty in the Beast by Wendy Carlos, which you should at least try to listen to. It's bizarre and amazing.)
"This traditional Indonesian system of tuning gives me major feels."
[insert ron howard voice]
My intention in writing this was to provide a not-too-technical answer to, "How and why did the West settle on a twelve-note octave?"
Still doing final proofreading, but I put a post up about Pythagorean tuning and the origin of the 12-tone octave: what.happens.when.computer/2016-10-18/pyt…
#inktober day seventeen: another #thezonecast-inspired sketch, this one of Klarg the Hugbear.
I'm not even exaggerating: slate.com/blogs/the_vaul…
This one is really less "wizard name" and more "traditional Puritan name": twitter.com/wizarding_name…
Tonight's cocktail recipe: The Last Word, a gin-based classic. (…also the cocktail I accidentally spilled all over my last laptop.)
#inktober day sixteen: Detective Joe Miller and the Key. (I finished watching The Lost Room just yesterday.) [deleted/reposted due to typo]
#inktober day fifteen: an incredibly badly botched sketch of a journal, pen, and inkwell.
#inktober day fourteen: a quick sketch of a tea-dragon, from the adorable webcomic The Tea Dragon Society teadragonsociety.com
Well, I think I've found my wizard name: twitter.com/wizarding_name…
#inktober day thirteen: I've mostly been doing characters, not objects, so here's "still life with old fashioned"
a late #inktober day twelve: another minor character from a probably-never-to-be-finished personal project
@jong I like to think of myself as a cuneiformtrooper.
Today, I had a rando calling 'strawman argument'… on one of my programming-themed dasharez0ne parodies.

twitter dot com is, so good
As of his morning it has a real, non-egg profile picture, so it no longer looks like it's about to spout obscene invective in your mentions.
…ICYMI, I tossed together the @wizarding_names bot yesterday inspired by this @WarrenIsDead tweet: twitter.com/WarrenIsDead/s…
Right now it still needs a profile picture and all, but from now on @wizarding_names will tweet hourly @WarrenIsDead
@WarrenIsDead ...should I turn this into a twitter bot y/n
…not super happy with my #inktober day eleven—my favorite fictional deity, Palgolak—but not every sketch can be perfect, after all.
#inktober day ten
Several of my recent sketches were done listening to #thezonecast, so here's a quick Taako for #inktober day nine
#inktober day eight: "And your name?"
A hasty and not-very-detailed rendition of The Drifter for #inktober day seven.
#inktober day six: a hatless and teenaged Finn the Human
I'm way behind on posting my #inktober sketches! Day five: an unfinished weird robot I sketched between some great #pdxrust talks this week.
"can i ask why youre holding TWO functors F:D→C and G:C→D such that F⊣G"
"officer, im"
*turns to camera*
"left adjointed"
*cop starts breakd
For years I've made weed-related jokes by emphasizing the 'joint' in 'adjoint functor'. These have never been funny, and I will never stop.
@n1nj4 @ffee_machine I think Wolfram showed us the right approach: get enough publicity that people can't help but try to refute you.
Source: ams.org/notices/200302…
@MrPutter Пожалуйста! Another good place to start, if you want more, is Lawrence Gray's review in the AMS: ams.org/notices/200302…
@MrPutter That first led me, for example, to Konrad Zuse's book Rechnender Raum, which is an important predecessor Wolfram fails to mention.
@MrPutter I think I started with this Amazon review, which itself contains a bunch of pointers to interesting stuff: amazon.com/review/RUGSCP3…
@MrPutter There's a huge collection of them listed here, and choosing on even at random can be informative shell.cas.usf.edu/~wclark/ANKOS_…
I am actually happy that A New Kind of Science exists. I have learned so much about cellular automata by reading the scathing reveiws of it.
My ebooks bot apparently even has a correct handle on ANKoS: twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
@vrika I am, in all honesty, pretty neutral w/r/t the correlation or obligation of heroes or non-heroes to wear or not-wear capes.
@vrika I was mostly thinking that "Not All Heroes Wear Capes" was a pretty played-out clickbait lede, and wanted to be a bit contrarian.
I hate to play the "devil's advocate" here, but I think we should consider the possibility that all heroes do, in fact, wear capes.
Here's a sketchy at-work #inktober day four—a minor character from a perpetually-unfinished multimedia project I've planned for years.
…I know it barely counts, but today I drew a nature scene in TiltBrush, so I'm going to treat it as my #inktober day three.
This applies to languages, paradigms, systems, &c, and was inspired just now by seeing someone advocate that '…ALL images should be vector'.
I gotta say this again: the programmer fascination with 'One True Way' makes you a worse programmer, not to mention just a tedious person.
I feel the same way about Android UIs and lap dogs: cute from a distance, appealing to some people, but I wouldn't want to live with one.
Anyway—I updated Cyanogen and it added bouncier UI bits, so now I gotta cross my fingers and hope they added a setting to control it.
I have an old Nexus tablet and I installed Cyanogen primarily because the bouncy UI elements on stock Android made me irrationally angry.
I don't pretend to represent an average user, but speaking for myself, bouncy animations and tweens in UIs are NAILS ON A FUCKING CHALKBOARD
And for #inktober day two, I tried to sketch Triolet, from Moon & Bá's graphic novel adaptation of Gaiman's How To Talk To Girls At Parties.
Here's a late and poorly photographed #inktober day one.
I am doing Inktober, but I also don't have a scanner or a currently-working okayish camera, so I will have to put my art online later.
my ebooks bot still brings forth amazing revelations on a regular basis: twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
The barista at the coffee shop this morning was wearing a shirt that said 'LA CROIXS OVER BOYS'
…of course, I love all things Moebius, who did the designs. (If it wasn't already obvious, they had Arzak show up in the background, too!)
Last night's viewing was Les Maîtres du Temps, a French-Hungarian animated scifi movie. Unfocused and weird, but I enjoyed it a lot.
(…possibly swapping out Grunkle Stan for Isaac Dan der Grimnebulin, if I could find a good way to depict him visually.)
…okay, I already did my jokey three fictional characters, but if I took the question more seriously:
@justinesherry …would the @xexd just have, like, constant intrustive ASCII art of Shostakovich everywhere?
@n0kada It doesn't pass -pedantic (for entertainingly pedantic reasons) but it's a valid C program. I compiled and ran all of these.
@__tambourineMan In these screenshots, I'm using the Emacs port of Zenburn: kippura.org/zenburnpage/
Everyone knows K&R-style C and GNU-style C! But have you heard of these less-well-known C coding styles?
I genuinely appreciate the use of scare quotes here.
…wait, describe yourself in three fictional characters? Okay, I got this:
I don't fault Rust's function types for being difficult—considering the properties they have to have—but wow are they difficult.
Every time I do something succesfully with function types in Rust, I feel like I've triumphed over a staggeringly impossible task.
@sw17ch Ignoring the overstated bombast in the way they're described, tagged netstrings are pretty cool, too: web.archive.org/web/2011071807…
Another visual cocktail recipe today: this time, the almost-out-of-season Sungold Zinger.
@GayathriKamath @dongwon It's Ritter! I don't know that it's ever really come up, and I don't use it much on the Online, either.
yeah same apple-rotation.tumblr.com/post/326211504…
sometimes a phrase occurs to me and i dont know what to do with it so i just illustrate it. anyway: "kumquaternions"
Actually, they've only been called that since 2003. Before that, they were 'French monads'.
I accidentally let my awful dad-joke of a twitter bot break months ago. I fixed it last night, so it updates again: twitter.com/casualdiningex…
Did a little pixel art terrarium last night for some pixel practice.
OH: "Secure Interpret Contain Protect."
I know this is a Medium bug, but honestly "amorphous blob" is a pretty good summary of the process model for Docker.
@gilith (Aren't they, though?)
@thumphriees It's an IDL called "fukkit".
@thumphriees You could make an IDL that's just a big bunch of type decls with `deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, FromRow, ToRow)` on 'em all.
@SvenDowideit But similarly, if there were a kind of dragon called a "great dragon", then it'd be okay to talk about a "green great dragon".
@SvenDowideit Yeah, my impression at least is that "beautiful big cat" makes sense only because there's something called a "big cat".
@vrika @rhiannonstone @byronium There's definitely an element of truth behind it! It's just… messier than articulated.
@gideonfarrell And it wouldn't be as bad if it said, "This is a common ordering for adjectives," not, "THIS IS THE RULE NO EXCEPTIONS."
@gideonfarrell I mean, I understand why—it exposes a true fact, and the "green great dragon" example is clearly understood as evidence.
Language Log has a great post about this, if you want to dive deeper into the much more nuanced truth: languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=27890
Adjective-ordering rules exist, but they're not nearly so neat. That's why "pretty little cat" & "big beautiful cat" are both fine English.
This tweet's still going around, and it's not true. Rather—it articulates a truth so dogmatically it becomes untrue. twitter.com/MattAndersonBB…
@d_christiansen Yup! I don't always use a Moscow Mule cup for it, but it lends itself well to one.
(The original recipe is here fiveandspice.com/2013/01/17/the… but I wanted to do some information design experiments with the recipe.)
Because it's starting to get autumn-ey where I live, here's the recipe for my favorite autumn-ey cocktail.
(Although: CW for ants, body horror, and that gross paternalistic sexism that shows up a lot in that kind of B-movie.)
It's one of those movies you should watch dubbed into a language you don't speak and without subtitles, so you can just look at it instead.
Even though I'm making fun of it, Phase IV might be worth watching for Saul Bass's beautiful weird cinematography.
"The planets align… and the ants… they build mirrors… to burn our science heroes alive!"
"Wow. This truly is a 'thinking man's' movie."
Yeah, Phase IV had beautiful cinematography—but it's also a trash 70's horror film about new-age genius murder ants.
I love those reviews of scifi movies which contend that a movie must be "cerebral" if it contains relatively few explosions.
Finally, Amazon's algorithm has figured out what I'm really in the market for.
…it just struck me that I may be the first person to ever syntax-highlight structural regexes. Rob Pike almost certainly never did so.
Last night, I wrote a small post about the ill-named and sadly largely-forgotten Structural Regular Expressions: what.happens.when.computer/2016-08-30/str…
If only all open source were so honest.
@shelfuu No BBotE this time?
I'd hope we can support a community that includes people like me AS WELL AS users of Stack, instead of forcing a one-size-fits-all solution.
Also—I am an active user of Haskell working at a Haskell-using company, and I do not use Stack. I'm not opposed to it. It's just not for me.
I support the Haskell Committee and haskell.org, which consider the many needs of a community instead of pushing a One True Way.
The Haskell community has varying needs and therefore varying ways of using Haskell. We don't have a One True Way, and that's a good thing.
I just drank a bottle of "Redpop" Faygo. This is just one of my many, many regrets.
@jong Tell me it wouldn't brighten your day to look in the logs and see
Today I found a copy of the grammar & dictionary of Suzette Elgin's conlang Láadan, including her handwritten notes.
@shapr (And I'll bet there's more low-hanging fruit. That's just the thing that struck me as I glanced.)
@shapr …looking at it now: you can get a heavy speedup by replacing `img //` with `array (bounds image) ...`: on my machine, from 15 to 3m.
…oh, yeah, I should also post the animated gif of how these images get generated out of raw static, too.
@shapr …say "create two grids, using one as old and one as new, and then swap them and repeat," which avoids lots of allocation/thrashing.
@shapr …and because I can be more explicit about not needing older results, and so instead of "create a new grid from the old grid", I can…
@shapr Here's the Haskell one gist.github.com/aisamanra/473f… and I think Rust is faster because of less intermediate allocation—I use lists a lot—…
@shapr Mine is, at least! It's in Rust; I had also written a naïve Haskell version which ended up way too slow: gist.github.com/aisamanra/601e…
@shapr @atticusbones (Although I wouldn't be surprised if there were many deatils of the approaches in common!)
@shapr @atticusbones It's based on this paper jonathanmccabe.com/Cyclic_Symmetr… which is by this Jonathan McCabe, who is here flickr.com/photos/jonatha…
@shapr To be fair, it (with the rest of the page) does get you pretty far. Something about the phrasing struck me as slightly silly, though.
"Here are the two predefined lenses, also there are more somewhere."
@sw17ch …in my defense, I am only using this "hash" function to choose random-but-consistent colors for usernames in a chat client.
…i am a good programmer
OH: "Trump really illustrates the problem with classical logic. This is what happens when you never need to present witnesses!"
Playing with alternate definitions of 'neighborhood' does produce interesting results, though.
I tried looping over various parameters, but that wasn't super interesting. (Code is here: gist.github.com/aisamanra/601e… )
…this was surprisingly straightforward to write and turned out pretty great.
@chrisamaphone @aaronmblevin Oh, these are wonderful!
The Tongue of the Shifting Earth
Speech of True Names
High Draconic
Lost Languages of Birds
It's funny how it puts up a mirror to a person I used to be. I'm much less of an 'angry nerd' than I was. I almost never tweet 'stabby' now.
I continue to be pleased with my ebooks bot twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
One of my worst hobbies is coming up with the most awful horror movie taglines imaginable.
The open-source Slack-alike we use at work allows unrestricted Markdown in messages. Nothing can go wrong with that.
…I just tried to run Scheme by typing `(guile)` directly into the terminal so maybe I'm too tired to program responsibly with dynamic types.
Things I enjoy, but only when I'm in the right mood:
· tiki drinks
· gamey meat
· bad horror movies
· blog posts about categories & Haskell
@basmatiheather @guwan_aisamanra …it somehow slipped my mind that my bot would accidentally @ people. I've fixed it now, though! Sorry!
I also regularly feel like it's making fun of me and doing an incredibly good job of it. twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
…I made a Markov bot from my own tweets on Tuesday and it's already a better shitposter than I am. twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
@_k_w_f_ @aaronmblevin …I like that a more literal translation of "lo staile bo dunda bavla'i" is "the style of giving nexts".
@_k_w_f_ @aaronmblevin Keep an eye out for my upcoming blog post: lo se pilno .e lo lazni kanji .e lo staile bo dunda bavla'i
what the neologism
I know I'm about half a decade behind everybody else here, but I really wanted to make an ebooks account twitter.com/guwan_aisamanr…
@_k_w_f_ They're both maintenance—of knowledge and of artifacts, respctively—and I feel like maintenance isn't celebrated enough in general.
So when I get asked a question whose answer is in the 'folklore', I'm gonna try to write it as a blog post like these. It's a start!
There are definitely 'canonical' blog posts, SO answers—e.g. You Could Have Invented Monads—but there are also lots of gaps there.
Haskell has a lot of folklore that can be learned from comments, tweets, mailing lists, but that doesn't live in an easily-discovered place.
This is a post about why we use a CPS-like technique for resource management in libraries like WAI: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2016/8/resourc…
This is a post about what we mean when we talk about the 'WriterT Space Leak': blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2016/7/writer-…
Twice in the last week I've explained a bit of Haskell folklore to a friend, and then expanded that explanation into a standalone blog post.
no UB constructs in my program
compiler leave my code alone
hey! compiler! leave my code alone
all in all its just another flag in the -Wall
@ntcomplete Did you read his Reddit AMA recently? …it definitely had some wonderful moments: reddit.com/r/IAmA/comment…
@inky In later Pokémon games, it evolves into the incredibly-creatively-named
Today I learned the Old Norse compound word fámennr, which means 'having few followers', and would be a great Twitter display name.
@3liza Sure! Just opened up my DMs.
@3liza Historical-linguist-by-training here—not an expert in Old Norse specifically but if you need another set of eyes I'd be happy to help
(caught in the umberto, just caught in the umberto) every signified meaning's just another sign to you / i've become a monk (i'm adso of mel
…while shelving the Umberto Eco books I got Linkin Park's ​'Numb'​ stuck in my head, except with the word 'undertow' replaced with 'Umberto'
Also, Common Lisp allows this, which is pretty funny.
Languages with arbitrary-base literals up to base-36:
Common Lisp: `#[base]r[num]`
Frink: `[num]//[base]`
GNU m4 (really): `0r[base]:[num]`
Experts predict that by 2018, screenshots of tweets next to screenshots of semi-relevant dril tweets will make up 87% of all new tweets.
Here's my impression of Trenchant Twitter Commentary in the year 2016:
Medium pages have piles and piles of CSS and JavaScript which they use to create the ugliest hyperlinks possible.
My favorite part of driving Portland←→Seattle is the two bible verse signs flanking an advertisement for a place selling bible verse signs.
@silentbicycle He's got a blog—much of which is collected in his book, I think—about linguistics and food: languageoffood.blogspot.com
The YAML spec includes a logo I'd never seen. Looks like a mid-80's logo concept being pitched to a camera company.
And—adorably—the copy of The Hobbit has a holographic kitten ex libris with my 4th-grade handwriting on it.
I also found a Two Towers promotional bookmark in the book, probably from an unfinished rereading before the movie.
These are the copies of LotR I read in elementary school. I can't bring myself to toss them. The cover art is… well…
It's okay to release a project without having to explain why it's good and other things are inferior. Just, y'know, release it.
"I assume"
@carloangiuli I don't think it'd be hard to generate that kind of table-like diagram specifically! I should try that out next.
@chrisamaphone (I really like the idea of running proof search over a set of recipes and ingredients in my kitchen to decide what to cook.)
@chrisamaphone That's awesome! …I'll definitely have to experiment with both Ceptre on its own and with generating Ceptre from this DSL.
…I've got a ways to go, but it's a start, at least.
First step is something like this flickr.com/photos/starsam… (thx @silentbicycle) but I also want to try generated natural language and comics.
In my downtime this week I've also been working on this DSL, which I plan to use to generate recipe visualizations.
I'm packing it up to move, so I figured I'd take a photo of the present State of the Bitters Collection.
@ffee_machine @_k_w_f_ It's largely the same in Chinese; it can mean 'not', 'without', &c, although in Mandarin it's pronounced 'wú'.
@_k_w_f_ I propose that from now on functions get called to starboard, and therefore parameters get returned to port.
@_k_w_f_ I think the real question is: how would a Befunge programmer answer this question?
@_k_w_f_ Lisp people used to refer to closures passed to other functions as "downwards funargs", and closures returned as "upwards funargs".
@shelfuu project idea: a twitter client where you are only allowed to tweet via mad-lib-style dril tweet templates
My phone can't display most emoji, which means sometimes I just have to guess what my interlocutor is feeling.
@jbetzend @psygnisfive @JonSterling At one point, I was trying to paint a Soviet Realist-style painting of Harper. …I should go finish that.
Anyway, today I went to a zine festival and someone drew a googly eye portrait of me and it's pretty much perfect.
My new idea today is a fungus-themed superhero. By night he's Master Morel, but by day he's a mild-mannered mycologist named Mike O'Reizall.
@JonasWinje …you could probably have a single Unown emoji and use a ZWJ followed by another character to control which Unown shape you want.
Probably tons of Pikachu code points—e.g. SMILING PIKACHU FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH—but nobody would get around to proposing one for Garbodor.
I wonder, in the Pokémon universe, which creatures would be culturally important enough for the Poké-Unicode Consortium to include as emoji.
Never thought I'd see fanfic in the form of Haskell library docs.
I'm putting the code points for these languages in Supplemental Private Use Area-B. Here's what my charts look like:
I used my free day today to finally start working on a font for the conlang I made up 12 years ago. Y'know. For fun.
@psygnisfive I like that the book has a second introduction by the creator of Blissymbols (which are such a wonderfully quixotic artifact.)
Project idea: convey an alien society by creating a catalogue of their public signage and iconography, like a municipal Codex Seraphinianus.
…part of the reason I sought it out was I'd just read about the 'Semiotic Standard' used in the set design for Alien wharferj.wordpress.com/2012/05/25/ron…
Anyway, now I have a good print reference on hand for the only symbols I need to know.
It's also a good reminder that even "abstract" signs are in reality very deeply rooted in cultures and communities.
I recently bought a copy of the Symbol Sourcebook by Henry Dreyfuss, 'cause I love this kind of logo/symbol design.
idea: steganographically encode messages by intentionally varying the number of m's in the lyrics to 'Commmbination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell'
"Looks like that tab has two new notifications since I last—oh, wait, nevermind."
@shelfuu @_k_w_f_ hey tim I found a youtube video for you youtube.com/watch?v=u8VDbF…
This is like if you put Ernest Cline and a Hot Topic catalogue into the teleporter from The Fly.
My impression of ThinkGeek was "self-obsessed, insufferable geek stuff", but this is even worse than I remembered.
.@silentbicycle said something about a 'vaporware APL' and I misread it as 'vaporwave', which would be much cooler.
I know that typeface looks a little grotesk—it just had all its serifs knocked off by akzidenz.
I think it's a good time to revisit this paper. "Fundamental Errors in Legal Logic Programming", Philip Leith, 1986: s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.d…
(There's a note of "Oh, those silly hippies!" in this story, but I should remind you that I was the dude shopping in the bamboo store.)
OH at a bamboo crafts store:
"That purple couch just appeared at my place out of nowhere!"
"Well—you've always been SO GOOD at manifesting."
I've always wanted to get better at low-poly modeling, so I'm starting with an easy subject: retro-lookin' computers
@_k_w_f_ I've been using some a custom UserStyle for that, 'cause I can invisibilify a lot of other things, too: gist.github.com/aisamanra/9cf2…
@rhiannonstone Especially if, among your office-mates, you don't believe that anybody feels the way you do about the song.
@rhiannonstone You should really prepare for this scenario. At least, by now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do.
me irl
"Hi, uh, viewers, and wel-welcome to my newest, uh, unboxing video."
Over the weekend, inspired by Wayne Barlowe's spectacular Inferno, I made this. I call it: "Wayne Barlowe's World".
@acfoltzer Fun, not-particularly-surprising fact: the first Wikipedia page I ever edited was the page on the Goa'uld language from Stargate.
@acfoltzer This isn't some kind of hilarious photoshop; this is a real deliberate choice on the part of Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargåte
The notation `μα.1 + α` denotes a recursive type. The notation `無α.1 + α` denotes that a type may or may not have the Buddha-nature.
"Heading to the store."
"Cool. I'mma keep working on this Shrek emoji."
"…you certainly do make choices someMSHlNMzu
These introvert-vs-extravert thinkpieces are really getting out of hand.
@acfoltzer I prefer gender-cereal to gender-binary, myself.
@acfoltzer They really should be distributing gender sources instead.
I feel like @acfoltzer is trying to tell me something, but I'm honestly not quite sure what.
Ah—no wonder the internet has been presenting me with a hyperreal simulacrum of the world! Turns out my modem transmits at 2400 baudrillard.
Whenever I think I have writer's block, I write pieces of very short bizarre fiction instead. Here is my newest one: librarianofalexandria.com/018-fytte-the-…
(…this tweet inspired by the fact that my brain was ruined by nerddom early in my life, so I regularly misread "EU" as "Extended Universe".)
Why would anyone want to exit the EU? The EU is where all the good lore is. If you reject the EU, you'll just be stuck with abysmal G-canon.
"As part of our Spirit Computing Platform, we're also releasing new resources to help UX designers develop apps using Immaterial Design."
@path1ckey Quoting the relevant Groucho Marx quip here would probably be too obvious.
(DISCLAIMER: The fact that I am writing this does not mean I endorse its use or even necessarily think it's a good idea.)
My most recent silly project: a clone of the Scotty web framework, except for custom (non-interactive) SSH servers.
This is an oddly comforting bug to me—compared to most bugs I see, it's clear, straightforward, baked into a self-contained physical object.
I use a 20-year-old LCD alarm clock in my room. Tiny vibrations will make it switch to set-alarm-time mode for ~5 seconds, then switch back.
@betalister I only just saw it on Saturday, when I drove by it for the first time, and had totally forgotten. I like the sound of it!
@acwpdx Clearly, HaLVM v3 needs a logo, right? A logo that's comforting and familiar and in no way unsettling.
It's risky to throw things at guitar-playing bros. You never know if today is gonna be the day they're gonna throw it back to you.
@joeranweiler I love my Linux laptop. I also keep a custom Linux rescue USB next to my bed at all times. There is some cognitive dissonance.
@joeranweiler I like the idea of an alignment chart with the axes [ Virtuous — Neutral — Vicious ] × [ Stubborn — Neutral — Pliant ]
52 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4441 deletions(-)

And it's just barely noon!
Code comments should be kept up-to-date and accurate with respect to the surrounding code.
@acfoltzer Some days I wake up with a fully formed idea for a post on the bird site. These ideas are like my worst children and I love them.
can anyone tell me if this is good or not. if this sort of thing is frowned upon i will stop immediately
presented with out comment .
Reading the Journal of Devolutionary Psychology. Turns out, consciousness developed so early humans—when faced with a problem—could whip it.
@JonSterling You could try to popularize plurals like σημαντικοί in English. …unless you're only talking about two σημαντικώ, of course.
@whitequark @johnregehr That article also doesn't mention specific dishes, e.g. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_musu… is a delicious Hawaiian use of SPAM.
So… is it too late to get features into CommonMark?
An alternate universe just like our own, except Markdown was invented in the late 90's and let you write >>marquee tags>> and !!blink tags!!
(…I mean—I'm a Linux user + dumbphone owner, so the odds of faux-conversational UIs getting foisted on me are effectively nil. But still!)
Software isn't naturally 'conversational', and that's okay. Trying to make it so will result in both bad software and bad conversations.
I don't dislike design that conveys 'personality'. I dislike design that undermines the affordances of its medium to convey personality.
I'm a person who on a fundamental level does not want my computer to mimic a human personality. I don't want to greet it, or chat with it.
I don't even know what kind of case that is. Snake-That-Gets-Lazy-Real-Quick Case? Camel-Pulling-Wagon Case? Chimera Case?
This codebase also consistently names UI callbacks w/ "camel-case event name + '_' + all-lowercase no-underscore name": onButton_dothething.
My Nemesis-In-Codebase-Form contains the following comment, which is admirably honest:
check out my Neon Genesis Evangelion/Flatland crossover fic: Cruel Angle Thesis
@jtdaugherty Plus, the ability to make paper-to-internet hyperlinks is something we've had for decades!
PEBKACODWDNUTIODAU: Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair Of Developers Who Do Not Understand The Importance Of Design And Usability
"So let's consider the proposition '∀X.∃Y.P(X,Y)'—"
"Stop shouting!"
"Sorry! …so let's consider the proposition 'ɐx.əy.p(x,y)'…"
Coworker saw my minimal-pixel-art self-portrait; asked how many pixels it took to convey "Getty". Got it down to 25.
I've been writing in Rust over the weekends, so now whenever I write Haskell, I see a lot of, "Not in scope: data constructor ‘Some’".
@ljellis I'm already working on an interesting variation which replaces the chery with orange & cinnamon. That clearly needs a related name!
The Hans Gruber
·1½oz Bulleit Rye
·⅔oz Laphroaig
·½oz Cherry Heering
·¼oz Amaro Lucano
·cherry bark smoke
Stir, serve in old fashioned glass
Mine was different but still good, so I'm going to keep making it but I'll give it a new name to distinguish it from the original. So:
At one point, I tried to recreate my favorite cocktail, and got close—but not quite right. Tonight, the bartender gave me the actual recipe.
@chrisamaphone Not that that's bad! But it'd be cool to see similar language-magic explorations inspired by, say, polysynthetic languages.
@chrisamaphone I went back and replayed it a bit, and I was misremembering it: it's a lot less morphological and more syntactic.
@chrisamaphone There's a short IF game called Suveh Nux whose primary puzzle mechanic is linguistic spell-building: ifdb.tads.org/viewgame?id=xk…
@MCantor At some point, Intel's SGX will be more widespread, so you could keep the private data in a local enclave: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_…
Sorry for the tweetstorm: 🌩☁🌧🌧🌪🌪🌩🌪🌪⛈🌧🌪🌩🌩⛈☁🌧🌩🌩⛈☁🌩☁🌪⛈☁🌩🌦🌩🌩🌧☁🌩🌧⛈🌩☁🌪🌧🌧⛈
This is probably my least favorite death metal band.
I'm not always sure I understand non-traditional relationships.
I thought I had a great idea for a new profile picture, but… it might be too much. I don't know. I just don't know.
(At one point, my super-conservative mother was there and said, "I don't care if he wants flowers, but he better fuckin' repeal Obamacare.")
My dream last night was that the new US President was a hummingbird and I had to look after him at official dinners before his swearing-in.
@theg5prank Part of it is that web.py insists on poor style: methods named like GET, no __init__, &c. It goes positive if I change all that.
I thought PyLint gave your code a quality rating from 0 to 10. Having run it on my Python from 2010, I now know: 0 is not the lowest score.
@path1ckey Yes. (It was in a conversation more about copulation and less about mirrors.)
I quoted my mother the Borges line about how "…mirrors and copulation are abominable…" and she responded, "Then kaleidoscopes are terrible."
So, if I'm shitposting in French, can I say 'un shitpost', or does the Académie française insist I say 'un message de merde'?
Not for any real reason or out of any conviction, but just out of lazy habit, I write most of my interpreters in the Tagful-Initial style.
[the juicy j track 'all i blow is loud' except with the words changed to 'all i post is bad']
Next I'm gonna get skeletal animation working. After that—I might actually write an interactive video computer game.
@whitequark Well, that's promising! It'll certainly help de-clutter at least some of my code.
@whitequark It looks like the PR for the ? operator itself has been merged as of last month, too: github.com/rust-lang/rust…
@whitequark I remembered reading discussion about it, but I don't think I saw any conclusions. It might have gotten in without my noticing.
Minor Rust quibble: I wish .unwrap_or() had a short alias. It seems wrong that the safer choice is more typing than the less safe .unwrap().
(Next I gotta remember how to use Blender, 'cause for some reason Blender's UI does not stick in my head at all.)
I'm nailing down the model file format: I've got a Blender exporter and a loader which I can use with Rust+Glium.
On the other hand, I liked the "character" of Alpha 60 a lot… which makes sense, as his dialogue had lots of slighty modified Borges quotes.
No, seriously: the movie inverts the brightness more or less at random during the final action sequence.
Low points include the ridiculous inverted-brightness chase sequences and the characteristically regressive film noir sexism.
I'm gonna be contrarian and assert that Jean-Luc Godard's Alphaville is a film which in general has not withstood the test of time.
There are tons of Rashōmon parodies out there. Almost none include the character who is a ghost being channeled by a medium. Disappointing.
tattoo idea: `-M intel`
@shadyproject It's sold by the publisher Melville House, as the phrase is a nod to the Melville short story: mhpbooks.com/merchandise/ba…
brb setting up an email autoresponder that responds to every single email with this image
My mother texted me something today and it took me a moment to figure out what she meant by, "sad face imogee".
If I ever write a book about functional programming all the chapters will start with quotes from Theosophical texts.
@aaronmblevin @ProgrammerDude @pdxleif It's a great little distro, and it has frankly the best Unix-package-building tools I've ever used.
(Relatedly: Stack is a step in the right direction w/r/t Haskell tooling, but it still feels like beta-quality software at the very best.)
Understated bug reports are definitely my favorite: github.com/commercialhask…
I believe the film "A Dangerous Method" is about adding generics to Java and I will continue to believe this until I actually watch it.
Also, I laughed so hard at the reveal of where the name "Zardoz" came from that I had to briefly pause the movie.
…I liked the part where the dystopian future hippie rulers banish Friend by jazz-hands-ing at him for a while.
I finally watched Zardoz last night. I knew that was gonna be a bad movie… but still, it was a REALLY BAD movie.
Fun fact: OpenGL is unable to magically deduce what the correct index buffer is should you use the wrong one!
(…this was supposed to be a cube.)
My new hypothesis is that screensavers are just buggy OpenGL programs whose authors gave up and released them as-is.
@ka1mar @digitalyn …sadly meat.space is taken by some startup—but meet.space appears to be available! …for $4k/yr.
I just discovered there's a .meet TLD, so my new $1M idea is a dating site for science fiction nerds at theyre.made.of.meet
If I were to ever design a visual programming language, I'd indicate error handling by putting code in a Try-Angle.
In a blatant @mallelis rip-off, I wrote Zen Kōans With The Word Enlightened Replaced By Woke librarianofalexandria.com/woke-koans/
…this describes my emotional state both currently and in perpetuity
@whitequark @theg5prank I can't really blame undergrads for mediocre Python style. I CAN blame people for relying on undergrad-written code.
@whitequark @theg5prank TBF, the codebase I'm updating was undergrad code—they knew some of what they were doing but just lacked experience.
@whitequark @theg5prank But I would much rather be as close as possible to certain of what my code is doing, so I much prefer `is None`.
@whitequark @theg5prank To be fair, I don't think I've seen many—if any—cases of `== None` causing problems in "the wild", so to speak.
Maltese descends from Arabic, but much of the vocabulary is borrowed from Italian: so, lots of words like 'skola', 'ċentru', and 'teatru'.
I speak okay-ish Italian and a smattering of Arabic, which means listening to spoken Maltese is a surreal, wonderful bilingual experience.
"This cocktail just isn't quite as revolutionary as I had hoped, but I guess that's what you get from a Thermidori Sour."
@swizzard Turns out, there's a county in California, near-ish Sacramento, called Yolo. Despite being a native Californian, I had no idea.
@swizzard …to be totally fair, once I looked into those instances of Yolo, they weren't nearly as bad as I thought. Most were proper nouns.
NEVER NAME VARIABLES LIKE THIS AAAARG (and just to top it off, bar/baz are assigned to and never used)
This codebase is a gift that keeps on giving.
@tomas_mikula Having a literature on ethics means you don't have to reinvent the basics from scratch—not that you don't have to work at all.
@tomas_mikula I don't know how you got 'an accepted authority to which you can delegate all decisions' from 'moral systems have prior art'.
Certain problem domains require careful expertise and shouldn't be reimplemented from scratch by amateurs. These include: crypto, morality…
@aaronmblevin I mean, this is pretty consistent with the rest of our pinned items.
If you live in this house, nerds show up out of nowhere and change things and argue with you if you change them back en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiHouse
@MCantor This incredibly scientific resource is probably useful: papermag.com/twitters-bigge…
I just discovered that my [dumb]phone's predictive text system does not know the word 'smartphone', presumably as a market retention ploy.
My brother: "I would use Siri or Cortana if the voice was Herzog's."
This is a slightly fanciful English translation of the original:
an old config file
a frog symlinks a new one
the sound of alsa
"What if I make my probabilistic programming language quietly replace all distributions with poisson distributions that day?"
No. Also bad.
I'm gonna say it early: the only acceptable April Fools' joke is to tweet a 🐟 or possibly a 🐠. All other April Fools' jokes are bad.
@vrika I already have a Haskell library out there called S-Cargot, but I haven't yet made a cutesy logo for it that I like. Some day!
…should I help the community by contributing my Scala package to the Linux distro I use? Or should I help the community by… not doing that?
(…I clearly consider, "Inviting a flagship racist, sexist, fascist thinker to your conference," to be a Bad Process Result.)
If you use a process and come to a bad conclusion, you QUESTION THE PROCESS. DON'T defend the conclusion w/ "But I arrived here by process!"
Processes can embed hidden assumptions that their creators don't intend or realize! This is what we mean when we use the word "structural".
A big problem in Programmer Pop Culture is the idea that algorithms & processes are necessarily neutral or lack an agenda. This is Not True.
@path1ckey @itblumenfeld this + IRSSI + cupsd printer queue persisting between reboots + Galois work printer = some awkward conversations!
@path1ckey @itblumenfeld Ah, yes, RXVT's default definition of "print screen", which is "pipe the current terminal view directly to lpr".
I made a delicious Last Word—gin + chartreuse + maraschino + lime—and promptly tripped and spilled most of it onto and inside of my laptop.
(…I'm never gonna be able to beat a topical William Topaz McGonagall joke tweet, so I'm just gonna warn y'all, it's all downhill from here.)
Terrible Microsoft Bot of Tay!
Alas! I am very sorry to say
That it became Racist in a single day
In March of 2016
Talking to Internet Teens
@BenjaminFJones …is… is that a git faux pas? …I guess I have some filter-branch-ing to do.
@jtdaugherty …good point. (This was a personal repo on a local computer, not something public-facing anywhere, but still.)
I am the bad programmer. It's me.
This is the only commit in the repo. I am a terrible git user sometimes.
@vrika I was debating linking to examples of why the dude in question is objectionable, but they're even more disgusting and depressing.
@vrika In the sense of, "We can't reject someone based on political beliefs, and acute, unapologetic racism is just a political belief."
@vrika They paid lipservice to "inclusion", and then used that to justify inviting a well-known racist and slavery apologist.
@BenjaminFJones @josecalderon @jtdaugherty It's a cover of Strawberry Field Forever, recorded and then played through a speaker in a teapot.
@BenjaminFJones @josecalderon @jtdaugherty I was sure this'd be Alvin Lucier's Nothing is Real for piano and teapot youtube.com/watch?v=ag15Z7…
I did consider submitting a talk to LambdaConf, and I'm glad I didn't. I refuse to support any event that gives a platform to facists.
…they are, of course, taking up valuable brain-space I could be using for real languages or other useful facts. Conlanging: Not Even Once
I was awake until 2am last night because I was reading documents in/about my old conlangs. Surprised at how much I still understand of them.
I used this tweet in a talk once to explain what programming in C is like.
@aaronmblevin My personal definition seems to be that 'booze' is 'any acoholic drinks', and cocktail bitters are, er, alcoholic non-drinks.
@aaronmblevin There's also a style of drink called "digestive bitters"—e.g. Cynar, Fernet, Ratzeputz, Aperol—and I think of those as booze.
@aaronmblevin The bitters I collect are alcoholic but not a beverage—just a flavoring—so I think it depends on your definition of 'booze'.
…I have a hard time convincing myself to buy things unless those things are the essentials: Boozes, Bitters, or Books. (The Three B's.)
I've considered replacing my PC—a mediocre 32-bit one from 2008—for a while. Now it's having sporadic power failures at boot. Might be time.
@psygnisfive @shelfuu …you have a rich machine-readable API description, making interop between disparate services/parties much easier.
@psygnisfive @shelfuu So you can use semantic/linked data to describe, in a standard way, data and actions available to you, which means…
@psygnisfive @shelfuu (I mean, they *are* orthogonal—that was a tweet edit that went wrong, sorry.)
@psygnisfive @shelfuu This is how the "one-click actions" in Gmail already work—JSON-LD snippets to describe actions developers.google.com/gmail/markup/r…
@psygnisfive @shelfuu APIs aren't orthogonal to semantic annotation: you might use semantic annotation to convey your API endpoints, too.
@shelfuu @thsutton that's b/c all of my documents don't have any semantics at all. just a bunch of asemic documents.
I love how non-helpful it is. If I was really new to Twitter and didn't know how to retweet—how would I know which one WAS the retweet icon?
Twitter helpfully showed me this dialogue today. Fun fact: I have been on Twitter for seven years as of this month.
(Ozymandias was first published in 1818, so it's almost literally two centuries old.)
It's amazing how poetry written two centuries ago is still something we can relate to today.
@ntcomplete It was a great place! The guy working was really friendly and the latte was really good. (I drew a good shoe, too.)
@ntcomplete That's the one! (I was around the area to pick up the new issues of Monstress and Injection from @floating_world next door.)
Today, after picking up comics, I got a coffee at a basketball-themed coffee place, where I also had to sketch a shoe.
@jurieongames @maxkreminski No, I'm glad you mentioned it! I've gone back and tweaked the wording accordingly, too.
@vrika @rhiannonstone This is the first time I tried using it to literally bubble smoke through a liquid, which I'll have to try doing more.
@vrika @rhiannonstone gave me one of these as a Christmas gift this year, which I now use all the time: amazon.com/gp/product/B00…
Yesterday's experiment: running applewood smoke through a Boulevardier and a Martinez
Hypothesis: deliciousness
Result: hypothesis confirmed
@jurieongames @maxkreminski I actually that exact phrase written, and I changed it to be less video-game-specific—which… made it less clear.
@theg5prank I'm still waiting for the day when we refer to source code formatters like gofmt and autopep8 as "cispilers".
@Jyrinx …except in reality, C is not fine. C is very much not fine.
@Jyrinx Oh, I wouldn't want to program in Jai! For that matter, it's by and large "C because that's fine but with some small conveniences."
@Jyrinx I don't know exactly how far that'd go towards alleviating that pain in practice, though.
@Jyrinx Jonathan Blow's currently-vaporware language Jai has SoA and AoS keywords for basically this reason: github.com/BSVino/JaiPrim…
(This is a little bit half-baked, I admit, but part of the reason I wrote it is to help clarify the ideas there.)
I try to explain this idea regularly, so all in one place: Subject-Oriented Programming and Component-Entity Systems what.happens.when.computer/2016-03-15/sub…
The store had fiddleheads, so I'm doing a cheese ravioli with chicken and fiddleheads in lemon cream sauce for late dinner. Must be spring.
@theg5prank There are a handful of others, though. I don't think libraries like Pygments or Rogue or other libraries understand TextMate.
@theg5prank It seems to be used pretty commonly, at least. GitHub already uses it in their Linguist lib, and Atom and Sublime Text do too.
(Strawman proposal: custom languages defined in .linguist/custom.yml; submodules pointing to custom TextMate bundles in .linguist/bundles/.)
This would be wonderful for hobbyist languages or custom text-based data formats: they could have syntax highlighting right from the outset.
Feature request for @github: some way to include new syntax highlighters and Linguist language definitions on a per-repo basis.
weird how ed emberly has never met me, yet still made this woodblock print accurately depicting me
I've been replacing raw wxWidgets by developing a terser wrapper library. I think it looks better even at a glance.
When I started improving this Python codebase, PyLint gave it a quality score of 1.7/10. I've managed to get it up to 3.8/10. Working on it.
It's called 'Type Erasure' because it encourages the terms of a program to wear no disguise, and to come into the open. When it's cold outsi
Today I got distracted and missed a bus because I was working on an acoustic cover of the Electric Six song 'I Wish This Song Was Louder'.
This code saves things as a directory of pickled objects. The logic for saving/loading is spread across 37 distinct source files. aaaaaaAAAA
@thedagit @BenjaminFJones @jtdaugherty @josecalderon zipWithout :: (a -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> ()
@MrPutter It's pretty basic: a list of lambdas that should return True, each with a name, each called at regular points throughout the code.
Said codebase uses that mechanism in exactly one place. Said codebase has more than 35,000 lines of code. …yeop
This codebase has some scaffolding which is used to manage 'sanity checks' in the code, like named sets of dynamic assertions. Nice idea!
(I am not a covetous person except when it comes to books in which case I covet all of them.)
At this point, I have wanted to buy a copy of Daniels and Bright's "The World's Writing Systems" for quite nearly half my life. Some day.
@jtdaugherty @josecalderon At what N do you break down and use `{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}` instead?
@acfoltzer Fun Fact™: kouign-amann is Breton for 'butter-cake', which is a pretty informative—if not particularly creative—name for it.
@kfoner unsafePerformGender
@josecalderon (…I don't know how that second 'right' got in that tweet, but I suppose it does work for emphasis.)
@josecalderon I would suggest Courier, which is right right next to Powell's Books!
I should mention that, given my love of Harvest Moon-like games, I have really been enjoying Stardew Valley this past week. It's excellent.
Adventure Time episode where Lumpy Space Princess returns to Lumpy Space to foment revolution and must try to energize the Lumpyproletariat.
The Beck-del Test: your movie must contain two turntables who talk to each other about something other than a microphone.
(Maybe someday I will also draw his architect pals, Frank Lloyd Shrike and R. Beakminster Fowler.)
"Getty, what'd you get done today?"
"Well, I was home sick, so I drew a bad picture to accompany a bad bird pun."
here's my original character—a raven architect who designed the united avians headquarters. his name is Le Corvusier
I had a bad cold for about a week, so didn't feel like drinking coffee. This is the first coffee I've had in a week. It's… beautiful…
@MCantor I haven't done any teaching for almost half a decade, but student feedback from 2011 can still make me happy.
@BenjaminFJones (The full phrase "Tennōheika Banzai!" means "May His Majesty The Emperor live 10,000 years!" and was a battle cry in WW2.)
@BenjaminFJones Actually, Banzai! (It's Japanese for "ten thousand years", has associations with the Emperor, and was used like 'hooray!')
@rhiannonstone For a moment I thought you meant Claude Lévi-Strauss, and wondered what structuralism had to do with blue jeans.
I am home sick and I should try to work but instead I'm looking at WikiHow illustrations for ghost hunting tutorials
Lotta people don't know the history of 'Ye' in 'Ye Olde'. It's actually short for Kanye—because Yeezy is immortal and once owned all things.
bringin' it back in a vain stab at relevance twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
Needs work but looks fine at emoji sizes, so for your Slack needs: gdritter.com/imgs/nice-emoj… gdritter.com/imgs/nice-emoj…
@JonSterling …terminology: he excoriates the world for not already having his insights, or not adhering to his new terminology.
@JonSterling …a subset of static languages, in order to quickly dismiss them as "hobbled" and "tyrannical". He doesn't just offer new…
@JonSterling …symptomatic of "broken" or "mistaken" compilation strategies, or the rhetorical trick in which he treats dynamic languages as…
@JonSterling …Bob's alternate terminology is often specifically positioned in a confrontational way: for example, by treating TCO as…
@JonSterling I think that's a fair criticism, and I think it's also fair to experiment with new terminology. But an addition aspect is that…
@JonSterling The thing I quoted is from existentialtype.wordpress.com/2016/02/22/it-… which I agree with in basically all but specifics of the rhetoric!
@JonSterling …clarifying, in that 'static' vs. 'dynamic' hints at pragmatic concerns which aren't raised by the 'unityped' jargon.
@JonSterling It is true that it's not older Harper's coinage, but he was responsible for repopularizing it. And I don't think it is very…
@JonSterling …using the old definitions would have, in these cases, been just as clear.
@JonSterling That is sometimes true! But I think the examples I gave here are made less clear by adopting new definitions, especially when…
(To be clear: his overarching point of, "recursion is not about its implementation," is absolutely correct. He just argues it poorly.)
Instead, he goes for "TCO doesn't exist!" which is confusing and smug. "With my definitions, the vast bulk of existing literature is wrong!"
I understand his point, but "TCO is just an implementation detail of recursion" would have been a much better way of putting it.
This argument-via-redefinition is my least favorite feature of Bob Harper's writing. (See also: "unityped" langs.)
I try not to be TOO self-indulgent in writing. On the other hand, I went out of my way to include the word 'passivate' in this short story.
Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus.
@shelfuu @joeranweiler At one point I rewrote my static web sites in Make+bash (seriously) because of Pandoc compile times.
I learned today:
1. GCC has a logo.
2. It is, like, really bad, even by Open Source Software Logo staFaPddHUI
I love informative man pages.
I wrote a short blog post motivating an unusual but interesting mathematical notation advocated by Dijkstra: what.happens.when.computer/2016-02-17/dij…
@JonSterling …and fails to abstract any of it away or reuse much code, so there are slightly different copy/pasted chunks of code everywhere
@JonSterling For example: the code that handles the GUI progress bars uses 2 threading libraries and 3 separate asynchrony systems…
@JonSterling I feel a little bad making fun of it, 'cause it was originally academic/undergrad code. But still—it's baaaaad.
…this one is pretty funny, too, but I at least halfway understand why it's there.
There's a lot of confusing stuff in this codebase, but this line is by far the most inexplicable.
@jong @rhiannonstone …the primary goal of airport security, after all, is protecting the airport's gaits.
@DanielleSucher Alice & Bob? Lovelace & Babbage? Hopper & Backus?
Magical and industrial and unnatural and tasty. Y'know, like this. @psygnisfive
@BenjaminFJones (That's what I do, on account of Dylan's signature layout program being Mac-only.)
@BenjaminFJones It gives you less control, but you can also use commonly-available command-line tools like psbook to create the signatures.
@BenjaminFJones I say follow Dylan's tutorial, then, as it shows you a very simple perfect binding: cheapimpostor.com/dayinlife/inde…
@dylanmc @acfoltzer @BenjaminFJones By the way—the other tutorial you link to is dead. The text is still on Wayback: web.archive.org/web/2011081111…
@BenjaminFJones Are you looking for a particular kind of binding? e.g. hardcover, paperback, perfect, stitched, &c.
My OpenGL explorations today are vaporwave as fuck.
…but it's delicious! It's got a weird darkness in color, but it has a wonderful blend of flavors and smells spectacular, too.
The Trilby No. 2—1¾oz scotch, ½oz sweet vermouth, ½oz parfait amour, orange bitters, absinthe rinse—is like green-gray industrial byproduct.
The Jupiter—1½oz gin, ¾oz dry vermouth, 1tsp parfait amour, 1tsp orange juce—has an unnatural chilly-gray hue, like I'd imagine a potion.
Parfait Amour is tasty in cocktails, but lends them a frankly terrifying color. They all look magical or industrial or often both.
@basmatiheather I've read about Chinglish—which is a similar but still very different phenomenon—but I hadn't read about Hinglish!
It's not the worst quality-wise—but I still find the most obnoxious thing in this codebase is how much it uses this:
Codebase findings:
The legends say some day the {-#LANGUAGE#-} pragma lines will tower high into the heavens, and SPJ will descend and confound our language.
(It is actually polymorphism over boxed/unboxed values—i.e., over "liftedness" or "levity"—and not, sadly, polymorphism over frivolity.)
Since this tweet, I've had to explain multiple times since that levity polymorphism is real, not something I made up twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
GHC 8's Levity Polymorphism allows Haskell code to be used in both frivolous AND non-frivolous situations (rather than just frivolous ones.)
@silentbicycle …I would totally write a proposal for the ConScript Unicode Registry, but I don't have time to isolate all the glyphs myself.
@silentbicycle This got me looking—I've found someone who's isolated all 400-odd of the upper-case glyphs, but not the lower-case ones yet.
…but I mean, what else would you put in pockets, if not books?
I repaired pockets on 3 different coats today. All of them burst because I kept books in them. I am a nerd who does not learn his lesson AMA
@WarrenIsDead i may be naive, but i vainly want to believe that there is still pure untainted good in the world [viz. the riddick post]
@WarrenIsDead …which would have been depressing but at the same time 100% believable.
@WarrenIsDead I think it was graeyalien who did the Riddick post, and I thought you were indicating that Bakkila was also graeyalien.
@WarrenIsDead I thought horse_ebooks was agentlebrees a.k.a. Jacob Bakkila, not the same guy as the Riddick post.
@WarrenIsDead …wait, how did he ruin horse_ebooks?
…surely drawing a pixel art avatar for your gitlab user profile picture is a good use of time. Surely.
From this moment on, no election talk for me. (Seriously—it's only just February and I am already 100% tired of the Election Discourse.)
I expect I'll still talk about politics generally, but I solemnly promise that my Twitter account will be an American Election Silence Zone.
@PLT_cheater The people who made it are really nice so I don't want to trash-talk it by name! …but by image is fine.
…it ended with a Space Giraffe taking a Cube Shuttle to the Rainbow Spirit Planet Sending Good Vibes Across The Universe. So there's that.
I recently saw an awful low-budget scifi film & want to trash-talk it, but the creators namesearch a lot & seem nice. I don't wanna be mean.
@jong My plan's is to put the magnet up at work. I can only assume it's some kind of Collector's Item now.
Good architecture-inspired metal bands:

Bad architecture-inspired metal bands:
…the rest of the haul was pretty good, too. (Not pictured: the PostScript Language Reference I got for $4.)
I checked: this Amazon logo was used briefly in 1998, so this book must have been originally purchased from Amazon some time 18 years ago.
I bought a used copy of The Visual Display Of Quantitative Information yesterday and it had this Amazon stuff in it.
Well, there goes my support. twitter.com/snopes/status/…
…presumably someone has already made a joke about feeling the
@JonSterling @psygnisfive I mean, I already kind of do this in Haskell, but just informally by using constructor names with common prefixes.
@JonSterling @psygnisfive …I do like that enum (i.e. sum type) constructors are namespaced in a module named after the type they construct.
@JonSterling @psygnisfive It's really more of a (slightly awkward) namespacing mechanism than a proper module system.
I just got an email from a coworker with the subject 'Learning Rust' and the entire text of the email was, "This module system is stupid."
I made this for dinner tonight, and therefore can confirm that it was exceedingly delicious. twitter.com/silentbicycle/…
@cizyprijev i ku'i zoi gy. don't mean a thing .gy. selsmu lu je'a smucau li'u. i ji'a zoi gy. nasty .gy. selsmu lu rigni li'u.
@cizyprijev sagypemci be lo selsa'a be'o zoi gy. nasty boys don't mean a thing .gy. cu selsmu lu lo cinse nanla na vajni li'u.
The literal sense of my Lojban translation of Janet Jackson's song 'Nasty' includes the repeated line, "Disgusting young men are asemic."
Sometimes mediocre authors make up fake languages to trick nerds into reading bad books, which is why these languages are called "conlangs".
I sometimes hear people talk about 'seasoned BASH programmers', but it doesn't really matter how you season them, they're still too stringy.
Conceptual Jenga: you and your opponent remove underlying assumptions in turn until your collective ideologies crumble into meaninglessness.
I JUST noticed a typo in this image: it says 'drila' instead of 'dril'. I apologize to all my Quenyaphone followers. twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
@JonSterling @d_christiansen @pdxleif You've presumably already read Poul Anderson's classic short text "Uncleftish Beholding"?
@chrisamaphone The classic example I know of is Hamnet: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hamne…
Taking the last word of each line we get: "Cloths, light, cloths, light. Feet, dreams, feet, dreams." Clearly Yeats was phoning this one in.
The W.B. Yeats poem 'Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven' is very effective—but it has some laughably lazy rhyming. Get it together, Yeats.
I've just started reading this codebase and am already considering getting a separate Ardbeg bottle to keep at work.
@rhiannonstone @shelfuu There are two Google hits for 'retroneologism' and naturally one of them is a Wikipedia talk page.
@shelfuu blog.plover.com/prog/haskell/m… (…is there a word like 'neologism' that means 'a new sense for an old word'? I don't know of it, if so.)
@shelfuu I once saw someone—I think @mjdominus?—propose the pseudo-neologism 'mote' for monadic values, and am sad it never caught on.
Γ ⊢ bush(P), bush(P)
Γ ⊢ hand(P)
@JonSterling …this is the (perhaps a little too mean-spirited) second sentence of my OkCupid profile.
(this pun is so terrible i'm not even gonna say it. you'll just have to imagine.)
It solves a problem, but does so with a significant amount of under-the-hood complexity. When Docker's abstractions break, they break hard.
Every time I use Docker I like it a little bit less. I've used docker for two-ish years now, which means I currently despise Docker.
"A lot of smart people really like this recipe, but it's always struck me as bland and insubstantial. Yeah, it's a Bostrom Cream Pie."
Arguably, searching for 'asemic' should yield meaningless search results, which could very well include Sundanese tamarind-based soups.
I thought this was badly targeted advertising. Nope: it's the Indonesian dish 'sayur asem'. I searched for 'asemic'.
@acfoltzer how d'you know it was me? coulda been anyone who'd go get a bottle of apple juice & remove the label for a topical internet joke
As a linguist-turned-programming-language-theorist, I really ought to write a paper on Prepositions-As-Types.
Now it is easier for people to read my bad posts, which means this action overall had net negative utility for the world at large.
I found out that the atom feed for my blog was, like, horribly broken, so I did some fixing. It now has a W3C Validator seal of approval!
I further clarified: I believe workers are entitled to all the value they create—rather than shunting wealth to capitalists—but I also lift.
My mother texted me to ask yesterday what 'swolshevik' in my display name meant. I explained: it means I support the swoletariat revolution.
More constrained-palette pixel art! It had been a while. …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/137607387…
Tonight's cocktail is a Bitter Elder, which tastes like I wish grapefruit juice tasted. Gin, elderflower liqueur, campari, and citrus.
@JonSterling (That's clearly internationally comprehensible. Clearly.)
@JonSterling (Mi ankaŭ povas uzi la universalan lingvon: la popolbonmaniereclogiko! Vi havas nenion perdotan krom viaj ĉenoj!)
@JonSterling (Both my Russian and my Mandarin are rusty, and were never good enough to know if those are proper idiomatic translations.)
@JonSterling (In case you want to have a few more specifically Soviet or Maoist designs.)
@JonSterling Also, I've got 'народная логика усовершенствования' and '人民精炼逻辑' as tentative translations of 'The People's Refinement Logic'.
@JonSterling If nothing else, something along the lines of, "WORKERS OF THE WORLD, REFINE!" would have a nice ring to it.
@JonSterling A row of stylized, geometric workers' hands holding various logical symbols, for example?
@JonSterling I think simple Soviet Constructivist-style designs would look cool and also be really amenable to t-shirt-ization.
@JonSterling …designs that are more focused on the hat+star as a simple symbolic motif.
@JonSterling I was thinking of a few other variations! Among other things, if you wanted to move away from the "Jon" theme, I could do some…
check out my new low-budget horror movie about a haunted liquor license, "NOTICE OF PUBLIC FEARING"
@BenjaminFJones What is the point of having a carrier if you have to bring your own data?
I had a dream last night where hashtags were exclusively used for talking about genders, so that '#blah' was pronounced 'gender blah'.
@ChadScherrer It's actually a lot more interesting than that! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_spike
I don't understand why the 'Quantified Self' schtick is interesting to people, especially when its antonym—'Unbound Self'—is so much cooler.
@joeranweiler @BenjaminFJones
It wasn't perfect, but still very interesting. You have to respect a zombie-ish movie that quotes Roland Barthes in a plot-relevant way.
Last night, I watched a low-budget horror movie called Pontypool, which was like a cerebral zombie movie from the POV of a local radio DJ.
Well also I guess I've been programming and writing and whatever, but the cocktail thing is the only INTERESTING thing I've been doing.
Here's what I've been working on: I got a new kind of liqueur that is confusing and weird and I don't know how to use it in cocktails. …yet.
@aisamanra (Similarly—for "museum" I constructed the word 'enyalnómë', which means "place of remembering". Quenya has no word for "museum".)
@aisamanra (…'ambal' technically means "flag" in the sense of "shaped stone, flagstone". Not sure of a better Quenya word for "flag".)
nerds ruin everything and i am not helping
yes, yes, i hate me too
@shelfuu @path1ckey I think I need to link to the Butt Song from Hell now: chaoscontrolled123.tumblr.com/post/763056325…
@path1ckey @shelfuu It's also called the 'principle of explosion' but ⊥→💥 looks even more like a fart.
@shelfuu The classical axiom ⊥→P is sometimes called 'ex falso quodlibet', and a quodlibet is also a kind of song: therefore, ⊥→♫
@shelfuu I like how you answered your own question with the hashtag.
@JonSterling @ak3n @dannygratzer Well, τί ἐστὶ Ἑλληνικόν ῥῆμα εἰς "proof refinement logic"? (…speaking of languages I don't practice…)
@ak3n @JonSterling I wish I could pretend that was on purpose—но нет, это потому что я не часто практикую говорить или писать по-русски.
@JonSterling I would be more than happy to contribute some propaganda posters for the Конференция Логикы Усовершенствования Доказательств.
My lovely partner gave me a smoke gun as gift, which I put to use tonight for cherry bark smoke in my favorite cocktail, the Alexander Wept.
@silentbicycle @whitequark (Well—pattern-matching on algebraic data types; SNOBOL had regex-ey matching, which is similar but not the same.)
@silentbicycle @whitequark So Hope and C were both being created independently around the same time, with presumably little cross-influence.
@silentbicycle @whitequark And pattern-matching didn't make it into ML as a feature until the late 70's/early 80's, with Cardelli's VAX ML.
@silentbicycle @whitequark Pattern-matching first appeared in the Hope language, which was developed around the same time in the early 70's.
@aisamanra Who can forget the classic scene where la Ĉeŝira Kato points Alicio down two paths, one to la Ĉapelisto, one to la Martleporo?
I was unable to find an Icelandic grammar—or even primer—but I did pick up an Esperanto-language copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
@rhiannonstone @MCantor That's why I buy monoprice.com/product?p_id=9… by the half dozen and keep them scattered around anywhere I'm likely to be.
I'm now working on my own client for reading Twitter, and one feature I'm most excited for is pagination. (Because infinite scroll is crap.)
@aaronmblevin (Section 7.2 of the paper elaborates more on the differences between Modular Implicits and Scala's implicits.)
@aaronmblevin (Scala implicits find a "more specific" implicit instance: e.g. the equivalent of C [Int] is more specific than C a => C [a].)
@aaronmblevin …and modular implicits will always fail to compile if there's ambiguity, while Scala uses rules to determine a "best match."
@aaronmblevin Two big differences from Scala: implicits only work on modules, which live in a different "space" than where values live…
@aaronmblevin It's described here lpw25.net/ml2014.pdf and implemented in an OCaml fork here github.com/ocamllabs/ocam…
@aaronmblevin I think it's a good tradeoff—you get e.g. terse overloaded arithmetic operators but can sidestep the magic unless it's useful.
@aaronmblevin There's Modular Implicits, which is a propsed feature that effectively acts like opt-in compiler magic for ad-hoc polymorphism
…to that end, I also had to draw a lot of stylized fruits, and I've put those on Github under a CC license: github.com/aisamanra/frui…
I wrote a bot that tweets logos for new casual dining restaurants, inspired by that one casual dining restaurant: twitter.com/casualdiningex…
Much like atlases have trap streets and dictionaries false words, recipe books should have uncookable recipes to trap potential plagiarists.
@jamey_sharp Ah, but before 2013, I didn't ever sit in rooms different from the one you are in now. My resolution worked!
I'm starting the New Year off writing! Here's a post about historical implementations of algebraic data types: what.happens.when.computer/2016-01-01/ear…
I actually have a pretty good track record on my New Year's Resolutions.
If the Hero goes on multiple distinct Hero's Journeys simultaneously, but still values and cherishes each adventure, then it's a Polymyth.
'Casablanca: Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage', Umberto Eco
The best thinkpiece I've read about The Force Awakens so far is Umberto Eco's 1984 essay 'Casablanca: Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage'.
But no, programmers love their One True Way so much they imagine violence even against alternate idioms in the same programming language.
There's a recent, otherwise good blog post that starts with, "[Other technique] needs to die a horrible death." You can use both! It's fine!
I wish programmers could say, "Here is a new thing that you can use!" and not, "THIS IS THE ONE TRUE THING, ALL OTHER THINGS ARE BAD NOW."
Betteridge's Law tells us that any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word, 'no'.
p.s. the govermnet is bad
I did gift-wrapping with white paper and stencilled on the recipients' names. Y'know, like if Banksy gave us gifts.
The Metafont "proof mode" isn't what you might think, although technically it IS a mode for verifying type correctness.
@acfoltzer @ComradeSoviet It was put together by @losthiskeysman, who may know where you could acquire a copy elsewhere.
…okay, this actually makes a reasonable amount of sense, at least from a manufacturer's point of view. twitter.com/whitequark/sta…
Lots of aspects of the Internet of Things confuse me, but what's most mystifying is: why make smart bulbs instead of smart sockets?
I can't wait to get my claws on the new Otherkinfolk: advice for small gatherings of otherworldly creatures.
hey everyone check out my coloring work in this beautiful coloring/activity book @acfoltzer got me
@Support Is there any option to make my timeline stay in chronological order? The out-of-order timeline is a terrible misfeature.
William Morris is my hero. Just look at the categories for his Wikipedia page.
(That said—I probably won't get around to the new one any time soon. Only movie I've seen in a theater in the past 1½ years was Videodrome.)
I was such a big Star Wars nerd as a child that at 12 I named my cat after Anakin Solo, who was Han and Leia's son in the Extended Universe.
Is this some kind of retribution? Can Twitter tell that I've used GreaseMonkey to hide the Moments button and the Trending Topics panel?
Twitter web interface appears to be showing me that out-of-order timeline crap—but thankfully, emacs twittering-mode orders tweets properly.
@ffee_machine It think I read it as an old-fashioned-DeviantArt-ey emoticon of a cat wearing a dunce cap. Like, XD goes to X3 goes to <X3
Haskell is a good language because (<3) is a valid expression in it. What would a Lisp use? (lambda (x) (< x 3))? That's not a heart at all.
Halfway into Sibelius' symphony Kullervo a previously silent men's chorus suddenly begins singing loud & deep. I like to call it 'the drop'.
@d_christiansen @ffee_machine @YanPenelope Interesting! I just saw a Lisp-ism in Idris and thought, "Ah! Of course, from @d_christiansen!"
@ffee_machine @YanPenelope I'd guess it shows up in Idris because of Common Lisp influcence. I know I've talked to @d_christiansen about CL.
@YanPenelope I think it's supposed to be the English word 'the'. You can read (the integer 2) just like the English phrase, "the integer 2."
@YanPenelope This explains it reasonably well, although it uses Common Lisp-specific jargon pretty heavily: cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html…
@YanPenelope It's only supposed to do that dynamic check in interactive code, though; it's intended as a hint that should get compiled away.
@YanPenelope It takes a type representation and a value that's supposed to be of the type, and then returns that value: (the integer 4) => 4
hello yes its me the trash human being what chooses where to eat based on old dril tweets twitter.com/dril/status/82…
Three sketches of mine, done over the course of seven years, all of the same subject matter …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/134829073…
"A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and academia."
@acfoltzer look—some days i wake up, i face the day, and i draw some ants and fake database logos, and thats all there is to it
"In tests, our system has been shown to be twice as perform-ant as other leading NoSQL Databases…"
Some people dislike the word 'performant'. I think it's great, 'cause it always makes me imagine a performing ant.
@jayfallon @PhilDarnowsky I'm not sure of its capacity, but it looks like that model maxed out at 20GB of space. So, y'know, huge. For 2003.
While looking for an SD card last night, I found my first MP3 player, shown here with a quarter for scale.
Ah, the nostalgia! Who can forget the classic early video game Lemmas?
I'm working from my aunt and uncle's house south of Estacada, which means the view from the window looks like this:
@aaronmblevin It was published in SIGBOVIK, the April Fools computer science journal, this year: sigbovik.org/2015/proceedin…
@yfyf Does the existing Atom feed not work? I've gotten Feedly to read it, but there might be problems for other readers I haven't noticed.
Oh, yeah. I was planning on writing more things. Here's a short description of the tiny object-oriented Io language: what.happens.when.computer/2015-11-20/io-…
Also in this lecture series: Larry Wall's "Radical Simplicity in PL Design" and Rasmus Lerdorf's "Types and Modules"
This is a great short essay about a Nahuatl verb that is formed of two affixes and no stem: www-01.sil.org/~tuggyd/Tlahti…
I finished two books while on planes this past week: Bruce Chatwin's In Patagonia, and Shirley Jackson's We Have Always Lived In The Castle.
…can you create derivative fan works based on music? What I'm really asking is: can I compose Pachelbel's Non-Canon?
Today I bought a copy of Oliver Byrne's beautiful, colorful edition of Euclid's elements, which can also be read at archive.org/details/firsts…
@ffee_machine @BenjaminFJones Additionally, bits of Roi Ubu—like the almost-a-swear-word 'merdre'—show up in lots of 'Pataphysical writing.
@ffee_machine @BenjaminFJones The proto-dadaist play 'Roi Ubu' was Jarry's first foray into what he would later codify as 'Pataphysics.
Q: What is Ubu the King's favorite part of South America?
A: 'Patagonia.
@acfoltzer @acwpdx Why write a font in PostScript? That's what MetaFont is for!
@acfoltzer @acwpdx (…the worst part is: I'm not using Comic Sans—I'm using a Comic-Sans-inspired open source font. I am a parody of myself.)
@acwpdx @amirmc I still think it's a good logo idea. It really pops, don't you think?
@acwpdx @amirmc I have not. I was afraid it'd be too

Don't worry—I got this. @acwpdx @amirmc
(…I have not read House of Leaves. I am talking trash solely on the basis of his short introduction to a book of architectural philosophy.)
more like House Of Leave The Wordart Button Alone, Buddy
I've never read any Danielewski before, but he wrote this intro to Bachelard's The Poetics of Space and now I want to punch him in the face.
My new cocktail: vodka, parfait d'amour, and cream. I call it… a Parfait A-moo-er.
People need to stop tagging instances of Soviet-era constructivism as 'socialist realism'. IT'S NOT SOCIALIST REALISM UNLESS IT'S REALIST.
They say 'write what you know'… so I wrote about one of the dorkiest things possible: a basic introduction to Lojban what.happens.when.computer/2015-11-07/loj…
@JonSterling (I love trying to emulate established art styles, so it does sound like exactly the kind of thing I'd be interested in.)
@JonSterling I've never tried it, but I'd be interested in doing so. Give me a week or two to experiment and I'll let you know!
@JonSterling Of course! gdritter.com/imgs/jonprl-re… (If you want it changed at all, I'd be happy to do that, too!)
I am so on it. @JonSterling
@MCantor …uh, a hand-written static site generator in Scheme which processes a custom markup language. (I'm kind of insufferable like that.)
I've decided to start doing regular short-form blogging about various miscellaneous topics: what.happens.when.computer
@paul_pearce @theg5prank 💔
Debugging a problem in the RSS reader I use. It's got a large file called `functions.php`, as well as another large file: `functions2.php`.
(…did anyone else have a brief theosophist phase during high school and read all about Agartha and the hollow earth? …just me? Okay, then.)
The best resource for everything you need to thrive in the hollow core of our planet! S. Brand and E. Halley present THE HOLE EARTH CATALOG
Personally, I'm holding out for a game with a 'pataphysics engine.
The physics engine in this game is pretty decent, but it's got an amazing metaphysics engine.
The hat came out kind of shoddy and ill-shaped, but that's arguably in-character.
@glyph Something on Wikipedia incorrectly linked to it instead of a different WML. How it's relevant enough to be on Wikipedia I don't know.
@theg5prank There are an entertainingly large number of subtly wrong details with the whole thing.
We Made A Terrible Tool With High Barriers To Entry And Will Insult You For Not Being 100% Proficient In It: The UNIX Ecosystem Story
ESPECIALLY if you want to read docs that reek of the worst kind of sneering, self-satisfied nerd-smugness.
I found the worst web design tool. Y'know, just in case you wanted to generate web pages with Perl AND with m4: thewml.org/about/
i forgot to post it until now but last week I did a pixelly art of @shelfuu's profile picture and here it is
In all honesty, E.B. White was a great writer, but The Elements of Style shows that he had no idea what it was that made his writing great.
too bad about the adjective there… if he'd only read Strunk & White he'd know that adjectives produce tepid writing…
hey if your service could implement a 'never ask me about adding a phone number again ever' option that'd be awesome thanks
It is, as far as I know, the only Haskell s-expression library that supports arbitrary reader macros. (Is that useful? Who knows! Maybe!)
My annoyingly expressive Haskell s-expression library, s-cargot, is now up on Hackage, for all your s-expr needs: hackage.haskell.org/package/s-carg…
@ffee_machine @YanPenelope …I have no idea where the 'botanist' part comes from. Also, it's inflected as a plural genitive ("of botanists")?
@ffee_machine @YanPenelope It read to me as, "Skateboards for the skateboard god! Botanists for the nerd throne!"
person 1: foldable tuples are bad
p 2: they're good
[i ride by on a skateboard eating go-gurt] its yogurt in a tube, nerds. ever heard of it
Any thing woth doing is worth doing with pedantic and insufferable attention to irrelevant detail probably.
Adjunct Professor Oak has to work on military Pokémon applications, because all other funding has dried up, and he makes below minimum wage.
American Pokémon: all the trains are slow, the bridges are cracking, and you spend the whole game paying off your first Pokémon center bill.
As an American, I find the Pokémon games to be a tantalizing view into a world with working, well-funded public services and infrastructure.
@BenjaminFJones @thedagit The one I use—Void Linux—is systemd-free.
@kfoner It ought to be. I could put this right next to a "my other car is a cdr" bumper sticker.
@ChadScherrer I think the concrete details of the APIs are less important here than the process (or lack thereof) behind changing the APIs.
Experimenting with pixel-art-ish techniques on non-square grids. It's weird—and I'm bad at it so far—but promising!
Today I saw "how the sausage was made" in the sense that I wrote a bunch of PostScript by hand, but also in the sense that I made sausage.
@acfoltzer there's nothing problematic about my OTP
Non-canonical parsing methods include Left-Corner Parsing, Partitioned LL Parsing, NSLR Parsing and Snape-And-Dumbledore-Making-Out Parsing.
@d_christiansen @acfoltzer @n1nj4 It makes great old fashioneds, which are great when they are a bit sweet and a bit smoky.
@d_christiansen @acfoltzer @n1nj4 …I have a bottle of lapsang souchong liqueur, and I should absolutely try adding it to mulled cider.
"…some Forths on the newer processors handle 32-bit addressing, allowing unimaginably large programs."
—Leo Brodie, 'Thinking Forth' (1984)
@path1ckey more like carmad amirite
@ChadScherrer In this case, the word is 'explode', which is used to describe a particular part of the lift.
To wit: I developed the problem in part by misunderstanding the connotations of a word used in describing motions used in lifting.
I've almost fixed a persistent problem with my Olympic lifting form. The problem was partially linguistic in nature, which was interesting.
@josh_triplett @jamey_sharp
looking forward to being banned from editing wikipedia
…someone described Happy Home Designer to me as "Animal Crossing meets Glengarry Glen Ross" and I keep picturing this
@danluu @DanielleSucher But when I do get around to it, I can certainly let you know I'm in the area!
@danluu @DanielleSucher Let me know when you do! Similarly, I keep intending to go up to Seattle soon, although things keep coming up.
I'm seeing Videodrome on the big screen tonight, so I'm rereading this essay: web.archive.org/web/2013083000… (Content warning for—well—Videodrome.)
"The docs SAY it's R5RS-like, but it's apparently NOT R5RS-LIKE ENOUGH, IS IT?"
I put in a three-line PR to tweak the lexical syntax of identifiers in a small Lisp implementation because I am the Worst Kind Of Person.
@shelfuu @kfoner It's been a long time since I've read it, but I remember it being a quality book.
Screens in the elevator of my SF hotel with helpful information on how to improve my brand.
Drunk Polish person at the bar tonight insisting that Polish is a Romance language.
…the paper that describes Shift-Resolve parsing is probably one of the most impenetrable things I've ever read.
I'm in an airport waiting for a flight to San Francisco, and using the downtime to implement a toy Shift-Resolve parser.
@jtdaugherty @BenjaminFJones (…although if you'd like to wait until next week, I'd happily go with you and watch it again.)
@jtdaugherty @BenjaminFJones It is a wonderful film. Unfortunately—I forgot to email to say this—I'm gonna be out of town this weekend.
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, often shortened to s32s…"
I prune my music library via compacting GC—move good music to new folder, delete old one—and I start like any good GC
…the resemblance is uncanny
Adding software developers to a late project makes them fuse into a horrifying humanoid lepidopteran, also known as the Mythical Man-Moth.
This, for reference, is the very useful thing you see when you open crates.io in elinks:
The crates.io site—for Rust packages—requires JavaScript. This is neither a web app nor a dynamic site. It should ABSOLUTELY be static HTML.
@acwpdx @betalister I am also a big fan of poaching in other liquids. Beer-poached eggs served with toast, goat cheese, & avocado—delicious.
…Georgian soft drinks are really, really good, although they're confusingly often called 'lemonade' (ლიმონათი) even when they have no lemon.
I now have a convenient Portland source for tarhuna (или «тархун» по-русский) which is a delicious Georgian tarragon soda I've been craving.
"This error message is quite misleading and frequently the problem has nothing to do with the message."

Thanks, GCC FAQ.
@vrika It turned out mostly quite good, but it did need something more salty/savory as a balancing flavor. Not sure what that should be yet.
Tonight's invented recipe: cider risotto with maple-and-brown-sugar-glazed scallops, apples, and chanterelles.
The Pico-8 is a really awesome little retro-styled virtual video game console: lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
I've been playing with the Pico-8 and put together a little maze-exploring game as practice: gdritter.com/imgs/maze_isla…
I might change one or two details, but it's pretty close to done, I think.
Did you know that in addition to being a bad programmer and a bad-opinion-haver, I am also a bad painter? It's true!
@jtdaugherty The very one. I'd had other things from them, but I hadn't gotten around to trying the Cold Fashioned before.
I love it when the clouds are low enough that they touch the hills around Portland.
I also had a wonderful non-alcoholic old-fashioned made with cold brew instead of whiskey earlier today.

No, YOU'RE a Portland stereotype.
Today: starting a small batch of pale ale, some painting, and restringing a mandolin. Also, a lot of Animal Crossing.
@aaronmblevin I did in fact have a serious debate with myself about whether to bring/wear the outfit depicted in my Twitter profile picture.
I feel like there's a kind of playfulness present in Scheme programming that I don't feel as much when programming in other languages.
I've been idly writing Scheme for a personal project this week. It's a lot of fun. I really should make time to write Lisp more regularly.
@joeranweiler I use crusty homemade breads, but I've made it on San Francisco sourdough (which I don't like much) and it's still good.
@joeranweiler Paper-thin slices of asparagus sautéed in bacon grease, small bits of crispy bacon, fresh buffalo mozzarella + smoked cheddar.
I should mention that I'm at ICFP doing ICFP-type things, if you too are at ICFP and want to say hello. (I basically look like my avatar.)
PDX ↺🚗↻ SEA ↺🚗↻ YVR

(thats probably moderately comprehensible, right?)
Driving today. Sadly the car emoji faces the wrong way, so I can't do that emoji thing people do where they write [x]🛪[y] but with a car.
@d_christiansen Mi restos ĉe la domo de amiko—sed mi pensas, ke mi estas la sola membro de la Galŭalaboristaro, kiu ne restas ĉe la hotelo.
@JonSterling I both fear and hope that the JonPRL logo will be my greatest contribution to the field of computer science research.
@andreasdotorg @d_christiansen This is that particular module: hackage.haskell.org/package/void
I just repaired a closet using plumbing hardware, and it's made me feel like I'm really handy. At least, uh. Temporarily.
A philosophical point-and-click where you play as Wittgenstein uncovering philosophical truths: The Tractatus Ludico-Philosophicus.
@acfoltzer It's also bog-butter, which means it's aged with peat. More things need peat. ( nordicfoodlab.org/blog/2013/10/b… )
Life goals.
I've been thinking about it recently, and I've decided that my favorite semi-obscure stanzaic form is probably the triolet.
Someone should make a Slack client and name it j-r-bob-dobbs.
Last night I also found my old notes on the duality of data and codata, which I still think are really pretty.
The page on the right is a poem; a larger version of that same poem hung on my wall during my undergrad years:
I love going through my old papers and finding old notes from my conlanging days.
I had my doubts about the accuracy of recommendation engines, but now YouTube keeps recommending me a video about Kanye West and Jodorowsky.
I have been annoyingly ambiently busy lately, but luckily there's a new Alessandro Cortini album I've had on repeat: youtube.com/watch?v=3NcIh_…
Consider: Greenberg's 'Some universals of grammar with particular reference to the order of meaningful elements' was published in 1963.
Ars Technica apparently believes that linguistic universals are a new discovery, not an established area of research twitter.com/ArsTechnicaUK/…
@PLT_cheater It doesn't; it's the other way around. deepseq just depends on array, base, and ghc-prim.
This is a perfect object-lesson in how typeclasses—and the restrictions they impose—can be a big problem for code ecosystems and modularity.
Here: all the non-base transitive dependencies of the void module, which defines an empty type and trivial functions.
…this is from a relatively basic paper about graph transformations.
I have an answer! You can't use ! recursively, as multiple categories are CamelCased, e.g. EvilFem!Sherlock.
I still don't know the precedence and fixity of the infix ! operator as used in fandom. Do I have to use parentheses in `evil!fem!Sherlock`?
I have serious complaints about the Esperanto-language interface for Minecraft, and that isn't even the most insufferable thing about me.
My last work laptop was named Lemuria, so I logically named my new one Mu. The next one will probably have to be Ys.
@acfoltzer A toytal functional language.
@theg5prank It was only one glass of bourbon! I was just really distracted.
A complete list of things I have consumed in the last 24 hours:
- coke zero with black walnut bitters
- bourbon
- cookies
Template Haskell is a pretty strong argument for Lisp.
@mountainherder @path1ckey @faineg A few cocktails—I really should try making more!—but they also went perfectly well just with fizzy water.
@EmpressCortana @rhiannonstone We had these in our old neighborhood, down around Division St. (I promise I had nothing to do with them.)
It starts out as drawers, and then gradually adds the functionality of all the rest of your furniture.
This isn't pointless—e.g. depending on binding site, { iⁿ | i<n } can be interpreted three ways: as 〈i:i<n:iⁿ〉 or 〈n:i<n:iⁿ〉 or 〈i,n:i<n:iⁿ〉
It's a strange notation for both set-building and any operator that introduces bindings. eg { i² | i<5 } ≡〈i:i<5:i²〉
My trivial knowledge was useful today! I was able to identify an almost-unused notational convention from Dijkstra that came up in a paper.
There is some cloud software thing called 'Juju' that refers to apps as 'charms'. Tech industry: I just want you to know—I hate you so much.
Finally have a Linux install with a ZFS root! And I owe it all to procrastinating on much more important things. Thanks, procrastination!
While it never really caught on, the spesmilo lives on—or so Vikipedio informs me—as the name of the fake currency in Esperanto Monopoly.
Saussure also proposed a standard unit of money—the spesmilo—which was adopted by Esperanto banks like the Ĉekbanko esperantista in London.
Esperanto II was the work of René de Saussure, who was the brother of Ferdinand de Saussure, the prominent early linguist and semiotician.
For a while, a lot of Esperantists tried to create and popularize their own Esperanto derivatives. One was just called, 'Esperanto II.'
I can't believe that nobody has yet written a theorem prover and called it Pudding.
A coworker pointed out that I was dressed like my profile picture today, so, for purposes of comparison:
If you ever need to do this, here is a resource that explains how, and may god have mercy on your soul: breaks.for.alienz.org/blog/2012/02/0…
But there IS a way of returning structs by-value in C into Haskell! It requires manually changing the calling convention, but it's possible!
In the course of this I have learned of a Deep Magic: typically, C FFI calls in Rust can refer to basic types and pointers, but not structs.
I've contributed some snippets to the Rust FFI Omnibus, which has simple examples of Rust interop for other languages jakegoulding.com/rust-ffi-omnib…
@aaronmblevin It makes me happy that there is actual fanart of them: dailycryptodrawings.tumblr.com/post/113391456…
@kfoner I can't believe there's nothing about non-Euclidean Rubik's cubes on Google. Now I'll have to figure out what that'd be like myself.
@rhiannonstone @basmatiheather @jong I can't help it; I keep imagining
…also, I am a huge sucker for Francophone science fiction in visual media. So, y'know, there's that, too.
I finished the game Remember Me. It had lots problems—but I loved the visual & fashion design: conceptartworld.com/?p=24571
@mwotton @aaronmblevin @shelfuu I was actually gonna do a PR of the text myself. I just wanted to joke about it on Twitter first. :)
Feature: because functions never evaluate arguments, your programs will never run, freeing you to go outside and pet dogs and eat ice cream.
I guess I should mention that this isn't some poorly-worded Haskell tutorial—it's the exact text from the haskell.org site.
Apparently Haskell functions don't evaluate their arguments. Now that's purity! (thx @shelfuu for pointing this out.)
@aaronmblevin Vape For Life has apparently decided to bow to criticism and fix the backwards V, formerly the cornerstone of their logo/brand
I am gonna be real disappointed when I start work on a different project and don't have long compile times any more. twitter.com/acfoltzer/stat…
Delany's Tales of Nevèrÿon opens with a quote from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's translator's notes for Derrida's 'De la grammatologie' ❤❤❤❤❤
Oh, man, I almost forgot to link to one of my favorite old @nedroid comics today: nedroid.com/imagesb/solsti…
@shelfuu This vaguely reminds me of usenix.org/system/files/c… (which has a shell-language kind of focus)
See, this is what happens when you haven't read SICP. (found via @ntcomplete) medium.com/relevant-stori…
@vrika It's also by Cory Doctorow, and I haven't been a big fan of his writing, generally. (Admittedly, I mean his fiction, but still.)
[citation very much goddamn needed]
I'm not saying technology isn't part of the answer. I do think technology has great uses! But 'the internet IS the answer' is ridiculous.
This article is impressively terrible, but it is also a great object-lesson in unthinking techno-utopian ideology: theguardian.com/technology/201…
@shelfuu Just set up an automated drip to start up around 6AM at a rate of roughly 2ml/minute. You'll be uncomfortably energetic in no time.
@shelfuu You should see if you can get emergency bottles of BBotE delivered straight to Eugene. That'll do it probably.
@d_christiansen @JonSterling It's here gdritter.com/imgs/jonprl.svg and also I'd be happy to make changes. (I did draw that in like five minutes…)
@d_christiansen @JonSterling @carloangiuli I'm imagining it like this.
@rhiannonstone @EmpressCortana @StonewallTJJ Jupiter seems like it might be a little bit on the large side. Better warm up with Pluto first.
@jtdaugherty @BenjaminFJones …judging by some of the Haskell blog posts I've seen, I'm pretty sure it's too late for that.
@BenjaminFJones In the tradition of Obfuscated Code Contests, someone should hold an Unnecessarily Category-Theoretic Haskell Code Contest.
You mean, kind of like this? redlinernotes.com/docs/categorie… @jtdaugherty @morabbin
Part of me sort of likes this wacky old approach to typesetting C code. (Source: Baecker & Marcus, 1983.)
New plan: a Twitter bot that tweets random nouns prefixed by, "A Category-Theoretic Approach To "
@podmostom @ffee_machine (If you make it yourself, you can use other colors, so you can really Pinterest it up: img2-1.timeinc.net/toh/i/g/10/pai… )
@podmostom @ffee_machine I've found it in nearby hardware stores; you can also make it yourself pretty easily: instructables.com/id/DIY-Chalk-B…
@podmostom @ffee_machine Err, chalkboard paint. It comes in both spray and brush-on forms. For example: amazon.com/Rust-Oleum-206…
@podmostom @ffee_machine I don't, but it's pretty straightforward—the easiest way is, "Find good board, find chalk paint, combine."
When I was in high school I mounted whiteboards on my wall—but I have since discovered the beauty of chalk, & now build my own chalkboards.
Source for this statement: gizmodo.com/why-mathematic…
"A younger generation of mathematicians, raised on markers and whiteboards, might never yearn for the chalk." This statement: TOTALLY FALSE.
@shelfuu …now I'm thinking about writing my own 'laptoptools' suite. This is probably a bad yak to have.
@shelfuu The good and bad of daemontools is that it's super-focused on the task of keeping daemons running, to the exclusion of all else.
@shelfuu Oh, no, it's not really good at that kind of job. There are supposed to be cron variants that are better at handling that.
@shelfuu Have you tried daemontools? It's by far my favorite job management thingy, and very, very portable.
@psygnisfive @shelfuu Oh, I'm aware—that was what made me think of it. (About damn time, too.)
@psygnisfive …I'm making a terrible joke that I think is being ruined by Twitter not displaying the full image inline.
After close examination, I've realized that Comonad is not exactly dual to Monad in Haskell. I have a plan to fix it:
@mjsottile If you need it—here's an old page of how to say, "I can eat glass; it doesn't hurt me," in many languages: reocities.com/nodotus/hbglas…
…which I discovered via this wonderful post about the hexadic system, 'speculative music', and esoteric traditions: twitter.com/larkfall/statu…
I just learned about Ben Chasny's hexadic system, a new system for composing music by using a deck of playing cards: thewire.co.uk/news/34570/six…
You know, for someone who likes Haskell, I really hate Haskell.
@sw17ch @d6 So far: there are things I really like about it, but I wish it were less tightly coupled to curated package sets like Stackage.
@ffee_machine Just internally at Galois. It was mostly a high-level intro to basic Rust-related concepts.
Linux source fun facts: LIST_HEAD_INIT and INIT_LIST_HEAD are different. They're defined within 5 lines of each other. Only one is a macro.
I was listening to industrial music and my laptop was unplugged and running out of power. I mistook the warning beeps for part of the music.
I got a nice break from debugging some kernel code today. I got to debug some Makefiles instead. You take what you can get.
@theg5prank The slides aren't totally done, but they're in a repo here: github.com/aisamanra/rust… (They're mostly for accompanying talking.)
…why anyone allows me to continue giving presentations on any topic at all i will never understand
@jtdaugherty I wonder who the other guy you tagged in this was. Y'know, the one who wasn't @moltarx or @BJones.
@acfoltzer …it's, uh, comparatively true. (I do wish that otherwise reasonable technologies wouldn't make excessively grandiose claims.)
@acfoltzer Alternately: web.archive.org/web/2011071807…
@acfoltzer You could always recover a sexpr-like structure by using nested netstrings, and recover XML structure by principled sexpr use.
@acfoltzer Their rationale is that it's faster/easier to parse. Really, more people need to know about netstrings: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netstring
Ever wonder what you'd get if early 21st century Enterprise JVM-based nonsense merged with interactive theorem provers? Wonder no more!
It's an XML-based protocol except it uses a custom encoding of XML that replaces angle brackets with non-printable ASCII characters. Really.
Apparently, Isabelle no longer supports emacs/proof-general: they have a new protocol for prover interaction, and it only works with jEdit.
Walter Benjamin's notes are ALSO pretty—but differently so. He did a color-coded-topic thing I don't quite understand
Incidentally—it's total nonsense, science-wise, but Walter Russell's work was pretty beautiful butdoesitfloat.com/filter/walter-…
I briefly mentally swapped Franfurt-School-er Walter Benjamin with new-age "scientist" Walter Russell. That made for a confusing few moments
I am indirectly responsible for a GHC bug report that includes a hieroglyphic character, thanks to @acfoltzer ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticke…
I did not previously know about these special number words for sheep- and stitch-counting from Northern England: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yan_tan_t…
@joshbohde A while back, I was wondering what kind of gameplay a deliberately non-capitalist Harvest Moon would have. Still not 100% sure.
@acfoltzer @BenjaminFJones There's probably a way of preëmptively capturing std{out,err} in all your buffers, just in case you need it. Hmm…
Today I changed it so that every terminal I open is already running tmux. This was a wonderful idea. I can't believe I didn't do it before.
And it's also not useful even as metaphor: drows are more like fairies—music-loving underground-dwellers—whereas draugr are reanimated dead.
It's etymologically unsound: 'drow' is a Shetlandic variation on the word 'troll', whereas 'draugr' goes back to *draugmas 'phantasm'.
This translation of Hrómundar saga Gripssonar translates 'draugr' as 'drow', which is really, really weird.
@3liza (I also don't know how much 'argr' was historically applied to non-masculine nouns—I haven't found any instance yet—but still.)
@3liza The definite—'the argr [one]'—would be masc. 'inn argi', fem. 'in arga', neut. 'it arga'. All these are also in subject form.
@3liza The inflection depends on definiteness, gender, and case: 'an argr [one]' would be masc. 'argr', fem. 'arg', neut. 'argt'.
(Today, it was mushrooms stuffed with prosciutto and Parmesan cheese and chili-lime-cilantro shrimp.)
Nothing gives me more pleasure than making a dish for a party that is entirely eaten up by the time I leave.
It usually happens with weird dream-like books. It's happened before with Dunsany and MacDonald. Last night, it was an R. A. Lafferty novel.
I finished a book last night and then dreamed up extra parts of the book. That used to happen to me a lot, but this is the only time lately.
I've now contributed my first package to a Linux distro, which I think means I've unlocked another Geek Achivement.
…I have semi-seriously considered buying a large-format printer and making my own street maps, to be prepared for our paper-map-less future.
It's not surprising that paper street maps are mostly a curiosity now, but it makes me a little bit sad. I have always loved paper maps.
I tried to buy a street map yesterday, and had to go to multiple gas stations before I found a street map of the county I was in.
@egraind @3liza The word for 'mother' in Basque—also a linguistic isolate—is also 'ama'.
I am pretty excited for Rust—but someone needs to come up with a better way of navigating the stdlib docs, because that design is atrocious.
Preliminary efforts towards a randomly-built-Esperanto-word Twitter bot are looking promising. (Needs work, though!)
It disappoints me that there are no Google search results for "total fnordering".
@acfoltzer @EvilKitty You can get close with ViewPatterns, albeit a bit more verbosely. Something like `go (Mul (go->l) (go->r)) = l * r`
@ffee_machine The font I'm using—which has lots of constructed scripts, not just Tolkien's—is this one: kreativekorp.com/software/fonts…
@ffee_machine …but because it's technically part of the Private Use areas, all characters in them get rejected as invalid by GHC.
@ffee_machine Tengwar isn't actually in Unicode proper. There's an unofficial registry for constructed scripts and fonts that conform to it…
@dysinger @ffee_machine …now that I think about it, I really should have named the proof corresponding to Russell's Paradox as 💣.
@dysinger @ffee_machine The last Agda I wrote involved enabling Type : Type and proving Russell's Paradox—that was fun! …in a different way.
@EvilKitty I'd much rather have both than either individually! And I do think Haskell has a kind of sweet spot in expressing both concisely.
(Not that it hurts to have the types! I think they're just less of a deciding factor, to me, at least.) @EvilKitty
I actually think convenient pattern-matching helps more than types—e.g., I think this is as "readable". @EvilKitty
It is, all things considered, probably a good thing that this is not valid Haskell.
(Yes, systemd is gone from all my personal computers, but I wanted to use a 'more standard' Linux on my work computer. This was a mistake.)
Oh, and look, systemd is doing terrible things now too. Today is apparently just one of those days where I am Mad At Computers.
Every time I scroll up and see a header reappear, I get a little bit angrier at modern design trends.
"Sorry, I'm not into gymnosperm-core"
"Never use a metaphor you are used to seeing in print. When I see common metaphors I get madder than a green moon-dog."
—G. Orwell, probably
"Never use the passive…" [???]
There's a talk that applies Orwell's Politics and the English Language to coding conventions. It's just as terrible as you might imagine.
Today's listening, in light of my having finished reading Mona Lisa Overdrive this morning: youtube.com/watch?v=U8-rNM…
@jtdaugherty @SyntaxPolice It sadly does not display them as s-expressions, even though it totally should.
@SyntaxPolice @jtdaugherty If you're looking for one that doesn't display gif avatars, mine doesn't! …because I use emacs twittering-mode.
@jtdaugherty @SyntaxPolice It's not possible any more, but people who had .gif avatars before they disabled it can got grandfathered in.
People write "This Is Not An Instruction Manual" in copies of 1984 to send to politicans. I should do the same with Snow Crash and startups.
@vrika I've actually experienced it firsthand! There's a Japanese restaurant near my house with a toilet that I had no idea how to use.
In that context, then, I have to concede that Silicon Valley is a great source of visionary ideas.
I think "visionary" is my new favorite euphemism for "ill-conceived, unnecessary, and terrible."
I never finished reading the Sprawl trilogy—so now I'm finally reading Count Zero. Makes me want to get 'ICE Engineer' on my business cards.
@sw17ch I've seen "unrolled linked list" before.
(…it's not 100% relevant, as it's more about Forth specifically and less about concatenative language in general, but still.) @shelfuu
I guess I should also link to yosefk.com/blog/my-histor… which is the standard Counterpoint To Enthusiam About Concatenative Languages @shelfuu
Relatedly: The Theory of Concatenative Combinators tunes.org/~iepos/joy.html @shelfuu
I mean—nobody should actually use this, for all kinds of reasons. But I wanted it, and the existing alternatives were XML and MediaWiki, so…
I have sometimes wanted a simple but extensible markup language for rich text—so I've started making my own: github.com/aisamanra/telm…
I cannot fathom how one can possibly believe that alternate programming languages just existing is itself a problem. It's myopic and boring.
It's really depressing—someone will invent a cool new tool or new language, and commenters will pile on: "I think this xkcd is relevant!"
I have recently seen several people use the xkcd comic about standards proliferation to mean, effectively, "Nobody should make new things."
In order to keep track of my many perpetually unfinished projects, I have now made a physical yak stack.
@jong (I don't know; they sound a lot more sensible than some of the software names I've seen elsewhere.)
I'm writing a small X display manager, so now I'm wondering if I can come up with a terrible enough acronym to name it KMFDM.
I just kind of wish Saga would get an Esperanto-speaking proofreader. "I know hours are not soft."
@sw17ch Not much, what's up with you?
What goes through my head when someone uses the word 'unityped':
LRT: I also believe that dynamic typing is a better choice for long-running systems, for reason I'll have to explain at some point.
Last night I shaved two yaks I've had for a year, and then started writing/sketching a short comic I'm calling 'La sorĉisto ĉe la strateto'.
"It's not what you think! My linguistic aesthetic preferences JUST HAPPEN to reflect local racist attitudes & historical political divides!"
You notice how if you ask which languages are 'bad-sounding', they'll often name German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic… hmm… interesting pattern…
#shithnsays "French and Italian […] are considered romance languages, because among other things they sound pretty." news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9495283
@chrisamaphone This earlier Rosenberg paper might help clarify his idiosyncratic jargon, at the very least: well.com/user/jer/SHA_o…
@ntcomplete Uber for waterways. You can call it Canoe-ber.
(Also, it's the closest I suspect we'll ever come to a Buckminster Fuller-inspired science fiction horror movie.)
Music—perfect. Cinematography—perfect. Plot—almost absolute nonsense. Also, it's a terrifying movie. I'm surprised I didn't have nightmares.
Incidentally, I finally got around to watching Beyond The Black Rainbow last night. A deeply imperfect movie, but one I really enjoyed.
me irl
@d_christiansen …ĉi tiu vortarto estas tre malnova, kaj me suspektas, ke ĝi enhavas multajn malmodernajn aŭ eĉ malĝustajn vortojn…
@d_christiansen Presmaŝinoj aǔ la uzo de presmaŝinoj. (Ĝi estas la traduko por "letterpress" en la esperanta vortarto kion mi aĉetis.)
@d_christiansen (Tio ĉi estas malmoderna kritiko de Esperanto, kiam oni devas ĉizi kaj muldi novajn literojn pro presaĵoitaĵo.)
@d_christiansen Mi pensas, ke esperanto estas la sola lingvo, kio uzas la cirkumflekson super konsonantoj. Rumana uzas ĝin super vokaloj.
@d_christiansen …mi volas diri—ĉi tion tviton. (Mi ŝajne ne estas parolinte esperanton sufiĉe.)
@d_christiansen Mi ŝatas, ke la tvitterprogrameto estas ofertanta traduki ĉi tion tvito… de rumana.
@psygnisfive There actually is a Tengwar pixel font, but I'm not super-happy with how it renders, either. (This one kreativekorp.com/software/fonts… )
"I'm not that much of a nerd," and other lies I tell myself.
My newest xmonad/xmobar changes might be a step too far, even by my incredibly dorky standards.
@vrika I'm basing it off a cocktail from Kask here in Portland (around SW 12th and Alder) where it's called the Alexander Wept.
@vrika I used 1oz Bulleit rye, ⅔oz Kilchoman, ½oz Cherry Heering, and ¼oz Amaro Lucano, with a few drops of the bitters.
(Otherwise in my version it contains: rye, scotch, Cherry Heering, Amaro, and redwood mesquite bitters. And it's a pleasing burgundy color.)
I have nearly perfectly reproduced one of my favorite cocktails. All it's missing is cherry bark smoke, as I don't have any cherry bark atm.
I am working from home today to get some writing done—which means I'm on a hammock on the front porch with an iced coffee and my laptop.
I'm very interested in dependent types, but I'm not at all sold on the idea that we should add them to Haskell.
@chrisamaphone @JonSterling @psygnisfive I did this once so I could hand-write Mayan. Lots of fun—but I had to rewrite every slide ≥3 times.
At the request of a coworker, I wrote a blog post detailing the creation of my comic book slipcover: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2015/4/laser-c…
I can't believe nobody has bought the domain giþub.com yet.
@path1ckey (…I actually do want to try using Ivory more some time, but I'm also not gonna pass up an opportunity for internet snark.)
Slipcases to keep comic issues together on shelves. Generated by code and laser-cut, which was fun.
Uber is now operating in Portland.
The good: now I can meaningfully choose not to use it.
The bad: Uber is spreading like the disease it is.
@shelfuu You know, I said LL(k), but I really meant LALR(k), which is what Bison and its ilk implement. (It's late, and words are hard.)
@shelfuu Well, it's certainly not if you count layout. If you handwave about the layout pass… it might be?
@shelfuu That is, because patterns can be arbitrarily long. So without `let` there's no way it'd be LLk.
@shelfuu It might be a parser thing: without `let`, you'd need unbounded lookahead to distinguish `pat = expr` and `pat <- expr`.
(I say that—I actually like the Makefile approach, but probably don't put your logic in bash.)
It's not very pretty, but I'm gonna put it here: github.com/aisamanra/libr… (If you want to know how not to write a static site generator.)
I switched one of my sites to be statically generated, and experimentally wrote that generator using mostly make+bash. Fun! A little slow.
(m4 is not good. Do not write programs in m4, even ironically.)
weird irony twitter has ruined my brain. last night i decided to ironically write a program in m4, because what if it is good actually.
Recently I dreamed I was babysitting ghosts. They accidentally glided into each other and fused and to separate them I had to sing to them.
@psygnisfive The IDIC thing? At least according to Nimoy, it was more of a merchandizing attempt, so they could sell people IDIC pendants.
I continue to insist that IDIQ stands for 'Infinite Diversity in Infinite Quombinations'.

(This, ironically, is not very logical of me.)
Today I used Haskell (with diagrams) to design a slipcase for comic book issues. The laser-cut prototype should come in a few weeks.
@aaronmblevin This one was all by hand. I'd be kind of terrified of owning something like that—I don't know if I would ever stop using it…
@vrika I've actually seen a bumper sticker that says "In case of rapture, I'm stealing your yarn," complete with hands knitting amidst fire.
Today I biked around some, ate curry in the sun, got lots of new comics, and finished binding a small book. Good day.
My mother just told me that knitters go to hell but cross-stitchers go to heaven, and that might be the most mom thing she's ever said.
The GNU assembler syntax for x86 is the absolute worst. I will never back down on this. I will die for this bikeshed.
Blade Runner 2: Do Androids Dream of Electric Boogaloo
@ntcomplete Not only have I seen it, I know someone who has already made pen purchases based on it. (That person is surprisingly not me.)
(define (|Did you know that R7RS allows identifers like this?| x) (+ x 1))
@shelfuu Not yet; I keep trying to make it shorter, because I feel like it's too long and rambley at present.
@shelfuu One of my favorites cool ContT uses is this one from @sigfpe: blog.sigfpe.com/2011/10/quick-…
It's still not on Hackage because I still have some bits to fill in. I want it to be able to parse R{5,6,7}RS out-of-the-box, for example.
I have now actually used s-cargot (my unnecessarily overengineered s-expression parsing library) for something sort-of-serious!
…I wasn't even actively playing Pokémon before this weekend. I just get aggressively distracted sometimes.
I pretend I'm a functioning adult, but the truth is that this weekend I REMEMBERED taxes were due and proceeded to beat 5 gyms in Pokémon.
Sadly, only one joke so far has involved any chevrons being activated.
My Haskell hieroglyphics post is still going around a month later, and people still pop up to make bad jokes like, "just like apl lol."
@paul_pearce If you are ever in Portland, you're welcome to come by and sample!
@paul_pearce No, I joined the working world post-Masters, so I'm up in Portland now doing research-type things at a company up here.
@joeranweiler "You are bottom-shelf whiskey. You transform yourself into Old Fashioned."
Current collection:
@paul_pearce I have also made old-fashioned-like drinks from mezcal before, and that's pretty damn good, too.
@paul_pearce Sometimes I do use a more unusual whiskey, e.g., Seven Stills in SF has some really unique whiskeys that make excellent drinks.
@paul_pearce I usually use a good-but-not-outstanding whiskey—often Buffalo Trace if bourbon, Bulleit Rye if rye—and Abbott's bitters.
@paul_pearce I usually go a bit heavy on the sweet, so: ¼ to ½oz simple syrup, 2oz bourbon or rye, 3-ish shakes of bitters, cherry optional.
…given that I intend to expand my bitters collection over time, this one-old-fashioned-a-night plan might end up being Zeno's Cocktail Menu.
Tonight's Old Fashioned brought to you—well, to me—by The Hudson Standard's spruce shoot bitters. It works interestingly well.
@vrika I think I've had most of 'em with either seltzer or ginger ale. Workhorse Rye does a passionflower bitters that's great with seltzer.
(Tonight's was Buffalo Trace with Workhorse Rye's Redwood Mesquite coffee bitters, so that's one down.)
I should try making old fashioneds with every kind of bitters that I own. For, uh, science. If I do one a night, it will take about a month.
@acfoltzer What, just because of our ultimately harmful and immoral practice of granting indulgenc—I mean, seed rounds?
I plan to start appropriating Christian culture in tech. Expect Code Mendicants teaching Ruby Liturgy at Hacker Priories in SF any day now.
@joeranweiler @acfoltzer I've just started using it, and really like it so far. (I haven't had to restore from it yet, though!)
@BenjaminFJones I kind of want to support all the way back through R1RS-flavored s-expressions. I'm going at least as far back as R3RS.
If the major selling point of your software is that it is written in [language], then I am immediately much less interested in using it.
I was reading the R3RS standard last night. I appreciated that it was dedicated to the memory of Algol 60.
i started to add ml-style comments as optional syntax in my s-expression library until i realized just how much that wouldn't work

.@steveklabnik Relatedly: a perhaps unnecessarily large collection of Žižek gifs absolutefucker.tumblr.com/tagged/zizek
I'm not prepared to say that systemd is the wrong choice across the board, but it's very much not how I want to run my *nix systems.
I do think systemd is nicer than sysvinit—but the daemontools family is much more straightforward to use and understand than either of them.
Switching to a non-systemd distro was one of the best Linux decisions I've made, and I'm very happy I took that plunge.
I misread 'Unix shell' as 'Unix hell' and yet the meaning of the sentence remained basically the same.
The fact that this quote is not entirely serious does not, in any way, mitigate my criticism.
Patrick Rothfuss needs a better editor for both his books and his personality.
The Web is a mediocre technology with somewhat good intentions. Apps are slightly better technology with MUCH worse intentions.
I'm still getting the hang of the whole mobile OS thing, but I quickly learned that "open in app" is invariably the worst possible decision.
@notbangalore @Beschizza @Anke Both of them are reasonably simple languages, so you can start writing useful programs right away in them.
@notbangalore @Beschizza @Anke I'd suggest Python or Scheme. The former is used more in practice; the latter is simpler but a bit unusual.
I would, for several reasons, seriously consider getting a tattoo that says, "Down with all kings but King Ludd!"
Here's a classic web page about Real Ultimate Power—which is to say, about ring homomorphisms: web.archive.org/web/2010012818…
I put a blog post that I wrote on reddit, and someone tried to explain to me what I meant by it and told me I was wrong when I clarified it.
(Or, at least, why we should consider it if we're going to keep making breaking changes to typeclasses.)
A few words on Haskell library changes and why we should consider implementing Default Superclass Instances: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2015/3/typecla…
@kmwry @paul_pearce Prior work, man: Xia 2014 sigbovik.org/2014/proceedin…
Special sneak peek of Haskell 2025!
(Also—hilariously—super-nerds will then try to tell you "Agda is much better at that", like it's some sort of obscure syntax contest.)
Learn from my mistake: don't tweet pictures of Haskell written in hieroglyphs and let it go viral. Your mentions will never be silent again.
Self-deprecation is itself a form of bragging. Similarly, "English is way too complicated!" is a way of saying "English is unique and cool!"
I get why people do it—English is complicated!—but it's still fetishizing English as being different and unique among languages.
I am deeply bothered by the sentiment that English is way more complicated than any other language and therefore terrible and bad.
@shelfuu It's also kind of excessively tailored to my setup, but it lets you do `ghc list` to see what you have and `ghc set […]` to switch.
@shelfuu I've only wrote this last week and am still working out the bugs, but it works for me so far: gist.github.com/aisamanra/c5af…
@joeranweiler @path1ckey What happened to the rest of your objects?
@daviottenheimer @kaepora @GenKnoxx (…so even if I used a font which speculatively included Mayan characters, it wouldn't parse correctly.)
@daviottenheimer @kaepora @GenKnoxx (To clarify: Haskell uses Unicode properties to determine whether something is a character or not.)
@daviottenheimer @kaepora @GenKnoxx Mayan isn't officially part of Unicode yet, so I'm not sure whether that'd actually work.
(I continue to have good experiences with aseprite. I haven't tried out its animation support, but the drawing tools themselves are great.)
Pixel art practice for this weekend: …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/114984616…
@vathpela @ffee_machine I'm not saying you need to like the syntax! But, in general, unusual lexical syntax is a pretty minor issue.
@vathpela @ffee_machine What you're describing is just unfamiliarity. If you spent a weekend with Haskell, it'd be easily to understand.
@mik235 @vathpela @kaepora Yes—as does Haskell. The code above didn't use any because you don't need a keyword to define a function.
@vathpela I have no idea what point you were making other than, "Ugh, Unicode identifiers," which most non-C languages do in fact have.
Based on that reasoning, you must have a hell of a time finding languages to program in… @vathpela @kaepora @mik235
This is a good (and honest!) overview of redo, which is my favorite Make alternative: homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboy…
There were some good papers in this year's SIGBOVIK, but I really loved "Programming Language Fan Fiction": sigbovik.org/2015/proceedin…
Open question: what are the best things to retweet to make sure new followers know I'm an anti-capitalist social-justice-supporting luddite?
@techn0madic In writing code in Chinese before, I've used the convention `data T類型 = T名字` to sneak a capital letter in—but it's not as nice.
@techn0madic The one problem—which I elided—is that types/constructors must start with capital letters, which very few writing systems have.
@techn0madic Yup. Any Unicode identifier which is a letter—including hieroglyphs—can be used in identifiers. (Emoji work as operators, too.)
@piu_mosso Это либо коврик либо табуретка. В Египетскые иероглифы, "сова-коврик" звучает как английское слово "map".
@cryptax @kaepora @angealbertini Yes—at least, phonetically. Egyptian doesn't write most vowels, so the function is called 'mp'.
(They are still very much a work in progress, though, and I can't claim to have more than the barest experience with Idris!)
I've updated the Idris ncurses bindings to the new FFI + switched to an Effect-based interface for them: github.com/aisamanra/idri…
@d_christiansen (…obviously the best use of my time during long compiles it to rewrite robotfindskitten in Idris: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotfind… )
@d_christiansen @pigworker I just started using these bindings—turns out, they're incomplete. Working on it, though! github.com/aisamanra/idri…
@BenjaminFJones It's quite clearly Piano arithmetic.
@shelfuu It was @ActualPerson084 (which is the same basic principle, really.)
I fixed the problem I was having for the last three days by replacing an addition with a subtraction. DAMN YOU ASSEMBLY PROGRAMMING
Having had to print out all EIGHT PAGES of the pseudocode for the x86 RET instruction, I am compelled to remind you that x86 is ridiculous.
So that e.g., you can use Pandoc to convert Markdown to HTML and not have to compile an EPUB writer every time you compile your application.
I'm attempting to propose a more library-friendly way of structuring the Pandoc library: groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/…
@shelfuu Apparently, the secret to mild Twitter fame is to take screenshots of silly ideas you have while not getting real work done!
"The important words in Steadman’s tweet weren’t 'Internet of Things'; the important word was capitalism." infovore.org/archives/2015/…
I have made a wonderful discovery about the conjunction of Haskell and Unicode.
"Sure, California's going to be a desert real soon—but check it out, your roadster's gonna get an autopilot mode you can't legally use yet!"
Elon Musk is a super-genius, yes? He's gonna stop making toy cars for rich people and work on large-scale desalinization any day now. Right?
Okay, maybe Google understands me better than I'd like to admit.
@joeranweiler …I misspelled 'versions' in the previous tweet—but in my defense, I had run out of characters. Had to jettison one to survive.
@joeranweiler e.g. OPAM lets you automatically install and switch between OCaml compiler versions, or pin library verions to github commits.
@joeranweiler No, OPAM is goddamn amazing, and it makes me ashamed that I have to grovel in the dirt using cabal.
You mean like this? @acfoltzer
My psychologist tells me that I've avoided using the Lens package out of a fear of kmettment.
If someone implements this in Haskell and calls it BobMonad, you'll have earned my respect. Just... not very much of it.
I'm only mildly disappointed that there's no FOSS clone of Microsoft Bob. I want to use GNU Bill as my window manager.
…I'm mildly surprised it wasn't also attributed to "WIERD AL (FUNNY)".
Also you could, y'know, use a search engine and find an ACTUAL performance. BUT NOPE. TOO BUSY TO FACT-CHECK LOL. youtube.com/watch?v=sCgT94…
(The song pictured is of course chaotic nonsense and the song being played is a mis-titled, Black-MIDI-ish arrangement of some anime thing.)
This pisses me off more than it should because THE SONG PLAYED AND THE SONG PICTURED ARE CLEARLY UNRELATED boingboing.net/2015/03/17/pla…
I had a hypnagogic hallucination this morning of a man standing by my bed with a Mario-style hat. …maybe I should cut back on using the DS.
…the best part about being reminded that Macklemore exists is that I end up listening to Le1f immediately afterwards youtube.com/watch?v=Nrnq4S…
On one hand, I hate how shallow I end up being when I use OkCupid. On the other hand, like hell I'll date someone who likes Macklemore.
The last one was Photoshop, but this one was all done with aseprite.org which, among other things, also works on Linux.
More constrained-palette pixel art practice: …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/113641968…
@jtdaugherty That's a loaded definition: 'real word' has never connoted 'no alternatives' to lexicographers. After all, thesauruses exist!
@jtdaugherty (But that's not a property of the word, but the context and use! That's an important distinction to a linguist-nerd like me.)
@jtdaugherty It's a kind of cargo-cult diction: it's used because people borrow the phrasing of other things people wrote without thinking.
@jtdaugherty You don't need to like the word, but there's no doubt that it's actually A Real Word.
@jtdaugherty Except that's wrong—the word 'performant' has been around for a while. For example, here it is in 1868: books.google.com/books?id=Q9kHA…
People tell me that getting a tablet is a gateway that will lead to me getting a smartphone… but it's having very much the opposite effect.
After getting an Android-based device & installing an app for the first time I got so angry that I had to stop and drink a glass of whiskey.
1ML, which unifies the distinct value and module languages in ML into a single language: mpi-sws.org/~rossberg/1ml/
This means that you can write scripts which anticipate and reflect on future interface changes. That's not as easy in a static language.
The reasons for this are complicated, but to handwave wildly: dynamic languages are great at use reflection to make decisions at runtime.
I like types, and I think they should be used often, but I'm really not yet sold on typed embedded scripting languages.
I did a bit of Flash ActionScript writing over the weekend. I really wish there were a Flash-like drawing/authoring tool for Löve.
@joeranweiler I really should learn to use pixel-art-mode for emacs. That would be the optimal solution here.
@joeranweiler Photoshop. (I have a license for CS3 and never bothered updating, so it's, y'know, decade-old Photoshop. Still works!)
(Doing art with a very small set of colors is one of my favorite things. You might be able to tell.)
I also worked on some pixel art practice tonight: …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/113146922…
(Fun trivia for functional programmers: one of the creators of KRZ is Jake Elliott, who is the son of Conal "Functional Reactive" Elliott.)
By the way, if you haven't, you should most certainly play Kentucky Route Zero: kentuckyroutezero.com
I attempted to do a profile picture in the style of Kentucky Route Zero. I'm pretty happy with it, I think.
sentient insects who communicate entirely by pheromones, whose mathematicians constantly propose problems as exercises for the smeller
And also PLEASE stop citing Politics and the English Language, which is just self-contradictory and whiny linguistic prejudice.
LRT: of course Orwell was terrible. Stop treating Orwell like he was at all a decent or reasonable human being.
(This, incidentally, is one of a dozen reasons why I don't have a smartphone.)
I like the tablet form factor. I just wish I could use a tablet OS that didn't have some giant company's tendrils all the way through it.
I just recently got an Android tablet, and it is still notable to me how acutely I feel that I don't own it. It's clearly Google's device.
@acfoltzer @path1ckey @DanRyckert
Things I brought back to Portland: dried mushrooms (candy cap, black trumpet, lobster), gin (St. George), Four Barrel coffee, &c.
@jtdaugherty I had a piece of coprolite in my rock collection growing up. I wonder where that shit is now.
I only just got Mario Kart 7, and this has been stuck in my head the whole time: youtube.com/watch?v=FuX5_O…
(This is not just because I have been reading Linux kernel code, but that was certainly part of it.)
Today has been a day filled with things that seemed like parody but were in fact real, both for me personally and for the world at large.
(It's not useful enough for Hackage, but someone else might need something like it, so I might as well toss it on GitHub.)
I threw together a little package yesterday for reading a directory as though it were a YAML object. github.com/aisamanra/yaml… For Reasons.
I express a mildly utopian opinion, people come out of the woodwork to be negative, I block them. This must be how @garybernhardt feels.
@aaronmblevin But it's still easier to compile 30-year-old Fortran programs than 10-year-old programs in some modern languages.
@aaronmblevin And I'm also cheating a bit—there are still updates to the Fortran language, the most recent in 2008, so it's not unchanging.
@aaronmblevin Well, it's harder to say it about newer languages. It might end up being true of, say, Go, but it's too early to really say.
@moltarx I only use illegal frameworks. Y'know, like Ruby On Resisting Arrest.
I very much don't mean that ALL programming language change—or all even Haskell change—is bad! I do want to point out that it's a tradeoff.
@aaronmblevin I know it's true for C and Common Lisp, possibly for Fortran, Ada, APL, and other niche languages. I'm not sure which others.
@mwotton Snark aside—I'm not saying all languages should stop updating—rather, that engineering with the long-term in mind is worthwhile.
@mwotton Others might find this more convincing—sed ego, qui linguas antiquas studui, non persuasus sum.
@JonSterling I really should try writing more day-to-day programs in SML. I haven't ever tried writing a large project in it.
@mwotton 1st lesson of SICP is that programs are about communicating ideas. Even 2000-year-old ideas can still be relevant and useful today.
Really I want a Long Now Language, something I can write in now and it'll still run in 100 years. (…I might just be describing Common Lisp.)
But OTOH, if I take the long view, all code I write in Haskell is either going to require regular updating, or it'll bit-rot beyond utility.
It's a difficult choice: people are fixing real genuine flaws and making Haskell into a more pleasant programming experience. This is true.
I do like that people want to make improvements to Haskell/GHC, but OTOH, I do also wish I could write code that'll still run in a decade.
After a week of being offline, my writing site is back! Why not celebrate by reading my bizarre short stories? librarianofalexandria.com/fytte-the-four…
This is relevant to my interests: Unix System Programming in OCaml ocaml.github.io/ocamlunix/
I'm starting to document my S-Cargot library, but it's still got some work before it's ready for Hackage: github.com/aisamanra/s-ca…
Now I want someone to build a library to alleviate cabal hell and call it h-e-double-hockeysticks.
@d_christiansen Mi ankaŭ traserĉas bona situo por printi la glumarkojn de 'Haskell Wario'. Ĉu mi petas glumarkojn de Idris je la sama tempo?
@d_christiansen Jes! Mi ĝin ŝatas. (Mi vidis, ke la serifoj estis pli bonaspektaj ol ili en la logo, kion vi montris al mi.)
@d_christiansen The alternative would be writing an embedded Lisp, but I want this to be able to parse/emit various different Lisps.
@d_christiansen Yes; here, for example, is a simple macro for adding quotation: github.com/aisamanra/s-ca…
"Hi, this is my new Haskell library, it's called Hurgle, because all the meaningful words that start with H are already used on Hackage."
@jtdaugherty So what you're saying is that you'd prefer "hask-cargot"?
("overengineered" in the sense that who really needs to support arbitrary reader macros in their haskell sexpr library?)
I'm working on an (overengineered) S-expression library for Haskell. As several exist, I had to choose a distinct name. I chose… s-cargot.
@EiSaru @rickasaurus @pigworker @d_christiansen The Fortress language did this in a way that looks okay in raw form: langexplr.blogspot.com/2007/03/format…
I discovered a directory on my work laptop called `sounds` that contains glitchy recitations of The Raven in WAV. Uh.
Here is a ferret freaking out about encountering a wall in slow motion. You're welcome. dooktrain.tumblr.com/post/110773236…
@joeranweiler "Too deep we trolled there, and woke the nameless fear."
I talk about OMeta a lot, so here, look at this 20-line PNG parser written in OMetaJS: joshondesign.com/2013/03/18/Con…
I have been writing small network services in isomorphic C for years, and I had no idea.
Incidentally, I recently switched my desktop over to Void Linux, and I have so far found it very, very pleasant: voidlinux.eu
@SyntaxPolice How do you think I got the name Ge(d|t){2}y?
"It was like Dune, except instead of taking the Spice, my mother just listened to a bunch of Rush."
…I made an old-fashioned out of chocolate-oatmeal-stout-distilled whiskey and coffee-rye bitters and it tastes like the 50's and I love it
Update: I have consumed salted caramel stout and espresso milk stout and started writing a sidescroller in Scheme. I did miss parentheses.
…also beer. The very dark kind. Maybe whiskey. I'll play it by ear.
This week started wonderfully and ended terribly. I am now going to spend my Friday night eating some bad pizza and writing a video game.
@jtdaugherty I noticed that. Were you getting any kind of influx of tweets because of his weird-ass smear/harassment campaign?
@jtdaugherty This is completely ridiculous.
@acfoltzer That can be arranged!
Ideas I've Had That I'll Never Get Around To: A PuzzleScript compiler that targets retro systems like the NES puzzlescript.net/index.html
This, again, but even more emphasticallly: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
I got off the bus today with a sudden inexplicable compulsion to make lemon-rosemary sodas.
Go has a small set of orthogonal features—e.g., a stateful variable that's only used for constants, which can only be numeric. @ffee_machine
@acfoltzer It reminds me of last April, when Rust changed an operator to a keyword. This kerfuffle isn't quite at that level—but it's close.
(I've apparently underestimated how strongly people actually feel about this. Never underestimate the divisive power of bikesheds, I guess.)
I guess I should also add I'm not strongly opposed, either. Just that if it were up to me, the Prelude would remain ungeneralized.
I understand why people want it—but the alternative is literally, "No code changes, you have to write an extra import line." That's not bad.
My personal attitude is that the Foldable/Traversable Prelude proposal is largely unnecessary bit-rot with little practical value.
Language is a human invention that changes by the day! Not some amorphous Platonic form that we poorly implement!
If two words 'mean the same thing' because they share a common root, then my brother and I are the same person. How do people believe this.
@acfoltzer @path1ckey
@acfoltzer That had been the plan for a really long time, it just finally came to fruition relatively recently.
Hieraŭ nokte mi havis revon, en kio esperanto estis parolata. Ĝi estas iomete stranga, ne?
@joeranweiler I did once go down to Georgia. The country, though, not the state. I don't know if that's consistent with the folklore.
I wrote a thing about daemontools and its descendants, which are great examples of simple, powerful software design: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2015/2/celebra…
I love installing a new Linux but keeping the same /home partition. You replace everything, and then there's the same desktop you remember.
@joeranweiler Last time I had a fever, I watched all of the Tron cartoon. A+++ would feverishly watch again. …no idea what happened in it.
i am average linux user i enjoy bad software systemd
I really love the phrasing of this insult and I try to borrow it every chance I get.
@acfoltzer @path1ckey cyber defensed at k mart
@acfoltzer @path1ckey some times.. i need my research so bad.. i gotta run TWO sbirs!! Im the mockery of all the govrment and i fucking suck
Haskell is great! It's not a shell language. What you want is something more like this: shill.seas.harvard.edu
I understand the motivation, but exhortations to "Use Haskell for shell scripting!" still sound to me like "Use a screwdriver as a hammer!"
@silentbicycle It also makes real life sound like a terrible cyberpunk story. (…which is actually reasonably accurate.)
@chrisamaphone 'Cooking patterns' could be ingredient- or kitchen- or diet-level ideas. These are just recipes with unnecessary tech jargon.
@chrisamaphone I also feel design patterns are a useful idea that're more general than recipes—but this doesn't make use of the broader idea
If that's the way you learn, that's fine! But generic recipes ALREADY EXIST. You did not invent them by adding tech bullshit words to them.
Geeks love to badly reinvent stuff that already exists and pretend it's somehow new. Here is one reinventing recipes: alexey.ch/cooking-patter…
I only just got around to Lost Constellation, and I really should not have waited on it, because it was great: finji.itch.io/lost-constella…
@acfoltzer Yup. I bought it on PC years ago and for some reason it kept crashing. It was recently on sale for PS3, so I grabbed it again.
"Your Systems Alliance patch on your uniform says… F1? What's that?" "Yeah, I'm basically the worst accountant in the galaxy."
There are letters for areas like finance (F) or religion (X). Sadly I haven't seen anyone cosplay as a Mass Effect priest with an X7 hoodie.
N for 'special forces' and 7 being the highest rank attainable. For various reasons, I find this really entertaining.
I had seen that Mass Effect 'N7' logo a lot, and always assumed N7 was the ship's ID number or something. Nope. It's a "vocational code".
This year had lots of Nerds Criticizing Nerds Criticizing Football, but I for one will Criticize Nerds Criticizing Nerds Criticizing Nerds C
I spent at least two hours today thinking, "How can that company be big enough to sponsor the Super Bowl? I've never even heard of Xlix."
@acfoltzer @path1ckey alegbra.tumblr.com/post/109710350… "…if you put @dril’s name on richard dawkins tweets they actually make more sense"
@jtdaugherty These are a typical cocktail bitters (cassia, rose hips, nutmeg, anise, clove, various roots) with a rye base.
First batch of homemade bitters completed!
"Letter to a Young Boating Enthusiast"
That Mitch Hedberg quip about boating, except replace 'boating' with 'Haskell': librarianofalexandria.com/quotes/660
The more I reread things I've said on Twitter, the more I identify with this sentiment: twitter.com/dril/status/46…
@d_christiansen Idrisido: la internacia depende-tipa linvgo!
@d_christiansen Pro la 1a de aprilo, vi povas reveli Idrisido. La emacs-modo kaj ĉiuj klavaj vortoj estos en Esperanto.
@d_christiansen Kiam mi ĝin leĝis, mi ankaŭ eksciis ke la Tokipona vorto 'ilo' estas prenita de Esperanto! "Ilo" volas diri… nu, ilo.
@d_christiansen …which comes as no surprise, but it's nice to see them admit it themselves. (The Toki Pona word for it is 'kasi nasa'.)
@d_christiansen Actual quote: "There's a particular plant (ahem) which is illegal in most nations but which greatly inspired Toki Pona…"
Incidentally—I highly recommend having moreutils installed on your *nix machines. I use sponge and vipe all the time: joeyh.name/code/moreutils/
Twitter bot code, using the t gem and moreutils:
t update "$(cat $F | head -n 1)"
cat $F | tail -n +2 | sponge $F
@JonSterling @d_christiansen Well, let's say we can meet at some indeterminate time between seven and seven-thirty? Does that work?
@JonSterling @d_christiansen When do you think you can meet us there? David has a bit of work to finish and then we can head out.
@JonSterling @d_christiansen (It's quite near where Pat and I live, so I could easily give rides to people afterwards, as well.)
@JonSterling@d_christiansen and I discussed the possibility of The Greater Trumps, the port-and-cigar place at Hawthorne & 37th?
…my first Twitter bot is also a two-line shell script invoked by cron. yeop.
My first Twitter bot is a Lojban word-of-the-day bot. Every gismu in random order: @cabdeivla
I'm not strictly opposed to the BBP across-the-board, but why generalize all the functions in Data.List? Shouldn't those be for, uh, lists?
As far as I'm concerned, proposed Unicode character U+1F913 NERD FACE can't come quickly enough.
(Admittedly, this is a basically-forgotten Haskell interface to NaCl—it's not like it's a popular, widely-used library. Still.)
Remove a single exposed function—one which is not critical to the library—and you reduce your dependencies by ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE.
This Haskell crypto library pulled in profunctors—plus dozens of transitive dependences—for a single exposed helper function. That is gross.
@SyntaxPolice That's true for accounts in general, though. Why should adding an app specifically have that requirement?
What the hell is this. Explain this incredibly, deeply stupid decision, @Twitter.
@acfoltzer None of them—and yet, in my own way, all of them.
@acfoltzer this is real. this is a Real Post. warioforums.com/index.php?thre…
I like how this guy is turning out. I should do pixel art more often.
Dinner: duck breast with port reduction sauce, roasted brussels sprouts, and barley. Dessert: leftover brownies and candy cap ice cream.
me irl
Just workin' on the slides for my dev talk about Docker this week w/ help of the original Zelda font.
@acfoltzer (`>N1∷2∷3∷[97*1++c]m·@` is a tentative Typed Befunge equivalent of print(map(λx.chr(64+x),[1,2,3])), which prints "ABC". whoo)
@acfoltzer …yet.
@acfoltzer Probably not for me—I have some things to get done. Have fun, though!
I wrote this for a particular purpose, but maybe others would be interested in the datatype mechanism of LCF/ML: pastie.org/9844927#
@jtdaugherty There's a great blog about punctuation that discusses the history of the octothorpe, among many others: shadycharacters.co.uk/2011/05/the-oc…
@d_christiansen I mentioned this yesterday, so just to prove that it in fact exists: informatimago.com/linux/emacs-on…
I wrote a Befunge interpreter, because the world always needs more of those: github.com/aisamanra/simp…
...still working on the details (attn @acfoltzer)
I need to write up a blog post of "ideas I will never get around to implementing", just to put 'em all in one place.
@benzrf @Wikipedia No shit. Wikipedia was kind of untrustworthy before, but it wasn't condoning rampant editing by a hate movement then.
@benzrf @Wikipedia The topic under discussion here: markbernstein.org/Jan15/Infamous…
Well, that's a pretty damn good reason to never ever support @Wikipedia ever.
@benzrf Not that I know of, but it may very well exist.
I want to write a script that trawls Hackage and spits out a list of Lens operators which have never been used by anyone ever.
@garybernhardt Not exactly what you were asking for (I think) but related.
@garybernhardt LCF/ML (the first ML) had you define your own constructors in terms of bare algebraic data types, c.f. pastie.org/9844927
I found this tumblr last night and I'm kind of in love: writing-system.tumblr.com
I thought my computer had locked up because it was compiling Idris, but it turned out to be because of runaway JavaScript in a Firefox tab.
Reasoning about how to answer this OkCupid question is really hurting my brain.
I sporadically think to myself, "The tech industry is so terrible, I can't imagine it getting any worse." I have never once been right.
I will never understand Amazon.
I haven't bothered pruning my quotes file over the last half-decade, so you can actually see evidence of my politics changing over time.
"This appears to be pre-Bootstrap, and note the subtle traces of late AJAX culture. Non-rounded corners—an unusal specimen of that era."
I sincerely hope that someone is cataloguing web design trends, so scholars in the future can roughly date web pages by appearance.
The best part is the beautiful early 2000's web design on the home page: flarelang.sourceforge.net They don't make 'em like that no more.
It appears to be a confused Python/Lisp hybrid that includes everything the authors could possibly think of. It's quite poorly thought-out.
I didn't know that {S,M}IRI had worked on their own programming language. There's only a rough description—no formal spec or implementation.
What I really want is the Dockerfile equivalent of a Functor.
Silly me! I always thought the Unix way had to do with how software was designed. Apparently it's about how source repos are set up!
…I do in fact like learning non-constructed languages. (I know with all the Esperanto and Quenya tweeting lately it might not seem like it.)
'Mastatan' might not be idiosyncratic enough, though; it's more like 'baker'—or perhaps 'breadsman', which is my new aspirational job title.
'I am the piemaker' in Quenya could be 'mastatan nányë'. Thranduil would likely have spoken Sindarin, but I do not know Sindarin as well.
@jtdaugherty No, it was in response to a specific incident; I was implying it was disappointingly broadly applicable despite being that.
@jtdaugherty @path1ckey Oh, it's about [I could basically list any major computer man in open source here and it'd be equally accurate]!
@garybernhardt …because w/out compiler support, it's possible that the user-written type repr might not match the actual defined type.
@garybernhardt But that requires users to manually write the type representations. GHC Generics automatically creates type representations…
@garybernhardt There are ways of expressing it without GHC extensions, c.f. Scrap Your Boilerplate research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/peopl…
@garybernhardt Similarly, Haskell lets you reify type structures as values and write functions over those, c.f. GHC Generics.
@garybernhardt Their primitives were products (pairs), sums (Haskell's Either), unit (Haskell's ()), and explicit recursion.
@garybernhardt Some functional languages have done this, e.g. the original DEC-10 ML, albeit with a different set of primitive types.
A decade ago, I knew people who would actually use the word 'l33t' in spoken conversation as a synonym for 'cool' (or at the time, 'tight'.)
"j0, check out these l33t h4x for keeping your kitchen organized!"
I wish the lifehack trend coincided with widespread use of l33tsp34k so we could have had sites like l1fh4xx0r (part of the g4wk3r n3tw0rk.)
I'm updating a few old Debian VMs I use at work, and introducing my favorite obscure init alternative in the process. gdritter.com/imgs/ha.png
@JonSterling @d_christiansen I know some Greek, but not nearly as much as I'd like. I'd love to work with a study group, should one form!
@d_christiansen Estas eble! La vikipedia paĝo diras, ke nur mil membroj estas fluaj. (Estas 45000 membroj tutmonde.)
Even weirder, there's a religion native to Japan—Ōmoto—that worships L. L. Zamenhof, creator of Esperanto, as a god: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oomoto
There is a religion native to Vietnam—Đạo Cao Đài—that venerates Victor Hugo as a saint: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cao_%C4%9…
Here's a very simple example of calling Rust from Haskell that I threw together for general reference: github.com/aisamanra/rust…
@d_christiansen @JonSterling (…my Greek is almost assuredly worse than my considerably mediocre Esperanto. But I'd be happy to practice it!)
@d_christiansen @JonSterling ἐγώ ἑλληνικήν ὀλίγον ἔμαθον—se vi volas, ni povas alterni inter la greka kaj esperanto!
@BenjaminFJones s/nanoblock/nanoblob/
@acfoltzer @nerd_bios Hey, now—don't lump me in with that Doctor Who geocaching shit. It's not like I'm some kind of nerd.
@d_christiansen It was supposed to mean something like, "This is maddening!" where the 'this' in question was the situation unfolding.
(I'm still an amateur, but it doesn't take much to see the problems with, "Ĉi tio estas frenezigajn.")
I finally got around to reading Saga volume four. The timing is good, too—I can now tell how terrible Brian K. Vaughan's Esperanto is.
@Globen5 (The icing on the cake is that Cagle made a very accurate point about his work that's only gotten worse over time.)
@Globen5 I did, and I don't want to defend him—he's an ass regardless—but I hope that he'll realize he fucked up and eventually apologize.
@Globen5 Either way, he's got learning to do—but also enough internet fame that he can keep being a shitty person without owning up to it.
@Globen5 I guess I'm effectively saying, "He's not that kind of asshole—just a different kind of asshole!" So maybe the distinction is moot.
@Globen5 A bit naïve, but I still think he means well. i.e. I think he has huge blind spots due to his ego which ruin his better intentions.
@d_christiansen Kiel 'Muphry's law'—mi mencias, ke mia cerbo volas uzi Italajn idiomojn, kaj tuj mi uzas Italan idiomon.
Has someone already done this badconlangingideas.tumblr.com but for programming languages? If not, I have a new time-wasting project idea.
You could be building towards a language that's a Hegelian synthesis of paradigms instead of having this smug nerd-superiority thing.
Look, strongly typed functional peeps—you've found a good way to talk about programming, but that doesn't mean ALL OTHER WAYS are bad/wrong.
After I write 'Why You Shouldn't Dismiss Dynamic Typing Outright' I should also write 'Why You Shouldn't Dismiss Kay-Style OOP Outright'.
I have learned that I have a difficult time speaking Esperanto without lapsing into Italian—sed ankaŭ ke paroli esperanton mi plaĉas multe!
And the static-vs-dynamic debate is such an over-saturated field that I don't want to inject anything into it unless I'm 100% happy with it.
I've had a blog post defending dynamic types that I've been tinkering with for months, but I haven't yet gotten it short enough to publish.
To be fair, DC isn't uniformly crappy—I still love dresdencodak.com/2009/04/19/ona… —but the long plot arcs are really tedious and self-indulgent.
Plus—the artist is a dude whose heart is in the right place but who is so incapable of self-reflection he ends up being a giant jerk anyway.
Webcomic talk: I can't believe it took me most of a decade to stop reading Dresden Codak, but life's too short to read crappy webcomics.
Related to my earlier retweet of twitter.com/katierosepipki… – this might be a more approachable introduction: believermag.com/issues/200911/…
@ffee_machine So if you build it on one machine and copy it over to another, it won't work, because the gem installs didn't happen there.
@ffee_machine It's an AUR package that, during its build, does some Ruby gem installs that don't get included in the resulting package.
Look, don't write a package where installation relies on side-effects of the build process. That's just—that's just not how packages work.
@acfoltzer @jtdaugherty media.tumblr.com/b6e63311c6e99f…
I briefly considered doing this with Quenya instead—but of course I wouldn't do that. It's not like I'm some kind of nerd.
I'm not very far—thus far, I have only have Šlimkipo, Taŭvermo, Zigzagurso, and Hundieno.
I'm playing Pokémon and giving all of my caught Pokémon nicknames in Esperanto that are rough translations of their English names. It's fun.
Christmas gifts! Someone knows me well.
Related: occasionally I write programs in which dynamic scoping would actually be useful/convenient. The previous tweet contains an example.
Here was the simple Rust mad libs-ey program I wrote as practice while waiting for a plane today: gist.github.com/aisamanra/798f…
@joeranweiler I'm turning over a new leaf. Too many of my old posts were good or entertaining. I'm going to fix that this year.
"This relationship has been entirely destroyed by your inability to stop quoting Urkel."
"Oh. Did I do that?"
I have discovered that this article exists, which encapsulates a lot of the problems with Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Song_of…
@jtdaugherty A Song of Thrones and Swords: A Dance for Feasts. Or something.
Is there a name for the Wheel-of-Time/Game-of-Thrones/&c thousands-of-pages-long high fantasy genre?
@BenjaminFJones So you've never had 0-distilled whiskey?
@rhiannonstone Not bad! A bit on the sweeter side for my taste.
i don't think I'd ever had Austrian whiskey before. (This one is quadruple distilled—also something I don't think I'd tried before.)
I have never once read anything insightful that began by articulating a distinction between worse-is-better and something else.
Very useful sentences. "Are there lamps on your table?" "No, miss, there are no lamps in the rooms where the cats run."
Many of the example sentences in my new Esperanto book have been about playing with cats. I mean—ludi kun katoj.
Picked up some books for myself while doing holiday shopping—including these books about useful, relevant languages!
It has been two weeks and I'm still mad about this comment: reddit.com/r/haskell/comm…
There used to be a webcomic whose creator was only accessible via CB radio. I didn't read it, but am nonetheless disappointed it's gone.
This is good except for the part where it sounds like Portland might let Uber operate here at some point. @jtdaugherty
@theg5prank $ cat build
#!/usr/bin/tcc -run

int main(void) {
puts("where is your god now?");
execl("/usr/bin/gcc","-o proj proj.c");
@theg5prank Everything is also a file. Which means that files are plain text. And also that plain text is files?
(…or modern Unix.)
…to be fair, I do think there's great value to Unix and the legacy of Unix design—but 'elegant' is not the word I'd use for historical Unix.
This book begins: "…the Unix operating system is still regarded as one of the most powerful and elegant systems in existence." hahahahAHAHAH
The curry I'm making now is a brand called Vermont Curry, which are two words I would have never put next to each other in my life.
@acfoltzer media.tumblr.com/6598aaef3a510b…
@ntcomplete I didn't say because I don't want to offend people! I'm a hater, not an asshole.
…the only problem is that now I want to read the original so I KNOW I dislike it, intead of getting my dislike from second-hand sources.
People have been telling me to read a particular book for ages… so I started reading a live hateblog of it. Much better use of my time.
I'd implement it as a compiler that targets POSIX sh, so you could write in eesh, compile that to sh, and run those scripts anywhere.
Yesterday I woke up with ideas about what kind of shell scripting language I would create, and now I think I want to write a spec for it.
@jtdaugherty @hallettj (As it shows, I have a pretty strong principle of, "Expose lenses, but never have a lens dependency.")
@jtdaugherty This hackage.haskell.org/package/activi… which @hallettj is using in a project. It's a pretty boring library, but still.
Prior to last night's insomnia, I had never put any of my code on Hackage. Thank you for not being entirely horrible, sleep problems!
@jtdaugherty As we all know—non-Uber taxis do not exist. How else will they get home?
I've seen this a lot lately—people saying such-and-such a pure feature is "imperative", by which they mean, "I don't like it."
Imperative programming has its problems, but that doesn't justify using the word "imperative" as if it were synonymous with "bad".
I happened to find parts 1 and 2 of Náva at the comic shop yesterday, and it was very, very good: wearereplicants.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/a-p…
@jtdaugherty "Fundamental solutions", I think, will likely be built from scratch, and not by incremental changes over current stopgaps.
@jtdaugherty The presence of a minimal solution—even if it's non-optimal—is still more exciting than a dozen buggy layers of abstraction.
@jtdaugherty I've found lately that I have a kneejerk attraction to any tech with small solutions, even if they're rougher at the edges.
'Do Artifacts Have Ethics?' thefrailestthing.com/2014/11/29/do-… features 41 very good questions to ask of any new technology.
Sometimes I search for a dril tweet and Google tells me I've visited that page 17 times already and then I sit down and reevaluate my life.
The previous Common Lisp code breaks basically everything… but it causes the REPL to replace 'foo with 'lol wherever it appears.

Worth it.
(set-macro-character #\f #'(lambda (s _) (let ((x (read s t nil t))) (if (eq x 'oo) 'lol (nth-value 0 (intern (format nil "F~a" x)))))))
@JonSterling AFAIK the closest Asian groceries are all on 82nd, so Fubonn is closer to Portland proper. Uwajimaya's pretty great, though.
@JonSterling My recommendations would be Uwajimaya out in Beaverton, or possibly Fubonn on 82nd and Clinton-ish.
@acfoltzer Sam Daly knows what's up: bookweek.ca/book-week/2012…
shipping a rarely-used os, but with a sed script to make fun of people you disagree with? real sick burn bro. hilarious. sure showed them.
Apparently, there's a Plan 9 fork… that ships a command-line tool making fun of feminism. What the hell is wrong with people?
I read somewhere that Twitter is good for engaging with brands, so here goes:

Has somebody put together a "Worst Of LKML" coffee table book yet? Or would that be too depressing?
@thedagit @BenjaminFJones However, non-pun wordplay is still allowed in the Macau and Hong Kong Special Alliterative Regions.
…and here was today's project, courtesy of @thedagit's equiment and instruction.
I had a hypnagogic delusion last night in which I considered formalizing the init system I use in Coq. Glad I dispensed with that idea.
Really excited for the third Hobbit movie to come out so some internet nerd can cut all three into a single movie that's actually watchable.
@shelfuu I'm not sure I understand. How would it scatter errors around in a way that the GADT approach wouldn't?
@shelfuu 2. I have an irrational dislike of GADTs in Haskell. OTOH, I don't know where the proscription comes from. It's just not my style.
@shelfuu I personally do so for two reasons: 1. it makes the constraint explicit at use site, and I prefer that explicitness, and…
There is a comic I follow using RSS that updates in bursts. Within each burst, comics get added to the feed in random order. It's the worst.
Seriously—I spent an hour wondering how I had ever written CPS'ed code. Then I rewrote factorial and it all came back. This always happens.
I always rewrite a trivial example to limber up my brain before writing CPS code. I lost an hour yesterday by skipping that step.
@BenjaminFJones "The Unix Delusion"
'Unix philosophy' is a religion. As with all religions, mild practitioners are much more tolerable and interesting than outspoken atheists.
@d_christiansen @critical_dril @CasSparks To be fair, that's basically what it means in English, too.
I don't watch much TV any more, but I will make time for The Legend of Korra. I have no idea why. At this point I despise that show.
(This is because all the alternatives to NetworkManager depend on things like GTK, dbus, or systemd. I don't like any of those things.)
Also, I am technically writing my own NetworkManager replacement. I don't know where I went wrong, either. I had a life once.
(but keep in mind I am weird inasmuch as I am both a static type nerd and also a SmallTalk and Io apologist)
I actually think this is really cool and would like to use a language based around this idea pl.cs.jhu.edu/big-bang/types…
I am in Canada now and also I read the entirety of Samuel Delany's Nova on the train ride up and it was spectacular.
(n) Horrifying visions of the future as told to you by the earnest, excited engineers bringing them about.
…not to be confused with a 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲, a 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩, a 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐦𝐚, a 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞, or a 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚.
A 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 is a set of web sites W equipped with two unary operators, 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 and 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬, which are closed over W. A 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 is a set W eq
Please do not hide the header as you scroll down and re-show it when you scroll up. It is not a good design choice.
As I read, I have a habit of scrolling both down and up. It surprises me that Medium never tested their design with someone who did this.
@jtdaugherty @ehamberg Frank Herbent was prescient in a lot of ways: librarianofalexandria.com/quotes/528
this is actually true 38.media.tumblr.com/da72773edcd8ed…
@ffee_machine I have some suspicions about this approach having possible advantages, but I'm still fleshing out the details.
@ffee_machine That's true, and I admit I'm not 100% sure what that kind of higher-order file system would look like. But it's interesting!
@ffee_machine …which means you could save a 'source file' as a dir structure, and 'desugaring' would be an FS-to-FS transformation.)
@ffee_machine (Well, what I'm ACTUALLY thinking is that parsing sucks, so it'd be nice to use filesystem structure to store tree structures…
@ffee_machine I don't see why not. I was thinking 9P, but it'd be entirely possible to do by pointing a FUSE thing at another file system.
Say, a file system that takes another file system and exposes the same file system only with all the files ROT-13'ed.
I like the idea of a higher-order file system. I wonder if Plan 9 had any of these. (Searching Google reveals only unrelated patents.)
@garybernhardt (It'd also be reasonable to ignore all that and use &&& as though it had type (b→c)→(b→d)→(b→(c,d)). You wouldn't be alone.)
@garybernhardt I think the Typeclassopedia might explain it better than I could do in tweet-sized chunks: haskell.org/haskellwiki/Ty…
@garybernhardt …so `a b c` becomes `(->) b c` which is sugar for `b -> c`.
@garybernhardt It is pretty weird: where it says `a b c`, it means for any arrow `a`, but it has an instance for the function arrow `->`.
@garybernhardt That's the &&& operator from Control.Arrow, which I've heard pronounced 'fanout'.
Every time I have to consult the x86 manual, the more convinced I get that x86 is actually an elaborate prank.
…I should write a music player whose playlists can be nondeterministic DAGs. I have occasionally wanted this.
Related: I'm mildly disappointed that neither su nor sudo exec into their command arguments. (Luckily, runit provides a utility to do this.)
Insomnia last night means that all the runit scripts on my servers are now written using execline instead of bash: skarnet.org/software/execl…
(Plus the more uplifting moral, which is that Das Racist is great.)
Anyway the moral is that Moghadam is human garbage.
(And how Mahbod Moghadam objected to that characterization on the grounds that he's Persian, so it should be 'olive devil sophistry'.)
I think we should take this opportunity to remember how Kool A.D. referred to Rap Genius as 'white devil sophistry': youtube.com/watch?v=D8pLRa…
trying to write a single makefile that compiles a 32-bit and a 64-bit kernel that share c code but with different asm and i just… just…

@BenjaminFJones I thought about LFS for this one, but I decided instead to run the BSD I haven't touched. (I've used {Open,Free}BSD before.)
@jtdaugherty (Also—NetBSD isn't very big. That's the part that's not a joke.)
@jtdaugherty You don't need that many—once you've got the base OS, you can use a teletype to fetch the rest. Should only take a few days.
I have just repaired my six-year-old laptop and am now preparing to wipe it and install a new OS.
(It's obviously worse because the yaml package depends on conduit, and including a conduit dependency makes everything worse.)
.@arrdem It's by no means complete, but the current state of it is here: gist.github.com/aisamanra/deb4… (also it's just read-only right now.)
I decided to learn to use FUSE tonight, so I wrote a little tool that lets you mount a JSON object as a directory.
type classes are great except when they're not which is all the time
@thedagit I don't know; whenver I look at implicit params I have to go lie down for a while afterwards.
@ffee_machine Only when partially applying functions whose types are not parametric, apparently? c.f. stackoverflow.com/questions/1182…
…partial application, I suppose, not exactly currying. Forgive my terminological errors—it's late and I've been staring at asm code all day.
Currying with keyword arguments would actually be pretty nice, like

f : {a:A, b:B, c:C} → Z, x : B ⊢ f{b=x} : {a:A, c:C} → Z
Why are git submodules so emimently horrible?
@jtdaugherty Here's a particularly heinous example reddit.com/r/haskell/comm… but it shows up as subtext a lot too superginbaby.wordpress.com/2014/11/06/fee…
@jtdaugherty Leading to discussions like "They said they felt [x] but were they correct in feeling [x] or are they lying for other reasons?"
@jtdaugherty For a tl;dr, some Haskellers are condescending, but some Haskellers argue that people are wrong to feel condescended by them.
@pike7464 It's not exactly my use-case here, but it looks like a good tool for future projects.
I could just use Yacc-like tools, but I really want a formal spec that's divorced from specific implementations.
Is there a good declarative machine-checkable BNF spec somewhere? I want a human-readable but machine-checkable BNF spec for some grammars.
I almost forgot to post my favorite Guy Fawkes-related image today! 40.media.tumblr.com/27858f223aa394…
@acfoltzer I like the indentation and that ⟦{2 + 3}⟧ = (+ 2 3), but I could do without stuff like ⟦{2 + 3 * 4}⟧ = ($nfx$ 2 + 3 * 4)
There's a core of a good idea in srfi.schemers.org/srfi-110/srfi-… but it adds way too much. (Also I hate that f (x) and f(x) mean different things.)
Background for the previous tweet: the Piet language esolangs.org/wiki/ , dangermouse.net/esoteric/piet.…
Things I discovered today: the Piet assembler toothycat.net/wiki/wiki.pl?M… and a text adventure written in that assembly dangermouse.net/esoteric/piet/…
Disappointingly, emacs can tell you the date in the Mayan, French Revolutionary, and Ethiopic calendars, but not in the 'Pataphysical one.
The "useless use of cat" people are the tedious grammatical pedants of the Unix world.
I was debating getting a tablet for portable computing reasons. Instead, I'm repairing a netbook I got in 2008 whose screen broke in 2012.
@joeranweiler Like this: youtube.com/watch?v=uCz9T5…
Kentucky Route Zero is seriously the best and if you have any interest in video games you should go play it immediately.
Sadly, @acfoltzer and I didn't get to see Žižek debate last night as it was already more than full by the time we arrived. Oh, well.
Somebody wrote 'Thirsty Lambdos' on the whiteboard at my desk. In a related turn of events, I have a new band name idea.
…encourage this kind of exploratory programming, and then figure out how to bring those idioms to static langs, instead of stamping it out!
Plus: dynamic languages have programmer-enforced type /disciplines/ which enable idioms currently difficult in static languages. We should…
But there are argumentative tactics in common between the groups, and those are what I object to in static typing advocates.
That's not to say the situations are identical: there are stronger arguments for static types than there are for prescriptive grammar.
Both argue that their way is the sole way to achieve clarity/correctness, and both establish an in-group of "right-thinking" people.
My strong negative reaction to vehement static typing advocacy is at least partly because it closely resembles prescriptive grammarianism.
I frankly do not understand why adding Yet Another IPC Mechanism to the Linux kernel is a net win, given the plethora of existing systems.
"Not all functional programmers!"
please check out my strangeloop talk "Static Types is Fucking Good Actually" which will shatter your precious little minds and make yo'u cry
@ffee_machine Oh, true. I wonder if there's a way of tackling that with e.g. briefly-visible listings of window order instead of reordering.
@ffee_machine I think because I want all reorderings to be explicit on my part rather than implicitly performed by unrelated actions.
@ffee_machine I use the tiling modes a lot, and my personal preference is strongly in favor of a fixed tabbing order.
No, seriously, I wasn't joking about Diogenes being the dril of the Ancient world.
Lastatempe mi lernis ke Esperanto estas opcio je Google Translate. translate.google.com/?hl=en#eo/en/L….
"Χρῆμαι ἀγαθοί και χρῆμαι κακοί οὐκ εἰσί διάφοροι. Σύ βλάξ." —@δριλ
When you think about it, Diogenes was basically the @dril of the ancient world.
@ffee_machine @acfoltzer I think so. Arch can be made to use alternate inits, although most of them are in the AUR and so user-maintained.
@acfoltzer I could imagine a distro with 'subpackages' for different init systems—sshd + sshd-{sysd,init,runit}—but my god that'd be a pain.
Regardless of my distaste for systemd, I don't think it's at all unreasonable for a distro to stipulate a specific init system.
The Logic Alphabet is really weird and yet also kind of cool en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_alp…
@jtdaugherty When you think about it, "web economy bullshit generator" is just a long-winded way of describing the internet itself.
To be fair—a "practical" implementation would include type aliases:

type IntN = {Int}

absByName: [[IntN] → IntN]

absByVal: [Int → {Int}]
Hypothesis: CBPV types are more readable if U and F are replaced by brackets.

Procedure: Observe [[{Int}]→{Int}]

Conclusion: …just barely.
@garybernhardt There are various sugars for s-expressions implemented as standalone rewriters, e.g. readable.sourceforge.net
@cizyprijev .iiru'e ti cinri mi.
I'm making some cursory glances at whether it'd be feasible for me to ditch owning a mobile phone entirely. (I do hate them so much.)
There are metal bands that sing in Tolkien's invented languages, but disappointingly few EDM artists with vocals in Lojban.
@EmpressCortana 41.media.tumblr.com/c6363f0219bd4f…
Architecture in Helsinki always strikes me as what Animal Crossing music would sound like if it had lyrics.
"The name of this trash can is Geek Culture."
There's a new location of store with a blatantly racist name opening on my street. The store's been around for 15 years. Good job, Portland.
An interactive fiction piece of poetry in which user input must fit the rhyme and meter of the lines around it.
It has been far, far too long since I wrote (and finished) one of these: librarianofalexandria.com/fytte-the-seve…
@shelfuu (i.e. it doesn't come down against static types, but rather discusses that there are tradeoffs to be made with them.)
@shelfuu Actually, off the top of my head, there is the sarcastically-named Benjamin Pierce talk 'Types Considered Harmful'.
@shelfuu I don't have any on hand—but I'll find them after work. (Most of the best pro-dynamic arguments come from Lisp/SmallTalk people.)
(Predictably, it's the same set of arguments: it convinces those who are already convinced and alienates those who disagree.)
I'm trying to restrain myself, but there's a blog post about static types actually titled 'The Ontological Ultimate'. What the hell, people?
"I don't know how you took that away from what I said! I didn't communicate badly—you understood badly! I'll fix it by making fun of you."
I picked up G. Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form last night, which is an interesting presentation of an idiosyncratic set of logical systems.
@SyntaxPolice @DavidBerthold snopes.com/photos/animals…
ENGLISH GRAMMAR PATCH NOTES: 'blog' is now a mass noun.

"I wrote a lot of blog today."

"Man, there's a lot of blog left in my RSS reader."
...I would almost certainly purchase this: youtube.com/watch?v=LACCAF…
The only 'philosophical' point these physicists usually make is, "Artists think science is bad but science is Actually Good. or whatever."
It just bothers me when people treat physicists spouting bad philosophy over classical music as though it were somehow insightful.
I might have pissed off a friend last night for trash-talking the whole Sagan/Feynman/Tyson/&c "epic science" phenomenon.
…and also an incense holder. (If I can't think of how to decorate something, I default to alchemical iconography.)
Clay practice! I'm not very good with clay, but I made a recognizable Cthulhu.
@BenjaminFJones @jtdaugherty I am totally willing to create you an account on the one I host. (It's not my favorite, but it works for me.)
@ffee_machine (I don't actually know if a Chinese speaker would understand it as "odorless" but 不 means 'not' and 氣味 means 'smell, odor'.)
@ffee_machine …I keep reading it as Kesha-bùqìwèi and understanding it as "odorless". (Athough Chinese uses 氣 or 气 and not 気.)
I can't be the only person who has to perpetually resist the urge to write 'Pfrank Pfenning'.
Some new rules I am thinking about adopting in my own library-writing:
1. Always expose lenses.
2. Never actually depend on lens.
@cartazio @kfoner @thedagit I've got a few variations I want to play with first, and then I'll start proposing it. Soon, though!
@acid2 @thedagit @kfoner At present, function arguments can always be placed left of the = except in records. This removes that exception.
@acid2 @thedagit @kfoner Not exactly, but they're related. Lacking this extension, I will often use RecordWildCards in similar situations.
@kfoner tee hee (although I haven't done anything interesting with it yet)
I always felt that the convention `Comonad w => …` was kind of silly. Obviously you should use `Comonad ɯ => …` instead.
This afternoon, I implemented (a large chunk of) a GHC language extension I've often wanted. (attn @kfoner)
…I actually have to say, "I disprefer [tech] for technical reasons, not because I'm a conspiracy theorist." The software world is so stupid.
I'm not a fan of systemd, but if wider systemd adoption would push the spittle-emitting sexist neckbeards out of Linux, then I'm all for it.
I am in my hometown and today has a high of 95° and I do not know why or how people still live here.
There's a Beck song called "Last Night I Traded My Soul's Innermost For Some Pickled Fish" which is a sentiment I can really relate to.
I'm hoping that BeOS makes a huge comeback in tablet form. I want to see someone on the bus using a BeBoard, complete with blinkenlights.
The idea that small conveniences (autocomplete, syntax highlighting, &c) are Unnecessary and For The Weak is a toxic, depressing attitude.
Apparently, those features do not include autocomplete, and the mailing-list consensus was that Real Programmers Don't Need It. what. why.
I figured now was a good time to try out Plan 9's shell, rc, which I'd heard highly recommended and has a lot of very cool features.
I like some of his conclusions, but he way he reaches them is nonsensical and sporadically nearly offensive.
I had heard people speak highly of Ivan Illich, so I picked up Deschooling Society and am now convinced that nobody has actually read it.
@jtdaugherty The closest to what I mean, I think, is defined in RFC 6919: tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6919#s…
@jtdaugherty Does that show up in RFC's as well? "An implementation ALMOST SURELY WILL implement the following features: …"
Apparently My Thing now is to blog about Weird Syntax—in this case, block delimiting in Zuse's Plankalkül: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2014/9/blocks-…
I finished Anathem today and I'm actually pretty disappointed that "mathematics monk" is not a viable career path.
Lots of moral dissonance revisiting old Bond movies. For example—in A View To A Kill, the plan to destroy Silicon Valley was seen as "evil".
@joeranweiler I mentioned this guy cca.org (in particular cca.org/dave/tech/mach… and cca.org/blog/ )
"I have tons of bad ideas. In fact, MOST of my ideas are VERY bad. This is why I believe I'd be a perfect fit for the Firefox UI team."
I was just talking about sh and alternatives over the weekend, and today I came across the very interesting execline: skarnet.org/software/execl…
@ntcomplete I am thoroughly complimented. (I actually have a secondary client that's a Ruby gem running in a Docker container, as well.)
My future tattoo will say, verbatim, "Life, uh, finds a way."
Okay, I tried making a Cherry Sidecar anyway, and it tastes like I served cough syrup in a martini glass.
I was going to have a Sidecar but I forgot I didn't have Cointreau. I guess I coul've used Cherry Heering for some manner of Cherry Sidecar.
Tonight's drinking: a Sazerac, with a rum-barrel-aged rye, five-spice-and-mandarin bitters, and a new kind of absinthe from Bend.
I can't be the only person who wants to start a brewery that has a mascot who is an otter named Maris.
Here's a thoroughly horrifying blog post in which I describe a programming language syntax with grammatical case: blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2014/8/noun-ca…
@BenjaminFJones @jtdaugherty @path1ckey I hadn't, but I like the general look of what I'm seeing.
@ffee_machine It would be nice for Puppet-like systems—write declarative configurations, but only require sh on the system being configured.
@ffee_machine I actually think a strongly-typed DSL that /compiles to/ shell would be interesting. It's just… Haskell is not that language.
Well—now I know who is responsible for leaving all those copies of Lacan and Hegel around my Animal Crossing village.
I would be open to a Haskell DSL that compiled to sh, or even a small, portable, statically-typed sh replacement. But in Haskell? No.
I do not understand why I am supposed to want to write shell scripts in Haskell.
Tonight: homemade grilled pepperoni-caramelized-onion-red-pepper pizza; a dash of mezcal; two fingers of cognac; a very strong breeze.
i saw my first carved pumpkins of the season and please can it be fall now
@joeranweiler jstn.cc/post/8692501831
I had a dream last night that I was using an old amber terminal to do programming. It was a wonderful dream.
@jtdaugherty @BenjaminFJones Not yet! I really need to soon.
look at this damm algorithm en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damm_algo…
*young person voice* it's okay if i look at my phone all the time 'cause the internet has all human knowledge or whatever
I have a book I want to read but I only just finished binding it and some of the glue is still drying.
@joeranweiler It wouldn't be a proper imitation of British aristocracy without casual racism.
Like I said: paints that are not just black and white …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/976304585…
@acfoltzer @path1ckey It's no yard sard, but still: i.imgur.com/Cu83mkB.jpg
I really, really like runit rubyists.github.io/2011/05/02/run… (especially the idea of user-level service trees.)
Here are three versions, redrawn over a decade, of the same aliens from a scifi story I've wanted to write: …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/974898303…
The last dreamlike thought I had as I was waking up: "Ants aren't even smart enough to know when they've been owned."
Now that I have paints in other colors, I can unleash entirely new levels of bad painting on an unsuspecting world.
When I bought paints I'd only allow myself black & white until I'd used them enough to justify buying colors. I bought colors last week.
Here are some great lecture notes about design and programming, complete with Processing source code for each example printingcode.runemadsen.com
I am of the increasingly strong belief that operator precedences should be a DAG.
@jtdaugherty What do you mean? The smartwatch is literally the perfect platform for Cow Clicker.
@BenjaminFJones @jtdaugherty M4 macros that generate postscript which emits literate VHDL in both plain text and formatted, printable form!
@jtdaugherty @BenjaminFJones Does this count? pugo.org:8080
@jtdaugherty @BenjaminFJones So can postscript.
@BenjaminFJones What's there to criticize? Making flatbread is really hard! You NEED to distribute it w/ extra waste at preposterous prices.
As you know, capitalism definitely encourages efficient allocation and use of resources: flatev.com
I added rye whiskey to this crêpe batter and I don't remember a better decision I've ever made in my life.
I would love it if record syntax permitted Rec { field args = expr } as syntactic sugar for Rec { field = \ args -> expr }
I got a new camera, so of course I have started using it to take photos of food I've made. This is my bad tekkadon.
tt's possible to make it work—but Haskell does not give you the correct tools to make it convenient or easy. You have to fight your tools.
Ever tried doing OOP in C? Filling in structs with function pointers, manually passing self ptrs? That's what doing DT in Haskell is like.
I don't understand this talk of doing dependently typed programming in Haskell. I have worked on a codebase that used this. It's horrifying.
Tonight I'm listening to an album of 70's electronic music intended for growing plants to listen to. No, seriously: youtube.com/watch?v=IUVmcK…
Cheese-and-cracker plates sound so classy until you start calling them 'adult lunchables'.
This is what living in Portland has done to me. I put hops in soft drinks now. India Pale Ginger Ale.
I didn't have incredibly high hopes for it, but I'm drinking a soda with a syrup made from cascade hops and it's surprisingly pleasant.
So, as it turns out, my segfault is because... I enabled C++11 mode? If I don't, then it compiles and runs fine.
@jtdaugherty Everything an activity, man. I mean, like, we're all part of the same activity stream, when you think about it, man.
Fun fact: basically everything in an activity stream is optional. {"published":"2014-09-02T11:43:00Z","actor":{}} is a valid Activity.
As I was considering an Activity Stream blog serialization, I wrote a basic Haskell library to parse/emit them: github.com/aisamanra/acti…
I learned today that Facebook, for advertising purposes, groups me as a 'Technology late adopter'—which is accurate.
Project update: I have gone a bit wonky and made syrup from peaches and hops. Whether a hop phosphate will be any good remains to be seen.
Current projects:
-Making candy cap mushroom syrup for sodas
-Finishing inking the newest version of the Šai group portrait
-Painting boxes
@ffee_machine For example, a Haskell-based Wordpress equivalent could be built around an XMonad-like interface.
@ffee_machine Things that come to might might include generic feed-reading, but maybe also server-side applications (e.g. blogs?)
@jtdaugherty Incidentally, I have a few new tobaccos—some really, really good ones—and as soon as I finish carving it, a new pipe, too.
I personally believe that the best season is autumn, but if you disagree, then I respect your wrong-ass opinion.
This pretty much sums up my deeply-held religious and spiritual beliefs: 38.media.tumblr.com/3834cfd6fcbaf4…
Caprese salad with home-grown heirloom tomatoes; cheese tortellini with fresh pesto; cheerwine.
@ffee_machine Has no one made an xmonad-ish build-your-own-twitter-client-to-your-liking library yet? ...because that actually sounds great.
@ffee_machine You could even select which account to post to based on whether a given tweet contains kanji or not.
@ffee_machine You could write a small wrapper around github.com/sferik/t to conveniently tweet to either account & merge their timelines
(I'm working on a new personal blogging platform, and I was debating whether to include an Activity Stream syndication.)
Activity Streams feel kind of overengineered to me, but I think the idea is interesting, at the very least.
A selection of things from today: raspberry-black-walnut phosphate; salsa verde queso fundido; Koji Morimoto sketchbook; a working compiler.
Mostly for embedded DSLs, e.g. do { x <- local (int 5); … } instead of do { x <- local (5 :: Int); … }
I generally dislike inline type annotations, so I've taken to defining type-specific identity functions so I can use them instead.
@joeranweiler 31.media.tumblr.com/5acbab0c4a03ff…
Similarly, the only reason I'm not clamoring for the canonization of @femfreq is that I'm not actually a Catholic.
I'm just gonna be honest here: before a few days ago, I didn't realize that I could like @TimOfLegend more than I already did.
@shelfuu You'd lose some of that cleanness with a cons that only took lists as its second argument.
@shelfuu Well, you do get straightforward pair-like laws:
(car (cons x y)) = x
(cdr (cons x y)) = y
(cons (car a) (cdr a)) = a
@shelfuu I was actually taught about improper lists right from the beginning—or rather, that lists are a special case of cons pairs.
@shelfuu (Well, I guess it could be a dynamic error to cons onto a non-list, but it's easier to not to that.)
@shelfuu I don't think you can have cons and dyn. types without permitting them—e.g. Python's lists are always proper but Python lacks cons.
I hadn't seen Owl Lisp (a subset of R7RS) before, but I like the look of it code.google.com/p/owl-lisp/
…because column 'affinity' is chosen by substring matching, and the types given contain BLOB, CHAR, and INT, respectively.
sqlite: CREATE TABLE(x GIANT BLOB, y CHARRED TOAST, c PINT GLASS); produces a db with columns optimized for binary data, text, and integers.
I once saw someone assert that a current use of the phrase "Oh, really?" constituted a reference to a decade-old internet meme. Seriously.
On pg.3, Iron Man asks Squirrel Girl where the bathroom is. This is a reference to the iconic asking-where-the-bathroom-is scene in the movi
I like when people on the internet assume that common innocuous phrases are actually 'references' to other things that use the same phrase.
I once called Shrek an "ontological trainwreck," so now my brother tells me things like, "Ontological Trainwreck 2 was on TV yesterday."
@theg5prank I mostly agree with this except for the part where I think they're not wrong.
"...that well-known English-language first-person singular pronoun 'this troper'..."
In 2014, I'm redrawing a picture I redrew in 2007 from a picture I drew in 2004. Fun to see them side-by-side.
@betalister @acfoltzer @path1ckey BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE 31.media.tumblr.com/31d0680b9c436e…
All the tomatoes are getting ripe now and I think I need to go get some mozzarella and basil basically immediately.
@joeranweiler @jtdaugherty Mostly adjectives.
@acfoltzer @path1ckey
@acfoltzer @path1ckey 38.media.tumblr.com/756b6d4ce8cc94…
@3liza (I just gave the nominative masculine forms; I can go back and fill out a whole table with all genders/cases, if that'd help.)
@3liza Because I don't want it to get lost among the many other tumblr notes: the basics of inflecting argr …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/953585286…
I was going to go to sleep earlier than usual tonight and then I started reading an Old Norse grammar and now it's 2 AM.
I got my bottles of acid phosphate and lactart in today. Now I just need some cherry bark and I can have cherry phosphates daily.
@theg5prank I say watch. It wasn't exactly a subtle movie, and it's not what you'd call 'uplifting', but it was well-made and interesting.
Over the weekend, I watched Melancholia, which is, in effect, Lars von Trier's adaptation of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
@shelfuu Hypothetically, businesses are required to provide public space in SF. It doesn't always work out, though: sfgate.com/bayarea/place/…
@shelfuu @ffee_machine This picture has made me more terrified of systemd's reputed feature creep than any outraged blog post.
There should be a linter that just searches for all instances of the word 'assume' in a comment and highlights them. Great way to find bugs.
When you really get down to it, no matter what language you're writing, there are really only two coding styles: "mine" and "wrong".
@acfoltzer Dylan already bought it. His analysis was, "It's going to be great but it's not finished enough to play now."
I discovered last night how bad I was at even simple woodworking—possibly because I also have no training and very few proper tools.
@shelfuu @ffee_machine I'll be around! @ffee_machine, could you stop by my desk and grab me on your way out?
@acfoltzer I came across the Rump Parliament while trying to understand the naming choices in this paper: lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2012/isbn…
Apparently I have the maturity level of a twelve-year-old, because I have been giggling about this name all day: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rump_Parl…
A coworker was talking today about parametric higher-order abstract syntax aloud, but I misheard 'PHOAS' as 'faux-ass'.
I'm currently writing my own init.
I just wasted a week of work trying to debug a problem that turned out to be a silent error due to Unix permissions.
I take perverse pleasure in explaining the terrible ways code is written in the real world to more academically-minded computer scientists.
Picked up my first bottle of Black Blood of the Earth this afternoon. Very exciting. funraniumlabs.com/the-black-bloo…
I changed my desktop image at work to the response to the first question in this interview with why the lucky stiff: why.usesthis.com
My home laptop has a single tab open. That is because I read all the other open ones. This is terrifying.
I designed my own laser-cut desk before I realized that it's too big for any laser cutter I have convenient access too.
@acfoltzer I wonder if I could scrape every single dril tweet... booktwo.org/notebook/vanit…
Shameful confession: I once corrected a webcomic author's use of Elvish.
@acfoltzer Given how long they make me wait between issues sometimes, I'm prepared to consider them villains.
Unfortunately, I forgot until too late to ask about the canonical pronunciation for the name 'Hiyonhoiagn'. It will remain a mystery.
I met most of the writers and artists on my favorite comic series last night and they were all incredibly cool and friendly. It was great.
I have work I need to finish but mostly I feel like drawing insects in the style of Animal Crossing villagers right now.
@acfoltzer @ffee_machine @path1ckey @jtdaugherty That's the one. (I can send you the Docker container that has it installed, if you want!)
@ffee_machine @path1ckey @jtdaugherty (I use twittering-mode most of the time. I really installed the aforementioned gem for mass blocking.)
@jtdaugherty This one isn't curses-based; it's literally a command line tool. Y'know, in case you want to write a bot with shell+cron.
I had some trouble installing the Twitter CLI gem... so I did it in a docker container instead. I'm as disgusted as you are.
Let me explain what a terrible year this has been for my throat: this is neither the best nor the worst case of strep I've had this year.
But look—wonderful things are happening today, too! washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldvie…
@BenjaminFJones I don't know if Berkeley is, but I certainly am. (Well, bacterium, anyway. Strep throat, most likely.)
The first part of this week was really, really great. In contrast, the high point of today was, "Fever dipped below 100° reasonably often."
Last night, I went to a restaurant whose menu had prices mostly in whole numbers or fractions—except for the deviled eggs, priced at $6.66.
(Previous comments inspired by some Rust code that was roughly `while (let Some(x) = stack.pop()) { x.blah(); }`)
This may very well be part of Swift, but I haven't looked too closely.
If I made an imperative language with ADTs, I'd provide a sugar where any test in a control structure could be replaced by a pattern match.
Of any place I regularly spend time, Berkeley has by far the highest rate of nerd-joke-T-shirts per capita.
@acfoltzer @frkbmb @thricedotted You're looking for neilcic.com/mouthsounds/ also the sequel neilcic.com/mouthsilence/ which is Smash-Mouth-less.
Oh, yes—there's a new La Roux album. I remember why music was invented now.
(me irl youtube.com/watch?v=3yMy7J… probably)
My money, in all honesty, is on "all four simultaneously." Just wait and see—I think I can manage it. At least and 2 and 4 at the same time.
Possibilities include:
1. programming languages
2. defending Kanye West
3. describing alcoholic drinks
4. something horribly prentious
I'm about fifty tweets from my 2000th tweet. It's kind of vain, I know, but I've already considered what that 2000th tweet will be about.
(The corresponding presentation has not been updated, but I might do so in the future, if anyone cares.)
I've updated the small Rust toy programs I wrote back in March to current-ish Rust as well as Cargo: github.com/aisamanra/rust…
My habit is to use emacs for writing code and vim for editing configuration files—which leads me to typing `vim .emacs` pretty regularly.
@theg5prank @silicon_dril (This is, in all honesty, the only satisfactory response I could come up with to that question.)
@theg5prank @silicon_dril twitter.com/Tormny_Pickeal…
@jtdaugherty I opened my bottle of Duncan Taylor 34-year a few week ago... which means we should have a pipe & scotch night some time soon.
A lot of my best ideas come from typos. Today's great idea: covert art.
The surest sign that a YouTube video isn't going to be funny is the word 'funny' somewhere in the title. Possibly in all caps.
@ffee_machine @BenjaminFJones That's why I'm not quite happy with the phrase. "A reasonable choice but not the only reasonable choice."
@ffee_machine @BenjaminFJones I include 'arbitrary' for emphasis. To me, at least, 'motivated' doesn't strongly imply a non-unique choice.
@ffee_machine Yesterday, I used it to describe the choice of 12 tones per octave—i.e., a motivated choice but not the only possible choice.
A phrase I've found myself using a lot lately: 'motivated but arbitrary'. I wish there were a better way of expressing this.
@theg5prank If you're still in the Medford area tomorrow, I'd recommend the Mogli oak-aged chocolate porter at @calderabeer nearby as well.
A good name for a paper about duality would be "Monad and Co."
Unfortunately, I didn't think of the computer names marx/lenin/mao until it was too late.
I needed related names for three VMs, so I chose caowei/shuhan/sunwu. Both clotho/lachesis/atropos and athos/porthos/aramis were too cliché.
(For the skeptical, that blog post presents them entirely without s-expressions, and is therefore Safe For Non-Lispers.)
I wish more high-level languages implemented something like Common Lisp's restart mechanism: lubutu.com/soso/condition…
Just in case I haven't linked it before: "5 Things About Ubiquitous Computing That Make Me Nervous": designculturelab.org/2013/03/31/5-t…
My research on hypertext systems has led me back to index cards—in particular, to Niklas Luhmann's Zettelkasten: scriptogr.am/kuehnm/post/20…
I hate it when I'm trying to figure out who ironically retweeted something and why, and then realize it was actually a promoted tweet.
I accidentally typed 'google dogs' instead of 'google docs' and now I have an idea for how Google can attempt to not be evil
I opened a bottle of scotch tonight that was older than me. Aged 34 years. It's pretty great.
Of course, the true test of any programming language is the capacity of that language to be used for rewriting robotfindskitten.
Wait—why have I not written a Rust port of robotfindskitten yet?
@acfoltzer buddy
(Literally written while Messiaen was a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp, written for the only instruments and performers on hand.)
Today's listening: Olivier Messiaen's avant-garde piece Quartet for the End of Time youtube.com/watch?v=zYpBHc…
(The past month's classical music nerdery has been a direct result of said book and then listening to everything it mentions.)
I'm nearly done with The Rest Is Noise by Alex Ross, which is a spectacular book. (Reading it has kind of made me love Arnold Schoenberg.)
no I was seriously attempting to order new glasses and I got distracted and start pricing concertinas and this is why I'm a bad adult
@ffee_machine Unfortunately, I've already got plans for tomorrow evening. Maybe in the future, though!
@acfoltzer The dirt bike is behind the ATV. Also, it's a lot of fun, even more so if you remember sunscreen.
Here's what I did yesterday: gdritter.com/imgs/hood-fore…
Presently making candy cap ice cream. Soon, probably some candy cap bitters, too.
"It was a bad pun made worse by isogloss boundaries."
@new_iconoclast "More weight."
functional inert programming
My plan now is to make lifting clothes that appear to be from 'Giles Corey Weightlifting.' They'd have the obvious motto on them, too.
I spent a good chunk of dinner last night arguing in defense of luddism and for the non-inevitability of harmful technological changes.
Also, Bourne en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourne,_O… used to be called Cracker City, which is a pretty appropriate name for a place in Oregon.
Everyone makes fun of the fact that Oregon has a town called Boring, but that's not at all the worst Oregon town name en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiotvill…
@ffee_machine (It also has a notion of inheritance for nodes borrowed directly from CLOS. The vocabulary is CLOS-ey, too.)
.@ffee_machine A good example is Aquanet csdl.tamu.edu/~shipman/viki/… Each "node" in the hypertext graph is effectively a strongly typed record.
For various reasons I have been doing research on old hypertext systems and I am mildly fascinated by those which were strongly typed.
Really, I'm just waiting for Deliverator to become a valid career path now.
Who would have guessed that the most prescient cyberpunk novel out there would end up being Snow Crash? huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/28/cal…
Lifting this morning; spent the afternoon at a friend's trying out his new backyard blacksmithing setup; and now a bit of brie brûlée.
Writing Haskell:
1. Write types
2. Write implementation
3. Remove types and allow GHC to infer polymorphic ones
4. Write those types instead
@tilmonedwards @garybernhardt And this is because "need be" is an expression in the subjunctive mood, c.f. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_s…
@tilmonedwards @garybernhardt No, I'm saying you're wrong: the correct sentence is, "It need not be difficult."
@tilmonedwards @garybernhardt Err, subjunctive mood, not voice. Ignore that typo.
@tilmonedwards @garybernhardt No, because it's in the subjunctive voice: "It need not be difficult," but not "It needs not be difficult."
What am I doing tonight? Oh, y'know. Normal stuff. Designing a spoon.
Shit HN Says: languages with memory safety are dystopian! news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7883026
@acfoltzer i attribute the failure of my brand to the actions of vi users, oor "trolls" as it were, as well as to elisps constant fuckups
@acfoltzer TweetDeck? Pssh. emacswiki.org/emacs/Twitteri…
@joeranweiler I don't know that I'd describe JavaScript as 'sterile'. I think it's more along the lines of 'fetid', 'putrid', and 'squalid'.
I regularly recommend people play around with Io, which borrows a fair bit from SmallTalk and is incredibly fun to experiment with.
I know people who dislike it, but I quite like SmallTalk. (I think it's because lots of people get exposed to its ideas via Ruby or Obj-C.)
I kind of want to put together a book on intermediate-to-advanced Haskell programming and call it Fake World Haskell.
(Admittedly, the last rule is that you may sometimes disobey those rules—but why establish them as rules if violations are so prevalent?)
As proof, I cite the fact that Orwell puts forth several "rules" for clear writing—and doesn't follow a single one in that very essay.
I honestly dislike Orwell's Politics and the English Language a lot more than I dislike Strunk & White. It encourages far sloppier thinking.
@kiniry My attitude is that S&W is as relevant to English as K&R is to modern C—and I haven't burned office copies of K&R. So—probably safe?
I will personally burn every single copy of Strunk & White.
I know that songs on YouTube often have unrelated anime girls as background art—but this is a 19th century Finnish symphony. Really, people?
git commit message I wrote today: "Replaced all en-dashes-surrounded-by-spaces with em-dashes-not-surrounded-by-spaces---LIKE GOD INTENDED"
Today's listening: William Grant Still. Here's his Symphony no. 2: youtube.com/watch?v=v6UWuU…
@frkbmb @acfoltzer У вас есть рекомендация за рецепты тоже?
It's not well-known, but Jónsi is an ardent type theorist and even named one of Sigur Rós's albums after his favorite type.
Okoshi-ezu: detailed architectural plans (orig. for 16ᵗʰ c. Japanese tea-houses) in the form of foldable paper models insitebuilders.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/med…
To be fair, Swift appears to be a pretty decent OCaml-inspired curly-brace language. But why is it necessary when we already have OCaml?
People need to stop reinventing OCaml and just outright build toolchain support for OCaml. This applies to both Google and Apple.
Here's a script to kick Google Glass off your network. Very useful: julianoliver.com/output/log_201…
Speaking of citations—I have to mention that "The Geometry of Innocent Flesh on the Bone" remains the greatest academic paper title to date.
I really want to write a paper with an Unrelated Work section where I just list whatever random papers I feel like listing.
It never occurred to me that OCaml-style polymorphic variants are the dual of row polymorphic records.
Not only do I not have a current-gen video game console, I haven't even seen one in person. This is correct and as it should be.
I've started introducing fellow Galwegians to the very cool strategy board game Lines of Action. I think it's being well-received.
still the best hats of all time bahnree.tumblr.com/post/106283886… (attn @EmpressCortana)
@EmpressCortana My job is calling bullshit on language facts. (Basque is still cool as hell, though. Its grammar is wonderfully bizarre.)
@OMGFacts @EmpressCortana And that's ignoring the fact that said etymology is bunk—the words have no etymological connection to 'haitz'.
@OMGFacts @EmpressCortana That's like saying, "Ann Smith's surname suggests that she comes from a time when blacksmiths were common."
@OMGFacts @EmpressCortana Also Basque "dates from the stone age" in the sense that every language that exists descends from the stone age.
@OMGFacts @EmpressCortana This isn't a "puzzle to linguists" and language isolates aren't unusual, cf. Korean, Ainu, Mapudungun, Sandawe.
doing an image search for 'wug' has made me miss my linguistics days arnoldzwicky.org/2013/01/16/wug…
Today's listening: Arnold Schoenberg's String Quarter No. 2, which gradually moves into atonality as it progresses youtube.com/watch?v=WcF-LE…
You know those names where every single word in them is inaccurate? Like 'Holy Roman Empire' or 'Epic Rap Battles of History'?
I planted quite a few new things on Friday, including various kinds of tomatoes. I'm hoping they aren't too badly affected by this hail.
I love Goethe's weird fairy tale "The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily" and have long harbored desire to do a comic adaptation of it.
I've found that since returning actively to the gym, I've really gotten a lot better at my high-five technique.
I get that Net Neutrality has a lot of support, but I'm personally all for Net Chaotic Evilness.
@3liza Rearranged/reformatted version of the Evans pdf:
@EmpressCortana @rhiannonstone You do too know what that fear is like. You've met my mother.
@acfoltzer @dril you shouldnt even read dril twitter.com/dril/status/45…
This isn't strictly unique to the internet—obviously we had laugh tracks, and I'd argue the chorus in Greek plays served a similar function.
From demotivators to rageface comics to Upworthy-style headlines, internet humor has always specified your intended reaction to it.
Environmental science lessons from my extended family! They aren't actually environmental scientists, but they ARE Republicans, so…
If you're a compiler writer and you go to a gym, you can impress all the gym people by telling them how much you can lambda-lift.
Python APIs tend to be written in terms of "file-like objects" rather than files. I really wish Haskell APIs were the same.
Finished Act III of Kentucky Route Zero last night. It's really fantastic. I'm going to have to do a complete Acts I-III playthrough soon.
my brother: "that cat is doing the wint dril face for cats" c0caino.tumblr.com/post/842416183…
@rhiannonstone God, I wish I were.
During lunch today, a person on the street was handing out little cards which were good for… a free app. The future is here-and it sucks.
Software I would write if I had infinite time to write software: a tool to run datalog queries over SQLite databases.
@rhiannonstone This looks like my house in about two years. (The Abbot's from Bob's Bitters—which I think I see there—are my go-to bitters.)
(I seriously wanted to follow that up with more puns about The Mighty Handful but have no ideas for puns about Rimsky-Korsakov's name.)
every time mussorgsky wanted to say, "hey i wrote some music i think is pretty good" his friends would say, "that isnt very modest of you!!"
It strikes me that most of the people who complain about Rust's choices really just want OCaml with curly braces and not Rust specifically.
"'hello world' contains Lovecraft quotes" on the Rust issue tracker: github.com/mozilla/rust/i…
...I told those to a friend who then told me that you can also think of ⊗ as the wheel on a farmer's cart as he goes to sell his product.
....yeah, when I'm around, linear logic puns are pretty much ⅋ for the course.
Here's a mnemonic: think of ⊕ as a ship's wheel when going straight and ⊗ as a ship's wheel when turning. When turning, people are tenser.
@xlerb No, you're exactly right. Well—length of both call and jmp, as that code path can generate either, but still yes.
My Necronomicon is really just the QEMU source printed out and elaborately bound. I figure if that won't make people go mad, nothing will.
disp = dest - (intptr_t)s->code_ptr - 5

Why 5? No comme#defines#defines. Just… 5. why 5 tell me please TELL ME I NEED TO KNOW WHY IT'S 5 WH
Here's the animated version of my Fez-style icon: …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/842090312…
Pretty sure I'm one of the ~4 people who thought Fez was perfect. Might have to do with the fact that I still know nothing about Phil Fish.
I need a new icon, so I've been trying to make a small animated pixel art icon in the style of Fez. The operative word here is "trying".
(Apparently when my projects take too long to compile I open up irb and start trying to abuse Ruby.)
class Proc
def map(&f)
Proc.new { |*args| f.call(self.call(*args)) }

puts lambda{|x|x*x}.map{|y|y+1}.map{|z|z.to_s}.(5)
…thinking of making a special kind of gridded/lined notebook for hand-writing assembly. Maybe with instruction set reference in the front.
Lovecraft was very much a Redditor of his time: introverted, nerdy, virulently racist and sexist, and obsessed with cats.
I for one would totally play a mildly surreal action-adventure-game version of Randolph Carter's quest for Kadath. ARMIES OF CATS
Cthulhu-inspired games are fun and all, but I wish more games would take inspiration from Lovecraft's Dream Cycle stories.
The second point here holds the current record for Most Ridiculous Bikeshedding I've Ever Seen: reddit.com/r/rust/comment…
@acfoltzer I don't have one already planned, but I'm good with whenever. Do you have time later in the week at all?
@acfoltzer I mean, didn't you know that real hackers ship?
@theg5prank I have a 34-year scotch sitting on my shelf. Duncan Taylor. I'm waiting for some manner of special event to open it.
My plans for tonight: this movie youtube.com/watch?v=Q-oBEG…
That'd be a twist—the Ancient Aliens return… and they're not white! I can already imagine nerds bawling about how 'unrealistic' that'd be.
I want to see ancient aliens who spoke Punic or Akkadian or Archaic Chinese or Proto-Afroasiatic. At the very least they should speak P.I.E.
Why exactly do ancient aliens in scifi always speak a Latin-like language? That's both nonsensical and completely without creativity.
The worst thing about modular smartphones is the tedious 'Smartphone of Theseus' discussions they will inevitably generate.
My thought as I was wakinging up this morning was, verbatim, "Oh, come on, that dream was FILLED with plot holes!"
I almost never get to use the word syzygy, and I'll be damned if I pass up the opportunity during this particular syzygy.
If I were to write a Haskell program in a non-Western script, is there a convention for writing types/constructors? e.g. data T動物 = T魚 | T貓?
I only got absinthe for Sazeracs—but now that I have it I feel like I should get a slotted spoon and sugar cubes and maybe tuberculosis too
Here is a list of the bizarre performance directions used by Erik Satie: 10oclockdot.tumblr.com/post/651336406…
I read a story online about people who put a poster of Giles Corey in their weight room, which is the best idea I've heard in ages.
I've installed a Firefox add-on for tree-shaped browsing, but it turns out my personal browsing habits tend towards a flat structure.
@JobVranish @acfoltzer It's still not free—just now the costs are semi-hidden payments of personal data. One step forward, one step back.
I just got asked to sign in with Facebook to download an academic paper. I'm laughing, but on the inside I'm crying.
Other favorite old tweets: this bit of mild self-deprecation twitter.com/aisamanra/stat… and this nerdery twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
I went back recently and read some old tweets and I have no regrets: twitter.com/aisamanra/stat… twitter.com/aisamanra/stat… twitter.com/aisamanra/stat…
@acfoltzer what the hell you don't need to bring emacs into this. this is email.

use mh
I can no longer listen to the Boards of Canada song "Roygbiv" without thinking of soundcloud.com/user5316795/bo…
(Because the idea is, in effect, that the digital←→paper conversion process should be easy and principal to the design of a system.)
I originally read about this ages ago, but it's one of very few technology ideas that actually sound exciting to me: aaronland.info/weblog/2006/12…
@frkbmb @acfoltzer Не беспокойтесь, Adam и другой Adam, ваши секрети безопасные с мной.
So apparently when a young child obstinately covers their ears and ignores other people in an effort to win an argument, that's "integrity."
Sounds right: "Customers Who Bought [Nicholas Negroponte's The Architecture Machine] Also Bought [The Complete Stories of J. G. Ballard]"
crowdfunding open-source beehives

wh- what
"What? Research? Before 2010? I don't think so. And if it existed, it was probably all wrong."
If I sort results by date in Google Scholar, it defaults to only giving me papers from the last year. WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA
The razor soap in the bathroom says, "Calme le feu du rasoir"—but I misread it as, "calme le feu du raison," which is really much better.
So all this outrage is a convenient illustration that they don't really believe in the Free Market unless it benefits them personally.
Let's put it into terms a libertarian can understand: the Market includes people who don't like Eich. Therefore Eich goes.
Even within the libertarian/conservative/business-driven idiom, the Correct Business Decision for Mozilla was to drop Eich as CEO.
(I've heard them called "the predecessor of blogs," but if anything they were the predecessor of tumblr—which is in their favor.)
They also show up in Italy, where a commonplace book was called a 'zibaldone', which sometimes gets translated as 'author's notebook.'
A commonplace book is a book of scraps, quotes, ideas, &c. They were a big Anglophone thing; Locke even wrote about how best to keep one.
@BenjaminFJones I actually also use surf surf.suckless.org and might be crazy enough to try using jumanji pwmt.org/projects/juman…
Web browser options on linux include: The One Made By A Company Run By A Bigot, The One Made By An Advertising Company, and elinks. Well.
@acfoltzer @tlockney It's entirely possible that for some people here Steve Reich is the most mainstream thing they'll hear all day.
(Beauty In The Beast features a few idiosyncratic scales of Carlos' creation, Balinese scales, Tibetan scales, and others.)
w/r/t microtonal music I was gonna link to Beauty In The Beast by Wendy Carlos but it's not on YouTube—so go find it, it's weird and great.
According to what I've read, this is the very first attested composition in 19-tone equal temperament: youtube.com/watch?v=wT6-Nd…
Admission: I considered using comma, limma, and apotome in describing the phonetics of a conlang I once created in which tone was phonemic.
Pythagorean comma gets all the attention, but Pythagorean semicolon is equally interesting.
I just learned that there's a wiki dedicated to microtonal music theory. Welp. There goes my Sunday night.
@rhiannonstone It has come up in conversation a few times lately. (Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom is possibly a worse example of this.)
Now imagine Stephenson wrote about boring subjects instead, was bad at plot-building, & had self-insert protagonists. That's Cory Doctorow.
(Or, rather, Stephenson can only really write three characters: The Nerd, The Stoic Badass, and The Other Person So Who Cares About Them.)
I enjoy Neal Stephenson because he researches weird subjects and builds plots around them. His prose is not bad; his characters pretty weak.
game of the year youtube.com/watch?v=dvWGLc…
inc eax ;; 0x40
inc ebx ;; 0x43
inc ecx ;; 0x41
inc edx ;; 0x42
;; welcome to x86 assembly programming
Did I write the worst compiler? Yes I did. It compiles strings to x86 code to print those strings to a VGA screen. I KNOW HOW TO COMPUTER
.@chrisamaphone FWIW so is a multi-instrument muscal score. I'm curious as to whether score-type notations have any place in programming.
New acquisitions today: Forbidden, Castillian, Boker's Bitters; Cocchi Vermouth. Already had two Manhattans made with said ingredients.
I'm at the bitters store and was just asked whether I worked here. I take this as the highest compliment.
This makes a really good point about blockbuster games and the "Citizen Kane of games" idiom: magicalwasteland.com/mw/2013/8/5/ag…
…just found a short story of mine from junior high . Protagonist's name—Richard Dawkins. 100% coincidence. Had no idea who Dawkins was then.
There are some aspects of OCaml I like and others I dislike—but open variants are seriously amazing and allow all kinds of new idioms.
@acfoltzer (* ɯɹǝʇ snlnɔlɐɔ ɐpqɯɐl pǝdʎʇun *) ɯɹǝʇ * ɯɹǝʇ ɟo dd∀ | ɯɹǝʇ * ƃuᴉɹʇs ɟo sq∀ | ƃuᴉɹʇs ɟo ɹɐΛ = ɯɹǝʇ ǝdʎʇ
If you like both Lovecraftian fiction and continental philosophy a la Deleuze & Guattari, you might enjoy Cyclonopedia as well.
I finally finished Negarestani's Cyclonopedia, which I thoroughly enjoyed (though it was, at times, near-gibberish—I think deliberately.)
Regardless of their accuracy to nature, Turing's morphogenesis ideas are really spectacular for generative art: jonathanmccabe.com/Cyclic_Symmetr…
I thought Turing's morphogenesis ideas were considered bunk, but apparently there's experimental evidence for them: adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1990PhRvL.…
I have the slides and code samples from my Rust talks here on github: github.com/aisamanra/rust… I'm not a Rust expert—they may not be perfect.
I'm sure they'll make a movie about Bitcoin but it's kind of redundant when we've already had The Man In The White Suit for 60 years.
@nchaimov for (int i = 0; i < FRIENDLINESS; i++) { printf("HELLO\n"); }
I wrote my own operating system recently. It's very user-friendly: it boots, prints "Hello!" and then does nothing forever. That's friendly.
(N.b.: that quote is from Snow Crash, which was published in 1992. The number of women graduating with CS degrees has dropped since then.)
"…[the very] virulent type [of sexism] espoused by male techies who sincerely believe that they are too smart to be sexists." —N. Stephenson
Tonight's dinner: pasta with sautéed fiddleheads in brown butter sauce. The fiddleheads were great; the pasta left something to be desired.
Especially when the dream is just vague, barely disguised foreshadowing of an event, and not exploring a character's mental state.
I understand that dreams are important to people, and a great source for thematic material… but they're also an incredibly lazy plot device.
Look folks—the default, common case should not have a sigil. Look at variables in PHP. Extra keystroke for every variable mention. Silly.
AT&T syntax for x86. Assembly language—enhanced with the readability of Perl!
@jruderman Very well, I thought! A fair amount of interest in Rust's potential, and I'm giving a follow-up talk soon.
.@jruderman This one about low-level programming gdritter.com/imgs/kanye-wat… and this one about unique pointers gdritter.com/imgs/dawkins-o…
I gave a small internal presentation about the Rust programming language in which I quoted tweets from both Kanye West and Richard Dawkins.
(That's BCPL, predecessor of B, predecessor of C. It's just weird to see 60's PL sensibilities combined with more modern ML-ish features.)
MCPL is more or less BCPL extended with pattern-matching but retaining the hideous capitalized keywords: cl.cam.ac.uk/~mr10/MCPL.html
Notation Systems in Architecture by Premjit Talwar dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/hand…
The Cibo Matto show tonight was a lot of fun. I also only learned about a week ago that they have a new album out, and that's great, too.
@theg5prank Better or worse than some neckbeard drawing a pixelated poo as part of his ideological devotion to GNU unifont completeness?
Dear Silicon Valley: don't think of us as 'luddites'. We're innovators! We're just disrupting the need for new technologies.
Less terrible tools mean my shogi project is going much faster. >½ of the pieces are at least partially cut out now.
I'm really liking this suggestion for how "inheritance" should work in Rust: github.com/mozilla/rust/i…
that one programmer who "invented" baby formula but for adults and then crowdfunded it and pretended it was a world-changing innovation
Your lesson for today is that there's a little-used Lovecraft-inspired naming convention for certain polyhedra: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia…
@EmpressCortana I've heard of that. It's called "global capitalism."
hey man, do you ever think, like, whoa, what if were in the matrix, because of, like, math? like, think about it, man nytimes.com/2014/02/16/opi…
I have lots of work to do on the sizing/thickness/&c, esp. for the middle one ("Tschicholdorin") …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/775172074…
Okay, I gave in and am designing modernist Tengwar typefaces. One friend also suggested a Tengwar Comic Sans. I might just have to.
On one hand, I hate that twee geek crossover "Steampunk Star Wars!" crap. On the other, I kinda want to typeset Bauhaus-style Elvish. …hmm.
I'm skeptical of the finding, but correct or no, this is still Relevant To My Interests: boingboing.net/2014/02/21/voy…
I picked up Jodorowsky's The Metabarons today. In honor of this, I present to you Alejandro Jodorwsky: youtube.com/watch?v=SR2Dot…
@rhiannonstone That would be 'clitorides'. The things you learn at an academic conference for programming languages.
I am a native English speaker with a degree in linguistics. Despite this, in the last month I have learned two new English-language plurals.
...but let's be honest—who among us was aware that the plural of 'beef' was 'beeves'? (Seriously not joking: merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bee… )
"Ken Levine Isn't Looking For A Job" dropouthangoutspaceout.tumblr.com/post/770849829…
a perfect representation of every political conversation I have with my brother
reminder: we live in a cyberpunk dystopia but without the style articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-06-12/new…
Also, my program find 2000 do-blocks within GHC, so only 1/10 of them use pattern matching at all.
...but also the construct doesn't appear all that often—95 times is not that many considering GHC's size.
Which is to say, about 50% of the time you use case within do-notation, all you're doing is matching on a previously-bound result...
My program finds that in GHC, there are 191 instances of do { …; case { … } } and 95 of them involve the form { x←exp; case x of { … } }.
I should look at stats, but when I'm using case in a do-block, I'm basically always matching on some result from earlier in the do-block.
...that by itself is probably a non-optimal choice, but I mean something along those lines.
Like, I don't know, `do case exp of { pat1→val1; …; patn→valn }` being equivalent to `exp >>= \x -> case x of { pat1→val1; …; patn→valn }`?
General question: has anyone attempted to provide do-notation syntactic sugar for do { val <- exp; case val of { ... } }?
"I mean you're fucked up too but, like in the best possible way." @EmpressCortana knows me so well.
(I still think it's better than YAML &c for basic configuration, but it also lacks, y'know, tooling and non-Haskell implementations.)
I've started grabbing maybe-useful code from past projects and open-sourcing it. Here's a config format I wrote once github.com/aisamanra/ndbl
@chrisamaphone (They're all on my reading list, so I can't yet vouch for them being good, but they might be a step in the right direction.)
@chrisamaphone Both were pointed to by Golumbia, whose book may also be relevant amazon.com/Cultural-Logic… (although I haven't read it either.)
@chrisamaphone I haven't read either yet, but know of these two books: amazon.com/Words-Power-Fe… and amazon.com/Representing-R…
I still think the idea of papernet is amazing but have not put it into any kind of personal practice: aaronland.info/papernet/
@EmpressCortana If I want alternative grain to white rice, I cook barley, which is surprisingly good with certain curries.
@BenjaminFJones So far, I endorse the adoption of tt-rss. It took all of ten minutes to get running, and most of that was my own stupidity.
@paul_pearce I assume you already have a Nostromo? Other suggestions: Moya or Talyn, Liberator, Destiny, Phoenix, Hunter-Gratzner.
Okay, finally switching from The Old Reader to a self-hosted instance of TinyTinyRSS.
Happy Valentines to all: 25.media.tumblr.com/6b5eec6ec36a0b…
me irl 25.media.tumblr.com/02ff0edee586f5… after spending three hours carving a linoleum block to discover a mistake i made at the very beginning
...this is basically what I would make up as a parody of a redditor, and nope, there it is, right there in the chat window.
Tie Knots, Random Walks, and Topology (Fink and Mao 1999) tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~tmf20/TIES/PA… (attn @BenjaminFJones)
I just played through The Entertainment—by the same people as Kentucky Route Zero—which was wonderful. I'd like to play it on the Rift, too.
Wreath products have come up in my reading about both music theory and geometry, so I figure they're at least a little important.
Currently writing a MIDI tracker for microtonal music + trying to understand wreath products. …I take on too many new projects, I know.
Cat. 25.media.tumblr.com/7aabe5da69c853…
lifehack: trick southerners into thinking that youre from the south by knowing that cheerwine exists and is delicious
Should I gmail-filter emails from Google+ to trash? Or just report them as spam?
What's great is cooling beer quickly by sticking it directly into a snowdrift.
Here's the SketchUp draft of the shogi set I'm designing/creating: …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/757617033…
For a similar, older language, see Wilkins's Real Character en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Essay_… and Borges' discussion of Wilkins alamut.com/subj/artiface/…
(A friend once described Ithkuil as, "Add as much derivational morphology as humanly possible, and then add some more.")
I posted about a machine translation interlingua yesterday; as an interesting corollary, see the conlang Ithkuil: ithkuil.net
.@acfoltzer slightly longer version: 24.media.tumblr.com/f03f0251e29f2e… (contains either kitty wrestling or kitty hugs, depending on how you look at it)
afaict here is an idea that literally nobody has ever had: create an adaptation of Alice in Wonderland… but DON'T make it "dark and edgy."
...that universal unexamined belief that facts cannot function ideologically because they are "rooted" so to speak in reality.
My brother is arguing for familiarity-with-issues tests as a prereq for voting—and doesn't get how this can exclude voters based on beliefs.
The Lexical Semantics of a Machine Translation Interlingua: rickmor.x10.mx/lexical_semant… (Massive, but kind of amazing.)
what no stateimpact.npr.org/florida/2014/0… this is horrible and stupid and horrible and did i mention horrible
okay so if anyone wants to know—muhteşem yüzyıl is pretty corny and has mediocre special effects. pretty costumes though
Well, actually, I haven't watched any soap operas since last year, when I was actively watching Game of Thrones.
I have all kinds of stuff I both need and want to do. I am instead currently watching a Turkish soap opera. This is reasonably normal.
...blog post likely forthcoming at some point.
I have some ideas about combining the Mezzo's permissions gallium.inria.fr/blog/introduct… with Subject-Oriented Programming en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subject-o…
My god, I love it when you type 'git commit' and it tells you you have ten times as many deletions as insertions.
A History of Mathematical Notations by Florian Cajori, published 1928/1929: monoskop.org/log/?p=9564
I once described the movie Shrek as an "ontological train wreck" and now my brother will never let me forget this.
I had not been previously familiar with W.I.T.C.H.: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s…
Yearly reminder: watching the superbowl "for the ads" is like eating food for the food poisoning.
Notations—a selection of scores edited by John Cage. Pretty spectacular. monoskop.org/images/9/92/Ca…
Working on a set of shogi piece symbols so they'll be easier for 外人 to remember. Inspired by the Bauhaus chess set: media.designconnected.com/vfs/540bf352f0…
@nchaimov Similar, but with non-English grammar as well. I was thinking about doing it with a set of ideograms rather than words.
(For A Change is really great, though, and everyone should play it.)
There is a similar IF game (Dan Schmidt's For A Change ifdb.tads.org/viewgame?id=t6… ) but I want less 'IF Jabberwocky' and more 'IF Toki Pona'.
Reminds me I've always wanted to do an IF piece at least partially in an invented language, where half the challenge is its decipherment.
I spent half an hour last night hand-deciphering the alphabet used in Fez (mostly using cribs—obviously they said 'fez' at some point.)
The go-to example of a universally-believed falsehood is that people in the Middle Ages believed in a flat earth. Ironic, isn't it?
Also I'm not totally comfortable with the flippant, fetishized way that mental illness is sometimes treated in media, and the game did that.
The art style was cool, and Ryan "Dinosaur Comics" North's dialogue had moments, but the gameplay was repetitive and bland.
I played through Stick It To The Man last night, which had some nice aspects, but ultimately I wanted to like it more than I liked it.
I decided to add a feature I wanted to GHCi, dug into the code, and found that it was already there and I just never bothered to check.
The beer I bottled two weeks ago was the Scotch strong ale. It's not bad. Using maple instead of corn sugar for bottling was a good choice.
Seriously—forget Macklemore. Listen to & support LGBT hip-hop artists like Le1f youtube.com/watch?v=Nrnq4S… and Angel Haze youtube.com/watch?v=WVP_Xl…
Also, nobody tell Stephen Wolfram I posted a cellular automata joke. Don't want to encourage him too much.
this is so dorky yet somehow the fact that it exists makes me incredibly happy 31.media.tumblr.com/af1ecacf82a074…
...it's also both the advantage AND disadvantage of algebraic manipulation—doing work despite not having clear referents for symbols.
@worrydream's characterization of programming as "blindly manipulating symbols" was oddly contentious. Not only is it accurate...
...that said, based on what I've seen so far, it'll be the least interesting thing all day. Lots of smart people with fascinating ideas.
My OBT talk is coming up in a few hours. You can see the original proposal and the slides on my site: gdritter.com
Structural regular expressions, semirings, and interactive editing: web.archive.org/web/2012041014…
I'm pleasantly surprised by the number of conversations I've had about Žižek so far at POPL.
My favorite make(1) competitor is still djb's redo github.com/apenwarr/redo It's not perfect but I still use it in lots of my own projects.
If I weren't at POPL I'd probably watch these all immediately openculture.com/2010/07/tarkov…
In the third hotel in two weeks, this time for POPL in San Diego.
Completely useless sentence fragments: "...that one J.J. Abrams show with the pseudoscience."
My copy of the Codex Seraphinianus comes in on Friday, along with Neil Cohn's book on visual linguistics. I'm so excited.
(Watch that, and then watch this vimeo.com/46304267 and notice how much creepier the advertisement was without even trying to be.)
Some of the most dystopian, horrible visions of the future are cluelessly earnest tech demos. Look, I have proof: youtube.com/watch?v=C4VRFu…
I had a file in a code directory called totally-temporary-fifo. It had been there for four months.
My friend's response to Go: "Looks like if someone barfed Java onto C"
…and this whole week was going so well before I got sick. Damn.
I needed Motrin and figured I could get it from the store across the street. …but it was a Whole Foods, and Motrin isn't an herbal tincture.
Spent some time in Palo Alto today for the first time ever, and can confirm that that city has too much money for its own good.
oh my god ambushprinting.squarespace.com/new-products/v… and the codex serafinianus just got reprinted this is a good year for asemic encyclopedia connoisseurs
...and now, having made a bilingual Elvish-English pun, I am required by law and good taste to atone for my sins by self-immolation.
'glam' is Tolkien Elvish for 'cacophonous noise' and by extension 'a group of orcs'—so arguably 'glam rock' is another name for death metal.
city_of_berkeley_-_main_theme.mp3 youtube.com/watch?v=4_X9lv…
Time Magazine tried to predict my politics but their scale didn't have "Pure Communism" on it so technically they were wrong about me.
I knew Urbit was the product of a deranged mind. Finding out the dude behind it is a racist and a monarchist... makes sense, actually.
I was just told that I was, "a never-ending cat link machine." I can think of nothing more complimentary than that.
Today's Interesting Unused Idea: Harrison and Osher 1993, Subject-Oriented Programming (A Critique of Pure Objects)
I regularly find papers two decades old with amazing yet never-used ideas. Makes me want to punch computer science in the face.
There IS a Kindle version of Morris' Wood Beyond The World—but my phsical one is a reproduction of the Kelmscott printing and so is superior
people keep telling me to use a Kindle but there's no Kindle edition of D&G's Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia so what's the point
@thedagit Just write an S-Expression based syntax that gets compiled to VHDL. Because S-Expressions are the Best Syntax, of course.
I'm back in People's Cafe in Berkeley. I'm kind of nostalgic for the arduous late-night study sessions I had here.
My brother was asking for suggestions as to what to name his blog. I suggested "Grand Theft Declaration of Independence."
I just bottled a beer, but due to lack of labeling, I don't actually know what beer it was. Either a brown ale or a strong Scotch ale.
"The Six Things I Can't Live Without: 1. Phonetics 2. Phonology & Morphology 3. Syntax 4. Semantics 5. Pragmatics 6. Orthography"
hliehhende hlude :þ
For the first time in years, I learned about a new C feature (designated initializers for arrays). I hadn't seen it before this week. Weird.
@rhiannonstone I'm going to be in Oakland next week for a work trip! I can figure out an ice cream transport mechanism by then, right?
@rhiannonstone Salt & Straw (Portland ice cream place about a block from my house) currently has a candy cap + port ice cream. It's amazing.
I name all my software projects using clang association.
My shipment of candy cap mushrooms arrived yesterday. Considering what kind of delicious mushroomey dessert to make first.
More accurately, we need more people willing to look critically/skeptically at the sociological and political effects of new technologies.
...very large rocks.
Look, I know I retweet his stuff a lot, but I just really appreciate @evgenymorozov. We need more people to throw rocks at Silicon Valley.
Yes, this is an old Scottish recipe for making beer with chicken: brewery.org/brewery/cm3/re…
The odds I'm going to read this entire original-language copy of Война и миръ are basically zero, but I want to have it on hand anyway.
@coast_to_coast @BenjaminFJones The other is Keep Papers From Flying Away By Putting Your Phone On Top Of Them. It's very advanced.
So I'm upgrading to a less dumb dumbphone. Of course I'm not upgrading to a smartphone. I have principles. They're dumb, but I have 'em.
I tried using a $25 dumbphone for ~4 months. The problem is that it's bad at making calls, which is literally half of the features it has.
Executing code on the microcontrollers contained within SD cards and other flash memory: bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=3554
I've been at home for a touch over a week now. My dumbphone has needed no charging since I arrived. It's about half charged.
I made a flag for my brother's Animal Crossing village: …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/715990447…
Actual opinions from my hometown: "No, that's not racist! That's just stereotyping. That's just making generalizations."
@rhiannonstone That's the attitude I have. I still have a reading list a mile high—not to mention my Netflix queue and Steam inventory.
e.g. I have a strong distaste for Bioshock: Infinite due to cultural osmosis, to the degree that I refuse to actually play it.
The Twilight Dilemma: When you dislike something to the degree you aren't willing to experience it firsthand to justify that distaste.
Another interesting historical theocratic takeover, kind of like a Renaissance Waco: the Anabaptist-led Münster Rebellion of 1534-1535.
Basically Hong Xiuquan and his kingdom are a strange part of history (and little-known in the West) and really interesting to read about.
...but then they enforced strict separation of sexes, and not even married couples were allowed to live together.
While militaristic and theocratic, the Heavenly Kingdom did have progressive policies like abolishing class and making the sexes equal.
The Taiping Rebellion is just a really weird part of history. "Yeah, our leader says he's Jesus's brother. Let's go take over Nanjing."
I had my mother watch Žižek's Pervert's Guide to Cinema recently. She had a family friend watch it tonight. 'Twas a Merry Christmas.
Now that I'm no longer (that) sick, I spent today seeing high school friends, making manhattans, and doing block printing.
I'm really very depressing. I end every fairy-tale I tell with a sad ending: "…and thus the structure of global capitalism remained intact."
...I feel those tweets weren't all that well-phrased—thank my 101° fever—but there's a kernel of an idea in them somewhere.
The cynical distance that Dogecoin provides—"of course it's a joke"—is what allows the capitalistic structure of cryptocurrency to continue.
Bitcoin advocates are clearly quite serious, Dogecoin advocates silly/sarcastic, and yet... they're taking part in the same activities.
Dogecoin is a great example of Žižek's cynicism-as-ideology, i.e. "They know very well what they are doing, but still, they are doing it."
@ntcomplete I can really, really relate.
If you're looking to avoid MRAs, you could probably use this handy field guide to what is and isn't a fedora: i.imgur.com/4H2z0tq.jpg
@rhiannonstone I don't know. I figured not every girl is into Perl-compatible regular expressions. Maybe best to stick with /heyy*/?
when flirting with someone online whats the correct number of ys to use in 'heyyy'? if theyre a programmer can you write /hey{5}/ instead?
.@acfoltzer Где Яйцо? videlectrix.com/wheresanegg.ht… and the instructions videlectrix.com/eggction.html
I've never actually met a redneck who thought pro wrestling was real. OTOH, I HAVE met upper-middle class people who thought TED was real.
I'm filled with countless microorganisms and bacteria, so technically I'm not drinking alone.
Two of the books I got were William Morris books—one of them a reproduction of the original Kelmscott printing. William Morris is my hero.
The alternative was to break my other standing rule about acquiring every R.A. Lafferty book I find. Unthinkable.
"I'm just going to Powell's to buy gifts, nothing for myself." One of many lies I tell myself.
...luckily, Photoshop.
shit I literally pick up a finished just-inked drawing and it smudges this is why I'm a shitty artist
I am consistently surprised by how often I actually use Union-Find disjoint sets in practice.
@rhiannonstone I'll be in Visalia, at least, which isn't all THAT far away. I very well might be able to make it to the bay one day.
@rhiannonstone Rum is traditional in America, brandy in England. I want to try both. I should also try e.g. akvavit or non-bourbon whiskeys…
(The spiked eggnog ice cream from Salt & Straw I'm told contains tequila, so it's not an idea totally out of left field.)
Every time I make eggnog, it gets better. I need to experiment with using different boozes, esp. brandy, tequila, as I always use bourbon.
This remains my favorite vegan recipe, although I usually substitute rice or barley for the quinoa: veganyumyum.com/2008/06/sweet-…
@coast_to_coast Called the traffic cops. Saw from the window that they arrived at the same time that the people got back to their car.
@acfoltzer I feel like seeing the words "threat model" is a good heuristic for believing that a person knows what they're talking about.
...someone parked on the street right in front of our driveway, blocking me in. Fucking seriously?
@acfoltzer Do you have any opinions on Pond? (I have no idea about it, but my compsec friend found it interesting.)
(Disclaimer: I don't play a lot of games. That said, I'm 100% correct on this.)
As it stands, my picks for Games of the Year are Kentucky Route Zero, Gone Home, and Sabbat, all for very different reasons.
If you think you need to encode text in some format that's not UTF-8, then you are wrong. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Reminder that there are people who take @zizek_ebooks seriously and it's hilarious: 25.media.tumblr.com/d9d627e659cb57…
Listen—there's a war on Christmas going on. Everyone needs to do their part. If we work together, we can have Christmas beat within a year.
I can't fully articulate what it is I dislike about Upworthy. I can articulate the low-hanging fruit, but there's something more there.
The scary thing is that are people who read my last tweet and think it's a funny idea. IT'S NOT. DON'T DO IT. YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR.
my plan is to get knuckle tats that say DOGE MEME and on the knuckles below that SUCH TATS
my plan is to get knuckle tats that say NUKL TATS
Only one boss fight away from the end of the 3DS Zelda. I've enjoyed it, although I will say it was never particularly challenging.
If I could live in the alternate universe where we had HBO's Silmarillion instead of HBO's Game of Thrones, I'd be very very happy.
I could have done without a film of The Hobbit. On the other hand, what we really need is a show or miniseries of The Silmarillion.
If I had to list the Greatest Music Videos of All Time, this would at the very least be in top few: youtube.com/watch?v=5GOZjl…
@pike7464 @computermuseum ...mine actually looks almost exactly like the second one from the left: cellphone-preview.com/wp-content/upl…
If I am starting a program for which Go is an appropriate choice, I will write it in Haskell instead. I can't think of any exceptions.
I understand why people mention them together, but it's still wrong to think that Rust and Go are competing for the same language niche.
Has anyone started compiling a list of restaurant that ban people wearing Google Glass? That'd be useful. I want to support those places.
Tried a Jupiter tonight. Gin, dry vermouth, small amounts of orange juice and parfait amour. Very good.
[Mediocre] sketching and [mediocre] pixel art. I really should post more art online. It might force me to improve. …efireattheshoemakersestate.tumblr.com/post/690645566…
Since I last tried it, this cherry soda I made has gotten much fizzier and mildly more alcoholic, but unfortunately also less tasty.
I need to remember to give my Steam username to more people, so I'll start by mentioning here that I'm GettyLeFou on Steam.
"We do BOTH kinds of exercise here—cleans AND jerks."
My brother is a big fitness nerd—he's always asking me about my "routine", my diet, &c. I tell him, "I put heavy stuff on bars and lift it."
@paul_pearce (Using curl to access server w/ short timeout. Redirecting stderr meant curl took less time, so it didn't hit the timeout.)
@paul_pearce It "wasn't working" in the sense of running but giving incorrect answers. I figured it out. It was only partially my fault.
This shell script doesn't work correctly… unless I redirect its stderr. It also works if I copy/paste the whole thing to a shell. …wh-what
I just had to delete a file whose name was *. Guess what I did wrong.
All the SDL image loading functions take filenames, not bytestrings. This is causing problems for me but I'm too lazy to write my own.
Basically this is all you need to know about Banksy: 24.media.tumblr.com/6bf56d0f4a1481…
Technology itself is great. However—technology applied haphazardly without regard to consequences is one of the biggest problems of our age.
…actually, I'd rather not live in a future with drone delivery in general. Luckily, the Amazon drones are just a publicity stunt, but still.
I'd rather people work towards a future in which fewer goods are bought/used than towrds a future in which goods are delivered by drones.
I'm pretty sure sitting in an airport with no wifi while being forced to listen to Christmas music constitutes torture of some kind.
Observation: according to TV, ideal love is the kind at the beginning of a relationship. Love is strongest if it is "like the day you met."
@rhiannonstone My mother made her own booze advent calendar with little burlap sacks with tiny bottles for each day.
I really want to make a Tron christmas tree, with ornaments that look like Bit and, instead of an angel, a Master Control Program on top.
I make the best grilled cheese sandwiches. They include asparagus sautéed in bacon fat, crumbled bacon, mozzarella, and gouda.
@rhiannonstone She says, "Rock or hard rock." My dad offered, "Prog rock?" and she looked really confused.
She gets close, but doesn't quite grasp the differences. "Oh, there's a mandolin? No, that's bluegrass."
My mother is not good at identifying musical genres. Garbage is 'heavy metal', anything remotely folk-ish is 'bluegrass', &c.
I think my dream job is being an NPC in an old Zelda game—mostly giving esoteric advice, occasionally handing out swords.
I joined a wine club today. I'm simultaneously excited [for wine] and ashamed [at how bourgeois the joining of a wine club is].
This recipe's "active time" is greater than its "total time", which I think means the food is cooked by sending it back in time.
me irl 24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltonl5Y…
@EmpressCortana @psychologicaI I misread that as 'heavy metal stimulation' and then wondered why I wasn't smarter in high school then.
(e.g. the tablet idea of monolithic apps is bad for large-form touchscreens. You want smaller programs w/ graphical composition abilities.)
I'm still reasonably convinced that table-sized touchscreens could be a good idea if people specifically designed software for them.
...that time I tried to explain the postmodern approach to literature using negative types and codata as an illustrative metaphor.
Those "restored my faith in humanity!" image sets propose that such acts are unusual/notable, i.e. provide evidence for a cynical worldview.
I very much enjoyed The Pervert's Guide to Ideology, and also used the opportunity to introduce Žižek to unsuspecting friends/acquaintances.
Doctor Who fans on Twitter during whatever Doctor Who thing is happening are way, way noisier than sports fans on Twitter during big games.
In Seattle for the weekend. Also, submitted my dorky personal project to POPL OBT today; you can read about it here: gdritter.com/gdritter-latka…
@theg5prank It's useful if you are doing basically just function composition in Haskell. Point-free in e.g. Python is grounds for execution.
I got some Abbot's Bitters last night (for a total of five bitters in my collection) and it is spectacular in Manhattans.
I missed that R7RS-small was ratified the other day: lists.scheme-reports.org/pipermail/sche… (I flipped through the report. Yup. Definitely Scheme.)
I feel like my house went directly from "too hot when you get home" to "too cold when you get home" with no intervening period.
My quotes file dates back to high school and so has some parts that reflect a far less mature Getty, but I feel weird about deleting them.
Okay, my $25 phone experiment is basically a failure—the voice quality is abysmally bad. Now to start looking for a better dumbphone.
Sorry for the selfie, everyone: 24.media.tumblr.com/403a5c81c3c466…
Here is a thing I wrote last night about a shell I'd like to write some day blog.librarianofalexandria.com/post/2013/11/1… (…when I have extra yak-shaving time.)
My criteria are 1. plays MP3s 2. upwards of 120GB of storage 3. doesn't connect to the internet. I might just end up building one.
I would rather like to have a proper MP3 player again, but given my criteria, my choices are iPod Classic, and… well, that's it. So nope.
I apparently had a 'Google profile' I never created. I had to first sign up for Google+ in order to get to the menu to delete it. ARGH
mpsh, a shell with some interesting ideas about job control, among other things: cca.org/mpsh/theory.ht…
@SyntaxPolice s/feel like/be/
You know that feeling where you finish a piece of art you thought was gonna be terrible, and it turns out pretty good? ...well, I don't.
There are some decent art programs that run on Linux—e.g. MyPaint is actually quite nice—but GIMP is still a giant piece of crap.
(I'm writing a very basic text adventure game from scratch for practice purposes. I don't think I've ever written a proper game in Haskell.)
I'm implementing a rough Haskell approximation of a Component-Entity system by wrapping it in a State monad. It's... actually kind of nice.
Apparently some people think the Coin payment thingy is a bad idea... because they'd rather use Bitcoin. hahahahahAHAHAHAHAAA
"You're telling me that the set of all numbers is uncountably infinite?" "Yeah, for reals."
I was just asked to recommend tech-critical essays because I'm apparently the resident luddite. I frankly think that's awesome.
I'm only two chapters into Reza Negarestani's Cyclonopedia: Complicity With Anonymous Materials, but it's already amazing.
I like when someone admits they don't like something they think you like—you quickly see the shift from "I'm not a fan…" to "What bullshit!"
(Not that it would suffice to save them.)
I want to write a children's book about a fish and a cat—Gills Deleuze and Feline Guattari—as they search for some remaining smooth space.
.@EmpressCortana I usually let tabs accrete up to around 60 before culling back down. My record is I think 130.
@schakalsynthetc @3fingeredfox I don't mean to say that they're correct in believing that, merely that that is what they might believe.
@schakalsynthetc @3fingeredfox —distinguish sex-as-act and sex-as-drive and then see their asexuality as a response solely to the drive.
@schakalsynthetc @3fingeredfox I agree in general—my clarification was that an asexual might not SEE asexuality as radical if they—
@schakalsynthetc @3fingeredfox ...but they all eventually stopped identifying as asexual, so maybe it's wrong to draw conclusions from them.
@schakalsynthetc @3fingeredfox The "asexuals" I've met would describe asexuality as triumph over biology and freedom from human nature.
@3fingeredfox I'm hypothesizing wildly—I personally know no asexuals, but I know people who adopt "above sexuality" as part of an identity.
@3fingeredfox If one conflates sexuality and power—as many do—then asexuality is seen as power over sexuality, i.e. power over power itself.
@3fingeredfox Current attitudes w/r/t sexuality are often about power and power disparity—which may be the key to understanding asexuality.
I sometimes confuse Diego de Landa (16th c. Spanish priest) and Manuel de Landa (philosopher.) I'd be bad at teaching philosophy. Or Mayan.
i.e. "If there's a problem, it's a problem resulting from incomplete understanding of facts." This is sometimes true, but also often false.
Weirdly, I have a similar issue with both Noam Chomsky and Silicon Valley—they believe that all problems can be solved with more facts/data.
I made a blackboard and am going to make a bunch of smaller ones soon. Blackboards are the best. chalk 4 eva / old skool represent
I love the hell out of point-free Haskell, but I'm learning that point-free Python is basically the worst thing ever.
Basically, imagine that MC Escher painted a picture of code benchmarking, and you've got the general idea.
...also running bash scripts on those machines which communicate via netcat w/ each other and a server which then updates my xmobar.
I'm running tmux over ssh inside tmux inside screen over ssh.

Don't look at me like that. Stop it.
Bad idea: double-shot of espresso added to drip coffee (a "redeye"). OTOH now I can see infinity. So I got that going for me. Which is nice.
I got three compliments on my turtleneck today—much to the chagrin of the many people who've been trying to get me to stop wearing them.
shit my employer follows me on twitter so i should be mature & not talk about butts *ahem ahem* Fellow responsible adults: butts WAIT I MEAN
The Intuitionistic Programming Language intuitionistic.org which compiles to very clean, efficient LLVM bytecode.
There are some language features I can't tell if I admire or am disgusted by. REBOL's massive set of datatype literals is one such example.
I do not understand Google's perpetual drive to make their remaining useful products increasingly useless and terrible.
I wonder who I'd have to kill to get a print of that Kilian Eng poster for Jodorowsky's Dune: 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mav987I…
I was Lenin for Halloween and wore a button that said '♥ Marx', but it got washed off by the rain. I should remake it and wear it everyday.
(I like Mignola's Hellboy short comics more. They're not just find-monster-and-fight-it stories—they have folklore and history behind them.)
So a short comic needs to have a uniquely strong kind of writing and direction, which maybe one in ten B.P.R.D. stories actually do.
Short comics can be very cool, but they're less dense than e.g. short stories, so a five-page comic feels incredibly insubstantial to me.
I think my conclusion is that I like the idea of B.P.R.D. way more than I actually like B.P.R.D. in practice.
@acfoltzer All the day names are just the names of plants, animals, and tools in French. The month names were new Latinate words.
Luckily, not only did said calendar have new month names, it had a name for every single day of the year. I probably won't run out of names.
I'm crap at finishing game engines—also naming them. I have four and they are all named after months from the French Revolutionary calendar.
I'm happy about Twitter's inline picture thing, because it gives me more opportunities to be smug about using twittering-mode for emacs.
i wanted to bro down w/ my computer so i typed in 'man time' but apparently it just wanted to tell me about unix commands
I kind of want to rewatch Upstream Color now. Or maybe I should just alternate Primer and Upstream Color until I've gone entirely insane.
To wit, Ender is a reprehensible character—a mass murderer, in fact—but the narrative is constructed entirely to absolve him of blame.
Even ignoring Orson Scott Card as a person, I have some pretty strong problems with Ender's Game and its treatment of morality and ethics.
Charles Mackay at one point discussed what are effectively Victorian-era memes: gutenberg.org/files/24518/24… (They're as unfunny as modern ones.)
Here is a very good discussion of the Penny Arcade controversies using Hegel as a guide: threefingeredfox.net/?p=50
@BenjaminFJones @acfoltzer Here's a reasonably good explanation: words.steveklabnik.com/deleuze-for-de…
Andrei Tarkovsky’s Покемон ohnoproblems.tumblr.com/post/650651476… (mostly for @acfoltzer)
I should be wearing glasses at the gym—the weights I thought were 10kg were actually 25kg. In others news, I have a new front squat record.

That's the joke.
Discourse on the Otter: discourseontheotter.tumblr.com
@betalister I'm an IWTF (Introverted Weird Thinking Freak). The corresponding role variant in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter is Crackpot.
@paul_pearce My parents insisted on having it framed. After that, I promptly put it in my closet (or maybe basement) and forgot about it.
This evening I invoked Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations to justify being single. I'd be lying if I said that was the first time.
I like when C++ people say C++11 makes C++ more pleasant to program in because they're tacitly admitting they found it excruciating before.
@rhiannonstone Pssh. That only makes your decorations spookier. Leave that letter on the door for maximum scares for the trick-or-treaters.
"Hey bro, do you even disbelieve that a smooth space will suffice to save us?"
I've started drinking protein shakes—but only while listening to John Cage and reading Deleuze so the pretension can outweigh the bro-itude.
I'm naming all my Pokémon after philosophers, mathematicians, &c—apparently, they check for profanity, so I couldn't name one Heraclitus.
If I wrote something about Russian surrealist writer and OBERIU member Daniil Kharms, I would logically be forced to name it In Kharms' Way.
@acfoltzer I'm not seeing Oregon on the list of places to see Žižek's new movie zeitgeistfilms.com/playdates_new.… but it is subject to change.
@acfoltzer I considered getting fedora/utilikilt/Bitcoin shirt/MLP doll for a Halloween costume—but then I would actually own those things.
(Mostly it's notation—I've implemented it and have a good intuition of how it actually works—but writing the big-step semantics is hard.)
I'm writing the semantics for a language w/ probabalistic nondeterminism, and also evaluation order determined at binding site. ow my brain
I once would have said, "I get to write Python at work." Now I say, "I have to." (Python's a good language, but I don't love it any more.)
I still haven't read that Oatmeal comic going around. My /etc/hosts redirects all Oatmeal links to webcomics that aren't complete bullshit.
First year of Foldedmetals is complete! My writeup (sans pictures, which are to come) is here: khuzd.librarianofalexandria.com/2013/10/folded… (not a lot happens)
Turns out, he thinks relative clauses are participles, and also that all relative clauses apply to the sentence's subject. I don't even...
My brother has been texting about dangling participles in the books he's reading. He then sends me sentences with no participles at all.
Speaking of Dwarf Fortress... gdritter.com/images/strike-…
The fortress of Foldedmetals has been started and is going well, although I'm keeping an eye on that pack of badger-boars...
So far: a beer at Bailey's, three whiskeys at the Multnomah Whiskey Library, and an Old Fashioned in NW Portland. More to come.
I'm under the impression that some people on the internet haven't seen this video. That is a Damn Shame. youtube.com/watch?v=IJlual…
Tesla-vs-Edison is SO played out. When will we start seeing shitty, inaccurate, emotionally charged Newton-vs-Leibniz comics and articles?
hey check it out im banksy im draw soldier and pop culture symbol and rat because cocacola and america lol so meaningful rite
I'm reasonably sure that the funniest thing I see on Twitter are the Promoted Tweets... except then I realize they're real and I get sad.
(Nabokov described poshlost' as "...mainly the falsely important, the falsely beautiful, the falsely clever, the falsely attractive.")
The big problem I have with geek culture is succinctly and subtly captured by the Russian word пошлость (poshlost'). I should write on this.
I'm listening to an album of music composed by cellular automata. I'm sad it isn't called 'A New Kind of Music'. (...or 'Rechnender Laut'.)
I keep seeing promoted tweets about "quantified self" and how technology fosters self-awareness. i.imgur.com/TaTdV.gif
"Curiosity killed the cat; loathsome rituals BROUGHT IT BACK"
HUGPUNX: "a fluoro-pink queer urban hugging simulator". I appreciate any game that lets you hug cats. mkopas.net/2013/06/hugpun…
@rhiannonstone I so wish. You can play it here dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ex6216bgdr7e… if you feel like playing a text-based demon-summoning simulation.
I just played a video game in which one of my body parts was transformed into a blasphemous goat's head that quoted Žižek. No, seriously.
@acfoltzer It's a dog-whistle argument; people who already agree will still agree, and people won't don't still won't.
(I'm not unsympathetic to gun ownership. There are good arguments for it. I just don't think my brother has ever used any of them.)
My brother explained to me that gun ownership is an inalienable right, as it is necessary for the right to life. I just... what?
I just had a robot roll up to me at work after a coworker finished assembling it over by the 3D printer. This is what the future is like.
@BenjaminFJones @SyntaxPolice @thedagit @jtdaugherty @acfoltzer Galoisfield. He hates mon...ads. And lives with Jon Launchbuckle.
"Warning: The package list for 'hackage.haskell.org' is 367 days old." That's gotta be a record or something.
I really do appreciate the fact that Assassin's Creed 3 features actual Native American actors performing actual Kanien'keha:ka dialogue.
This is the best commentary I've read so far about the @Horse_ebooks reveal: christopherwhitman.net/blog/?p=664
I was able to follow Upstream Color on first viewing much better than I could with Primer, which is really not saying all that much.
Coloring outside lines allows you a simulacrum of freedom while leaving the lines themselves unharmed—this I claim is ideology at its purest
Why exactly is 'coloring outside the lines' a good thing? Coloring outside the lines doesn't produce good art, only terrible drawings.
Things are only intuitive w/r/t prior experience. When you hear 'intuitive', mentally add, '...if your experiences are similar to mine.'
If someone says that such-and-such a programming language feature is 'intuitive'—SHANK THEM. The world is better off without their scum.
I've posted this elsewhere recently, but for good measure: I write surrealist short stories; you can read them here librarianofalexandria.com/category/fasci…
I want to find a copy of this book to keep at work: cca.org/blog/20110918-…
Strong Scotch ale brewing today. The amber is likely ready for bottling, but we're leaving it a bit longer for good measure.
(Also, I would have to own a utilikilt, and that's not worth it. Utilikilts: Not Even Once.)
I wanted to be a redditor for Halloween—utilikilt, MLP shirt, fedora, 'ASK ME ABOUT BITCOIN' button—but people might not realize it's a joke
After having actually read Andrea Dworkin I am infuriated by the sheer number of people who misrepresent/misunderstand Andrea Dworkin.
I'm working on a small library for quickly writing roguelikes in Haskell. Its working name is Carpet. Carpets are ruglike.
...because handing over your genome/medical data to a big data huckster is a GREAT idea because nevermind I need a drink
Y'know in horror movies, a dude says, "I'mma go in there," and you say, "No! Horrible idea!" but can't stop it? Well—Google's medical thing.
Here is an incredibly petty complaint I had about Haskell records today blog.librarianofalexandria.com/post/2013/09/1… and that's about that.
JoCaml—OCaml extended with primitives from Join calculus—looks pretty interesting sites.google.com/site/winitzki/…
Oh, yes—Chinese has coverbs. If only I knew someone who knew both Chinese and category theory. The jokes would be ENDLESS probably
The graphics card is installed—which is the easy part. The hard part is trying to get my second hard drive back into the case somehow.
...I'll never let go, Žižek. I promise.
I present you my greatest find: a gif of Slavoj Žižek reënacting the death of Jack from Titanic i.minus.com/id45b3LAWc6hY.…
Today's project was peanut-and-coke sorbet (seriouseats.com/recipes/2013/0…) and it was delicious.
Is it even sensible to apply Shannon entropy to genetics? My kneejerk thought is yes, but I know almost nothing about either, frankly.
Hmm... could you apply information theory to determine a minimum viable population size (as a function of e.g. Shannon entropy of genomes)?
I think my biggest problem with cabal is that it does not offer the WTFPL as one of its license choices.
Today was an impromptu brew day. Very basic amber ale in the making.
Fun game: try to come up with a syllable that, when combined with -lynn, is not already the name of a white girl somewhere. (It's not easy.)
@rhiannonstone (And frankly, I find Gaiman's emphasis on 'children are so great; adults, man, what up with that?' to be shallow and boring.)
@rhiannonstone It's a pretty short and enjoyable read, so if you have it, read it, but I kind of just want to reread L'Engle now, myself.
I read Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane last night. It felt vaguely like A Wrinkle in Time fanfiction. Wasn't bad. Wasn't great.
Poor yet artistic people in movies always live in these awesome giant warehouses. I wonder what the rent's like on those in real life.
PACIFIC NORTHWEST PEOPLE: a friend of mine needs someone to look after her two cats for ~2 months. Anyone think they might be able to?
A note is either A♭ or one half-step above another note. That's the foundation of Piano numbers.
As far as I understand, disliking universally loved things makes you either a hipster or a jerk. Or both: blog.librarianofalexandria.com/post/2013/09/0…
At this point, I'd only ever consider attend PAX again if the Penny Arcade guys choose to hand off PAX leadership to someone else.
I should do tab bookkeeping more often. I usually drill down and start closing when I hit 50. I was at 75 open tabs; just pared down to 6.
I was doing the problems in an abstract algebra textbook tonight, as I know almost nothing about the theory for which my employer was named.
Use agit8r to engage with and then destroy your favorite brands! Interact with your friends and earn points as you unmake global capitalism!
Check out my new startup, Agit8r. Our plan is to de-monetize and then disrupt the marketplace. No, like, the whole market. For anything.
"'Course, we got BOTH kinds of music—country AND high-speed technical Nordic black thrash post-metal."
Icewine is the most sugary thing I will drink. The name sounds like something a barbarian from the frozen wastes would drink. Totally metal.
I did some stuff today, like making a new quill pen and grilling kebabs and making/eating more elotes. And now—to finish with ice wine.
I'm going to count the gluten-free chicken pot pie I made tonight as a success w/ room for improvement. Next up is blackberry ice cream.
@EmpressCortana Have you seen some of the people at PAX? Twice as often as never is still never.
I have work to finish, but I also have Ryan North's To Be Or Not To Be and Papanek & Hennesey's Nomadic Furniture waiting for me at home.
Paul Graham posted an I'm-not-a-racist thing. I almost read the HN comments, but I'd rather retain the little faith in humanity I have left.
I live on a street with lots of prayer flags, but I want to put up blasphemy flags. They carry sacrilege whenever the wind blows them.
I made elotes tonight. This... is the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. seriouseats.com/recipes/2013/0…
@rhiannonstone It was pretty poor transcription, a mix of phonetic and phonemic. That's how you know it wasn't me.
I just saw some graffiti in the international phonetic alphabet. And I wasn't the one who put it there, either.
I think I can say with confidence that Assassin's Creed 3 is the best American Revolutionary War fanfic game I've played. Or the only one.
Yes, Macklemore is the first rapper to openly support LGBT causes. ...if you only count rappers marketed to your demo. ...and ignore Eminem.
20 Amazing True Facts About Introverts And Extroverts: coyot.es/crossing/2013/…
My bas-relief carvings suck. ...probably because I'm untrained. Also using the wrong materials and tools. Also this is my first time trying.
I've been painting walls, doing laundry, cleaning, &c all day. It feels wonderful. Is this what getting old is like? Am I... going to die?
I thought about going to the Kaleidoscope music festival (Com Truise! Empire of the Sun! Nas!) but my laziness has won out. Some other time.
data Mebbe x = Nuffin' | Jes' x -- I like to program in Cockney eye-dialect
I think my fear is not that the world's coming to 1984—not even that it's coming to Brave New World—but that it's coming to Brazil.
imma be so mad if in the upcoming film gravity clooney never picks up a mic & say "dammit houston u dont grasp the GRAVITY of our situation"
A diet whose literature claims it's "changing the way people eat," which is really just the minimum criteria for being called a diet.
(Frankly, 'good grammar is sexy' pisses me off because it's totally ignorant of how language works and has strongly classist motivation.)
Y'know what's just as sexy as good grammar? Bad grammar. Y'know what's sexier than either? Good thoughts, expressed w/ any grammar you want.
Ken Isaacs' How To Build Your Own Living Structures has some (hippie) ideas w/r/t use of vertical space in furniture: issuu.com/golfstromen/do…
I sometimes consider learning about furniture construction, because frankly, existing furniture makes horrible use of vertical space.
It's not really that my brother argues with me. It's more that he's often very loudly wrong.
My brother tries to insult me by calling me a radical feminist. The most insulting thing about that is that he thinks it's insulting.
...except instead of being more white-haired than I remember, they were just... not robots.
You know the feeling when you see the Who's Line crew and they're all white-haired and older? That's what watching Rifftrax Live felt like.
Faust looks really interesting: faust.grame.fr A small language for DSP, compiles to several executable and documentation formats
@acfoltzer 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l9v8rsX…
@acfoltzer Yes, and so on, and so forth—but what if the opposite is true?
@rhiannonstone I think the major difference is that, in contrast to Lakoff, Žižek never asked me to teach him how to use Facebook.
(Žižek has the disadvantage that he's got about 10 books' worth of insights, but he's written 50 books out of them. Lots of retreading.)
(I love me some Žižek, but if a person were to read the works of only one lefty commie philosopher, that philosopher ought to be Deleuze.)
Deleuze (& Guattari) are the best. "Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture" cddc.vt.edu/host/delanda/p…
Fandom people like using ! in certain phrases, e.g. evil!Abed, grimdark!Rose, &c. OTOH none of them can explain its branching or precedence.
.@jtdaugherty Among other things: plain poor timing, trains mysteriously becoming different lines, and arrests at gunpoint blocking the road
I had some pretty horrible luck tonight. The journey from airport to home took longer than the flight from Long Beach to Portland.
The Dystopian Lottery Council won't penalize you for your past indiscretions, but seriously, enough is enough. No more.
Buying a 'Keep Calm & Carry On' parody shirt should henceforth enter your name in a lottery. One of those dystopian population control ones.
After two hours of runtime type errors, I have a suggestion for improving the Python language: make /usr/bin/python a symlink to runhaskell
"Yes, I make anime-programming jokes on Twitter. No, you're right, I am single. How did you ever guess?"
I recall that Naruto had only one ninja move & used it every fight—basically like writing Java. "How should we—" "STRATEGY-FACTORY NO JUTSU"
I wish I could swear like a sailor. Can I learn somewhere? Coursera? Khan Academy?
I had a terrifying, sort-of-post-apocalyptic dream last night involving both bus schedules and albedo. It might become a short story.
I've got a box full of bonsai-making equipment and quite a few seeds. Looking forward to starting my old hobby again.
"Kill superheroes! Tell your own dreams." —Alejandro Jodorowsky's advice to graphic novelists
A friend recently told me I should stop wearing turtlenecks as they make me look like an old man... which is why I continue to wear them.
Sometimes I think I'm too harsh in mocking my mom's taste in movies—but then I remember she loves Joe Dirt and dislikes The Big Lebowski.
Apparently we're using IPv6. I discovered this when Google thought I was in a suspicious location and wouldn't let me sign in.
"This has been today's Bikeshed Minute. Tune in next time, when we flame people over the choice between -> and =>! I'm lookin' at you, SML!"
I have lots of petty syntactic complaints about OCaml, but my biggest petty complaint is that [1,2] means (1,2)::[] and not 1::2::[].
Fun fact during intermission: I started listening to Rush before I was born. My mother would put headphones on her belly & play Tom Sawyer.
I can't bring myself to believe that a loving, beneficent god would allow humanity to create something as horrific as iTunes.
'Ghoti' is not pronounced like 'fish'. English spelling has rules. The fact that you don't understand them doesn't mean they don't exist.
gesichtbuchrückgangfreude, n. pleasure derived from watching old classmates' Facebook pictures become increasingly suburban & banal with age
Okay, so, my faith in The Old Reader has dropped tremendously. Thinking now of hosting my own RSS reader.
I'm told nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. I've tried eating nothing. It tastes bland. I can only surmise skinny feels boring as shit.
Pattern-matching is now sufficiently non-strict. All that's left for the Haskell reimplementation of my toy language is the parser.
My implementation seemed a lot more faithful to the semantics when the semantics were just in my head.
Spent most of my plane flight implementing an interpreter. Realized I made it excessively eager in pattern-matching. Needs work. Oh well.
Is there a standard name for `foldr (=<<) ∘ return`? I use it a surprising amount but don't have a good name for it.
Prince-Bishop Franz von Waldeck, who helped put down the Münster Rebellion, was really a Catabaptist, if you think about it.
I suspect that Myst was directly inspired by the experience of trying to operate someone else's shower.
I've been playing around with Rust. Here's a CBV λ-calculus interpreter I tossed together with my limited skill: gist.github.com/aisamanra/5973…
@jtdaugherty Punctuation is considered a sign of weakness in most cultures (unless you count the at- and pound-signs, which signify power)
My ice cream parlor would only carry the four flavors: Strange, Charm, Top, and Rocky Road.
If I had a combination-coffee-shop-and-yoga-studio I'd name it Cappu-qi-no.
I'mma be in the bay area this weekend. It's been... a surprisingly long time since I've been there.
(My truncation of the quote changes its implication, as Marx was an atheist; he's calling for substantial discussion instead of labeling.)
(Source for previous quote: letter from Karl Marx to Arnold Ruge, Nov. 30th, 1842: marxists.org/archive/marx/w… )
"[Atheists are like] children, assuring everyone who is ready to listen to them that they are not afraid of the bogy man." —Marx on Reddit
This afternoon: went skydiving. Very cool. Not sure what awesome death-defying activity to do next, though. Lion taming?
I'm only watching the second episode of Les Revenants, but so far, it's very interesting.
I gave it one last try, and have now resolved that I don't actually enjoy Game of Thrones and am going to stop forcing myself to watch it.
Spherification: success. Gin and globules of juice.
If the 13th Doctor were Bill Bailey, I'd watch Who again. I'd watch anything with Bill Bailey. If he were on FOX News I'd watch it nightly.
@rhiannonstone I knew what you meant—but 'maul security' made me picture a schlocky horror film. "Five teens on the run—from THE MAUL COP"
@EmpressCortana The future's so horribly fucking dark, we gotta wear shades.
It's usually presented as 'wine culture is stupid', but isn't it possible it implies something else, e.g. 'visual stimuli influence taste'?
In fact, it was a study of undergrads, and it found they used similar words in describing the red and a tinted white. That's it.
People often cite F. Brochet's paper where he tricked wine experts into thinking a white wine was red... except that's not what happened.
LESSON: String processing in Excel formulas is almost as bad as string processing in C. Not quite as bad, though.
I was making a joke, but Google has revealed that there are nearly 10000 results for 'memecore' and that's it, humanity is over, gg guys
yo im mc redditor & im comin at u w/ my new memecore album 'why cant i hold all these rhymes' feat. mc rageface & copious amounts of sexism
The Curious Case of the Mysterious Appearing Apple Brandy has been cracked. MYSTERY: SOLVED
My roommate and I found a bottle of booze on the living room table yesterday. Neither of us knows where it's from or how it got there.
At one point, toilet paper was called 'bum-fodder'. I really think we need to bring that back.
(If you seriously tell me that language is manipulative because of the passive voice, I will be unable to stop laughing for several days.)
Reminder: Orwell's 1984 is a spectacular book. His Politics and the English Language is a whiny pile of ill-informed, inconsistent bullshit.
I added let- and case-expressions as well as scoped non-randomness to Matzo last night. See 'Syntactic Sugar': gdritter.com/matzo/matzo-tu…
It also needs some more data structures. I've been using Church-encoded maps, which gets more tedious every day.
I'm getting to the point where my toy language seriously needs a module system, which I think makes it less of a toy.
@paul_pearce You mean like file(1)? (It can't distinguish base64, but that's probably a patch away.)
...I WAS happy, then I saw a promoted tweet about implemeting Git in pure JS and remembered, "Oh yeah, I hate everything and everyone."
Kashmiri chicken, rice pulao, potato paneer methi curry, &c &c, followed by a fire and s'mores with french cookies instead of graham cracker
I hadn't come across Pratt parsing before yesterday, but it's quite nice journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2011/03/19/pra… (Java-ey OO presentation aside)
I had a dream that you could hug people over Skype. We wondered if the NSA had our hugs on file and if they'd use 'em when they were lonely.
Finally, a single image that sums up the entirety of my deeply-held religious and philosophical beliefs: 27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luzkk5R…
Things I now possess: in-house washer/dryer, two dishwashers, Animal Crossing: New Leaf. That's it. I won life. GG
I'd pay smartphone amounts of money for a significantly small, bullshit-less dumbphone. Can we not make a pencil- or gumstick-sized phone?
(The programs supplied are mostly more interesting phonological systems for Forgotten Realms languages. I'm writing 7th Sea programs, too.)
I'm writing a weird scripting language for tabletop GMs gdritter.com/matzo/matzo.ht… Here's how to use it gdritter.com/matzo/matzo-tu…
I can safely say that this syntax is some of the worst syntax to ever grace the phosphorescent page. I'm keeping it, though.
I implemented a language this weekend that is technically Turing-complete, which is the best kind of Turing-complete.
I really just wish I could program in raw System F and pass a type to a function. This (undefined :: Foo) hack is horribly ugly.
import Control.Proxy; (\ that -> runProxy (put that >-> smoke))
Pokémon, Australian conduct: play exactly as normal, except give every caught Pokémon the nickname Bruce.
I was (deservedly) threatened with a beating today after referring to an adjacency list stored in JSON as an 'ad-JSON-cy list'.
@rhiannonstone I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of. Fedoras were but one. (Equally heinous were my porkpie hats and bowler hats.)
"Didn't you used to wear fedoras?" "Yes I did, but I am now collaborating with the fashion police for a lighter sentence."
It is probably ironic that I am currently incredibly mad at C for giving me too much syntactic sugar and too little low-level control.
Furniture all moved in. Need to start shopping for new pots and pans, because I apparently had very few magnetic ones.
I should write small a racing game that generates tracks from git branching diagrams, so you can race along your projects' git histories.
It's like the poker players always say: if you can't tell who the sucker at the table is, it's probably Steve. Ha ha ha! Screw you, Steve.
Last night I spent ~5 minutes at a table with three other people, all silently checking Instagram on their smartphones. Stupid modern world.
Last night was Danny Brown in Eugene. Tonight is Flying Lotus in Portland. Busy busy.
(To be fair, Aldous Huxley would probably have predicted that said listening devices would be game consoles.)
Orwell suggested that we might be given devices in our homes that watch and listen constantly. He didn't realize they'd be game consoles.
Some days, I just want to say, "Screw it, everything is polymorphic in everything." Which I think means I should just switch to Lisp.
I've got a good chunk of a Canvas-based Hare and Hounds, but I accidentally got the rules wrong. Oh, well. I can finish it tomorrow.
Rationale: I really want music for driving and working. I already use the internet at work, so the MP3 player would be mostly for driving.
After an adjustment period, I'm rethinking my decision to get a new MP3 player. I might just wire a hard drive + controller into my car.
I would try OkCupid again but I have this medical condition where seeing the words "...except rap and country" makes me have an aneurysm.
(Yes, I know, criticizing The Atlantic is like shooting dead fish strapped to the bottom of a drained barrel with a Howitzwer. Still.)
I sincerely hope car-buying stays down, but I'm afraid it might have an economic—not cultural—cause. Unfortunately. theatlantic.com/magazine/archi…
In fact, let's just phase out anyone who uses the phrase "the average user", which is inevitably used to mean "someone dumber than me."
LAWS WE NEED: large fines/capital punishment for any developer who derails privacy discussions with "But does THE AVERAGE USER really care?"
Somehow, a Major League Ultimate Frisbee game led me to a house party hosted by people who took the CS3L class I taught at Cal. ...what?
@rhiannonstone (It'll probably end up as yet another shitty Linux music player, but I can dream!)
@rhiannonstone I'm a big MPD fan, but a coworker and I are also working on a curses-based music player that can talk to streaming services.
Reasons I should be killed #740: I don't use streaming music services. I mount my music directory with sshfs and then run mpd locally.
(I do not believe this is a contentious sentiment, but I'm expressing it nonetheless.)
I have ethical reservations about donating to Kickstarters run by super-famous people, e.g. Penny Arcade, Zach Braff, Amanda Palmer.
GIMP, this is your chance to stop sucking and become a real Photoshop alternative. At least come as close as InkScape and MyPaint have.
Adobe has truly perfected the art of fucking everything up. In related news, Adobe Creative Suite is now a cloud-based subscription service.
I am unconventional in exactly one respect: my favorite Miyazaki movie is Porco Rosso.
"I do not believe that things will turn out well; but the idea that they might—that is of vital importance." —T. Adorno, on my love life
@rhiannonstone You might say Portlanders act weird, but Berkeleyans are weird?
@rhiannonstone Portland is more overtly weird in a fixed way. Berkeley's weirdness becomes more apparent/manifest the longer you observe.
@rhiannonstone I could be a really really elaborate flesh-and-blood bot. You may never know. ...in the Twilight Zone.
I'm not an alcoholic—I'm just a member of the alcohol fandom. Sometimes I ship rum with coke, but my OTP is gin and vermouth.
My fingers are still red from grating beets. (Dinner was parmesan tofu, beets with lime, broccoli in brown butter, bulgur with orange.)
I want a small box that plays music and stores upwards of 120GB. It does not need internet/touchscreen/color video/apps/&c. Is that so hard?
Current plan: see if Cowon plans to reintroduce 160GB X7 to US market. Backup plan: import one. Backup backup plan: iPod classic (sigh).
Is it ironic or appropriate that shuffle came up with C.R.E.A.M. as I was reading Marxist theory?
(To be clear: Drive is not dedicated to M. Night Shyamalan. Unless the REAL TWIST is that Shyamalan is Alejandro Jodorowsky in disguise.)
From last year: "I should see Drive. It's dedicated to one of my favorite directors." "You mean Shyamalan?" "Betcha didn't see that coming."
It is a horrible act of betrayal when you believe you're listening to the original song and suddenly two minutes in there's a fucking drop.
When I heard about the Montana lithium deposits, my first thought wasn't batteries but mood stabilizers. "Could satisfy entire U.S. demand!"
Nevermind: actually, everyone is misspelling a co-author's name. Everyone who has cited it. Forever. Apparently nobody's read the original.
(Either that or everyone is citing nonexistent papers, which is possible, but then I wonder where the consistent diagrams came from.)
Lesson: other academic fields are terrible at having papers online, or even having online records indicating that they might exist.
There is a special level of hell reserved for those people who use uncaught impure exceptions in libraries on Hackage.
I had one of those chocolates with cheesy quotes in the wrapper. Mine said 'love is delicious' but I misread it as 'devious'. Much better.
Nathaniel Drake should just carry a rope and a decoy priceless artifact. I guess then each game would be like ten minutes long.
"...[Bill Gates] looks like anyone else, but his devious smile points to an underlying evil that is beyond representation." —Žižek
@paul_pearce That's not a particularly high bar being set there—sort of like, "This restaurant was good! It didn't give me food poisoning!"
Can we please stop pretending the Boston PD did a good job here? Constitutional violations & shutting down a city are not good police work.
Mormon churches must have a lot of dyslexic hippies who mistakenly walk in.
Classical logic is really unintuitive.
@paul_pearce (This is C code generated by an automated tool that creates a gigantic web of void* pointers. It does some horrifying things.)
@paul_pearce But it's single-threaded. I think the problem is that I'm accidentally grabbing a pointer from up the stack and jumping to it.
I added a printf for quick and dirty debugging... and it starts segfaulting. Take it out, and it runs. WHAT
I am for some reason struck with a sudden overwhelming urge to rewatch Buckaroo Banzai.
I introduced the clerk at the comics shop to Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. It's entirely possible I am no longer welcome at said shop.
Facebook suggested I might like Family Guy, The Dark Knight, & Call of Duty. Apparently data mining has revealed that I'm a manchild-ey bro.
I was pretty surprised back when Rowling announced that Dumbledore was gay. I always thought he was a deus ex machina with a beard.
I had to scramble to find my W-2's yesterday, and it turned out they were underneath a comic book script I'm working on.
(Mostly because getting an iPod to talk to Linux—or worse, *BSD—is an exercise in terrible UIs and horrible frustration.)
My iPod is completely bricked for no apparent reason. Wondering if there are non-terrible non-iPod replacements for it.
Drove east, past The Dalles, to try to find a place in the desert with no clouds. Saw no auroras. Drove back. Not a bad Saturday night.
I hate the stuff you like.
My soon-to-be housemate has made it clear that I will be summarily ejected from said house if I become a Juggalo. I can't fault him there.
@rhiannonstone A Jamis Coda Sport. I still bike in plain clothes and not biking clothes, though, because I'm apparently not serious enough.
I know, I know, I have a beard, live in Portland, and make beer. In my defense, I don't have a tattoo, use Instagram, or wear skinny jeans.
Stout: check. Pale ale: check. Now I need to figure out what styles of beer to make next. Considering an amber and maybe something with rye?
Silicon Valley may be a roiling pool of toxic waste and industrial byproducts... but you can't spell SUPERFUND without SUPERFUN!
@rhiannonstone I've talked to lots of people—many of whom played Bioshock—who have "heard" that it is and then ask if I can explain why.
So, I played the first Bioshock and quite liked it for lots of reasons, but in what way was it a thoughtful deconstruction of Objectivism?
(I'm not saying video games are gonna be censored, but it's interesting to muse about. Would the CCA have survived if the internet existed?)
If we did get video game censors, would that mean more 'underground' games? Proliferation of different genres? Changes to the studio system?
Films gain popularity: 1910's; Hayes code: 1930. Comic books: 1930's; CCA: 1954. Video games: 1980's; is huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/04/dia… next?
I'm reading Žižek's "The Sublime Object of Ideology" on the bus. He keeps discussing 'traumatic kernels', which must be the unpopped ones.
Or, rather, past disdain for actively using dictionaries while reading. I loved dictionaries on their own, and would read them often.
My disdain for dictionaries as a child means that occasionally I discover I've had lifelong misconceptions about the meanings of rare words.
I just beat the Elite Four for the first time since elementary school. (Normally I just get bored around gym 8.)
I can barely articulate how much I appreciate this list: edrants.com/thirty-five-ar…
I can only assume that anti-gay-marriage protesters have already changed their profile pictures to ≠, and civil union supporters to ≈.
I'mma change my Facebook profile picture to an operator like ⩬ just so nobody knows what the hell I'm supporting.
I have eustachian tube dysfunction—which means things shift in my ears, then everyone near me wonders why I flip out for no apparent reason.
"It's a tale as old as time. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy finds lament configuration, boy loses skin..."
Spent an hour figuring out what was going wrong with my WAV decoder until I realized that the format specifies LITTLE-endian.
Between problems with my eustachian tubes and the tubes attached to my toilet/shower, I'm beginning to think tubes hate me.
(I am not saying that RSS can't be improved upon—it most certainly can be. I'm saying that the odds of that happening are negligibly small.)
Prediction: if RSS is indeed 'dead' as I have heard, then quite soon someone will reinvent it poorly after realizing that scraping sucks.
No, son, 'feels' are for perverts on buses. What the Doctor Who finale gave you are 'feelings'. In my day we'd get rid of them with whiskey.
Yesterday was bottling day for the stout, and the pale ale is getting dry-hopped. Two weeks-ish until drinking time.
Google gets rid of Reader, a useful information-gathering tool, and continues to work on Glass, a kitschy novelty for rich people.
Turns out, the bugs were in my tests, not the server I wrote. This is why I shouldn't write tests with bash and netcat.
Nothing like OkCupid to remind me of how much I despise people. Which works out pretty well, because people apparently don't like me either.
...this has been "Jokes only be comprehensible to those familiar with both internet fandom and startup douchery." Thank you for your time.
i read on hacker news that real hackers ship, so now i ship paul graham with genderbent sherlock as part of the lisp fandom
"It's not completely without hope. And I say that with a truly staggering amount of sarcasm and a radical lack of sincerity."
"Babe, did you fall from heaven? Because let me show you my posts on r/atheism where I explain how heaven is an antiscientific idea perpetua
"Babe, if I rearranged the Unicode, I'd put 'U+1F355 SLICE OF PIZZA' and 'I' together."
Before we teach coding in schools, let's tackle these: 1. Physical/sexual hygiene & health 2. Environmental responsibility 3. Basic finance
I strongly believe all people should have the OPPORTUNITY to learn to code. That does NOT mean I believe everyone should actually code.
TED is what you get when you mix evangelical sermons with marketing departments. Speaking in tongues is replaced by speaking in buzzwords.
Found books by R.A. Lafferty and Francois Schuiten on the same night! Assuming I have finite luck, nothing good will ever happen again.
The 'problem' Google Glass tries to fix that you sometimes stop looking at your phone. Funny; I always thought that was a feature.
Why is it the type of Hashtbl.find is table -> key -> value, but the type of Map.find is key -> map -> value? It enrages my OCD greatly!
It's both cute and hilarious that Google is so obviously and vainly trying to pass Glass off as cool.
"I've been wary of that ever since the metal sombrero incident."
I use elinks a lot, and am always pleasantly surprised and broadly thankful when a big, popular site still works & looks good under elinks.
I appreciate Hulu Plus having the Criterion Collection, but it's really awkward to watch dry, serious movies with random garish ads.
(To be fair, I thought she was going to send me the label from a bottle of Arrogant Bastard.)
My mother told me she got a beer with a picture of me on it, and sent me a photo of 25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m27kusc…
Let M be the set of all people. Define ×:M→M→M where a × b is the sexier of a or b. This forms a monoid with me as its identity element.
3D printers seem far less magical now that I walk by one every weekday on the way to get coffee. Espresso machines, on the other hand...
If you like magic realism and adventure games, you should definitely check out kentuckyroutezero.com because it's awesome.
I was trying to think of a healthy marriage depicted in television or film. The first one that came to mind was Gomez and Morticia Addams.
I am attempting to make a subtle, nuanced philosophical point and illustrating it with a Penny Arcade comic.
(Reminder: I'm sometimes mistaken for serious, so remember to take everything I say with all manner of grains of salt.)
(Last sentence from Marx' unfinished Grundrisse der Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie, while discussing Claude Frédéric Bastiat.)
Karl Marx quotes that describe my love life: "It is impossible to pursue this nonsense any further."
Groucho Marx quotes that describe my love life: "I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member."
I don't see what the deal is with Go. I don't dislike it. It's just that it's so emphatically nothing special, its popularity surprises me.
In the software world, 'reinventing' means 'recreating badly with extra bullshit.'
I think adults should do that thing kids do on the internet where they prefix every comment with their age. "I'm 34 and this is bullshit."
I haven't watched History Channel lately; what are they doing now that the Mayan apocalypse fizzled? Is there a new bullshit apocalypse?
@paul_pearce I was at the same table as R.D.M. in Mint Leaf once. (Not the same party as him; it was just a packed evening there.)
I mean, Abdul Alhazred and the Time Cube guy could pair-program and they would not come up with code as horrifying and nonsensical as this.
After reading significant chunks of widely-used source code, I often wonder how anything works at all.
Breaking in my new KitchenAid mixer with an orange rum cake with rum cream frosting.
This is going on the religious texts shelf, right between the Dao De Jing and Modernist Cuisine:
(I make a roux with bacon grease, which I use to make a Mornay sauce with smoked Gruyère, and then add the crumbled bacon and pasta.)
Macaroni & cheese with bacon and beer, accompanied by brussels sprouts and bourbon. Because I'm not just some fatass. I'm THE BEST fatass.
Is it heretical to make a series of Orthodox-style icons of my influences? Saint Lovecraft, Saint McLuhan, Saint Borges, Saint Jodorowsky?
@rhiannonstone fiveandspice.wordpress.com/2013/01/17/the… I ran out of maple syrup after the first and substituted honey; it was also good, but I like the maple.
Dinner was barley pilaf with chevre and asparagus, accompanied by a cocktail of rye whiskey and dry hard cider and maple syrup.
I'm trying to like L.A. Noire, I really am. But I like what it's trying to do a lot more than I like actually playing it.
I purchased my copy of the hardcover Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff book this morning. This is the best thing I could possibly have done ever.
"Recursive Make Considered The Reason For My Inevitable Fucking Aneurysm"
After a few conversations, I have established that the worst possible thing to say after sex is, "That'll do, pig."
I wrote this code while sick, which is why this function is called `bubble` instead of something useful.
ATTENTION PROGRAMMING BLOGGERS. Stop using screenshots of source code in blog posts. There are better ways to highlight code.
Alchemists tried to turn lead into gold and failed, whereas I tried to turn money into whiskey and succeeded. I WIN AGAIN, ALCHEMISTS
@paul_pearce Dude, you can't dereference the result of a comparison. That's UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR.
"Homoiconicity" is a word meaning, "I'm a Lisp programmer but can't explain why I prefer Lisp."
Working from home because I'm sick today. Made poor man's cream of chicken soup with dumplings. Turned out pretty good.
Finally finishing Season 5. By far my least favorite parts of Doctor Who are the finales, which are always seem to be dei ex machina.
I almost corrected someone's Latin on the internet, and then I realized that I had better things to do than give a shit.
I'm led to believe that some people play Red Dead Redemption without a glass of bourbon on hand. I can't explain it either.
Because I never honor New Year's resolutions, my new ones are: eat more, go to the gym less, spend more time on the internet, less writing.